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    posted a message on DiabloFans Calculator Build Contest (ONE POST ONLY)
    Hi Diablofans!

    One thing is for sure my first char will be a Barbarian. I started off with a warrior in Diablo 1, followed by a Barbarian in Diablo 2. On all the games I played, from Baldur's Gate to Wow, I've always been the warrior guy. I just love it, and can't wait to play again the Barbarian in Diablo 3.

    I gave it a thought, and here is the build I propose.


    This would be a softcore build, heavily based on I'll-kill-many-before-I-die. I don't see this build being viable much further after Nightmare mode, but I hope it will help me go through the beginning quickly before I get to the real meat of the game.

    Here are some thoughts:
    Bloodthirst and Unforgiving as passive are the only skills which will ensure (at least I hope) almost infinite supply of life and rage until far into Nightmare.

    Then it is a rage fest, with no defensive skills, a good frenzy, which is apparently same as in D2, and whirlwind as a rage dump. When things go wrong I stun my foes with the Hammer or the Charge. Revenge is there to give me a boost from time to time. And the call of the ancients is really there because I love this spell. I just want to kill demons with my ancient fellows.
    Berserker rage might be replaced if I clearly see I can't maintian my rage level high.

    I expect to die with that build, and I want to, in order to prepare for my hardcore char. That's fine with me.

    Hope you liked it.

    Good luck everyone!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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