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    posted a message on DiabloFans Calculator Build Contest (ONE POST ONLY)

    So this is a PvP, Crowd-control Barbarian, that I see being useful in small team arranged fights (assuming something similar to WoW's Arena System is implemented). This build uses the recommended skill synergy, mainly because it's hard to criticize a system I haven't used yet.
    • Frenzy to increase his movement speed, making it easier to close the gaps.
    • Increased duration Rend to hinder any healing effects that a player may try to use after trying to create some distance
    • Ground Stomp to interrupt casts and provide a way to lock down a target and immediately slow it, very useful when used in addition to Leap Attack
    • Leap Attack with the 2 second stun provides a very nice gap closer which should create a small advantage to be exploited upon landing.
    • 30% chance to proc Revenge, grants a high damage reactive ability that costs no resource and that also provides a small heal.
    • Earthquakes with the cold aoe rune, grants a persistent high damage area that will force the enemy to retreat.
    For passives:
    • I grabbed relentless for the first passive, it may or may not be optimal in the end but having 50% damage reduction in addition to being able to keep Rend on the enemy at all times makes it nice, if only to provide a larger windows for Revenge to proc.
    • Ruthless is second for the increased Critical Hit Damage increase, unless it becomes a trivial stat towards the end of the game a 50% increase in critical damage would be very useful to a Frenzy barbarian.
    • Lastly, Juggernaut to decrease the chance that the enemy will be able to reset or turn the fight by a well timed CC and escape ability. Also, any time you find yourself CC'd you get a substantial heal.

    The idea for the build is more about shutting down someone in group PvP and sitting on them until you outlast them or your teammates can take care of them. All of this builds AoE stuns and slows combined with the increased movement speed should allow this barbarian to stick to a target until it dies.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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