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    posted a message on (Spoiler) Diablo III - Legendary Items
    tbh though they have too many lower level ones...most of the legendaries should have been level 60

    Looks like The Grandfather has the most affixes in the game (I think rares only go up to 6).

    I will be absolutely shocked if come Monday, we find out that most of the legendary items are sub level 60.

    Blizzard just wouldn't waste their time on the best art assets in the game for items that players won't be using for more lengthy periods of time.

    Many of the item categories in the bradygames guide have the EXACT same amount of legendary items if not just one more than as are currently on the Diablo 3 website.

    It looks like bradygames has a slightly more updated version of the item database than is shown on the diablo 3 website. I'm almost convinced now that this is in no way shape or form the final legendary/set list.

    ETA: I mean come on, only 7 legendary helms, with only one of them being level 60, and no harlequin crest which is an iconic Diablo item. No way this is final.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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