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    posted a message on Grouping & Magic Find
    Quote from HeyseusKristos

    Here is my solution to the MF problem. If a player with high mf does more than his share of the damage on a given monster, he gets to keep his full MF on said monster. So if its a 4 person group, the player would need to do 26% of the damage on a monster to get his full mf on that monster. 3 person group that magical 34% of damage for full mf, 2 person group, 51% for the full mf. So if there is 7 monster mob and the player with the highest MF does more than 26% damage on 3 of them, he gets his MF on those 3 and the group mf on the other 4.

    As far as those that hate mf, I think they take for granted the dps gear and stat. This is not WoW. You can't expect to attack as soon as your cooldown is done. You will be clicking furiously to avoid damage as well. In WoW, once you engage an enemy, its about who has the higher dps and def and what order your attacks are in. DPS matters, but the clicks of the mouse will matter. We can do something in Diablo that allows us to avoid attacks. WoW is all about numbers and number crunching and min/maxing or you won't be effective. I still believe that MF will be the endgame build for inferno. If you don't like a game where DPS is not the most sought after stat, I then think Diablo won't be for you.

    To be perfectly honest, I expect there to be a certian DPS level you want to attain. After that, you will also want MF/GF and something that has not even been mentioned yet in these debates, faster run/walk. I can't tell you how much time is saved by a little increase in foot speed in D2.

    Last thing on MF while I am here. MF was big on set pieces in D2 as a set bonus. These bonuses won't even effect the normal inferno slots. I have been surprised that the set piece discussion has been completely left out.

    I like the idea of %damage done versus the applicable MF you get from that monster.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Grouping & Magic Find
    Quote from jaclashflash

    You are a leecher, you plan on joining games with very high MF and low DPS. That is the definition of a leecher in D3.


    Idk what is hard about that to understand..... You have to give something up to stack that stat. You are not better than other players because you have more Magic find then they do.

    ONE QUADRILLION MAGIC FIND is worthless if you can't kill shit!

    First of all, relax bro.

    Second of all I plan on getting balanced gears, not on stacking MF and doing nothing.

    And third of all, wake up this isn't Diablo 2. In case you didn't notice, even blue items now have a lot of attributes, so it is highly possible to get good DPS gear and as bonus on those gear, something called Magic Find.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Grouping & Magic Find
    Quote from jaclashflash

    No what is bad is your reasoning skills.

    Its like you want to be rewarded twice. You want the extra items, but you don't want any sort of penalty for your lack of dps at the same time.

    MF isn't free... All you leechers have this weird idea that you are like super pro and although your decked in MF and join this random group you will still do just as much dmg as everyone else.

    Well I hate to break this to ya, well not really, but you are not pro. And the faster you get over this delusion, the faster you can come join us in reality. Once there you will easily recognize this is by far the most fair system for everyone involved, and hopefully these terribad complaint threads can stop.

    So you decided I was a leecher? Anyway.. What I'm pointing is that obviously Blizzard want to make the game rewardable even for those who doesn't understand every systems (MF). But those who understand it will get penalized if they play with those who don't.

    So if Blizzard really want to make it so those with no MF has some gain, they should at least consider not penalizing the others too much.

    I'd prefer no sharing at all but if it is to be shared, at least don't share it at 100%.

    EDIT: The new system is great if you play in a planned group and if MF gear is always "a lot" worse than regular DPS oriented gear.

    But once you play with randoms you're f***ed.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Grouping & Magic Find

    They should think of another way to share it at least. For example you share/give 20% of your MF to others so you receive that same percentange.

    So it could go like that : 4 Members. A=100 MF B=200 MF C=0 MF D= 400MF

    A- will share 20 MF between the 3 others (6.6 so lets say 7 MF to each) and is now at 80 MF before he receive others MF

    B- will share 40 MF between the 3 others (13.33 lets say 13 MF to each) and is now at 160 MF before he receive others MF

    C- will share 0 MF

    D- will share 80 MF between the 3 others (26.6 lets say 27 MF ot each) and is now at 320 MF before he receive others MF


    A- is at 80 MF before he receive others MF (0 + 13 + 27) so he is now at 120 MF from is original 100 MF

    B- is at 160 MF before he receive others MF (7 + 0 + 27) so he is now at 194 MF from is original 200 MF

    C- is at 0 MF before he receive others MF (7 + 13 + 27) so he is now at 47 MF from is original 0 MF

    D- is at 320 before he receive others MF (7 + 0 + 13) so he is now at 340 MF from is original 400 MF


    A- gained 20 MF

    B- lost 6 MF

    C- gained 47 MF

    D- lost 60 MF


    Those with high MF did not lose too much and those with lower did some gain.

    With the old system every one would've got 175 total MF so those with high MF would've taken a great loss (D with 400 MF) and those with low MF would have gained a lot (C with 0 MF)

    I just thought about this system right before I wrote this, but at first it seems fair to me.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on I hope blizz put this UI :(
    Quote from GladHeHasBeta

    honestly people are getting worked up over a UI that isnt hard to get used to. after seriously a few hours of playing i completely forgot how bad the UI was and didnt care and just made my builds.

    sure it sucks but if blizzard doesnt change it (which is most likely they wont) will it just faceroll your experience? i dont believe so. someone with beta whos played more then 5 hours with the new system please tell me how its just completely ruining your gaming experience and ruins the game entirely. its just a minor inconvenience at most

    I think its more than just a minor inconvenience.

    In the Beta we have access to maybe 10-15% of all the skills (not to mention runes) and you don't really switch skills often (I don't because there isn't much choice to make once everything is unlocked), but imagine when you'll have unlocked every skills and every rune and you'll want to know "was this skill with that rune better than this one with this rune.. or.." ... this minor inconvenience will happen so often there is no way you'll get along with it easily and won't be wishing to have access to the old UI.

    That is my opinion but I guess a lot will feel this way if they don't change it for release.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on To all without beta
    Quote from pinycone

    Sides, release date announcement is coming soon, maybe next week


    EDIT: Just got beta, a victory for today!

    I'm also bidding on next week for the great announcement, and even more after this tweet.

    And for the Beta. Well I got my hands on it recently (thanks to Dfans contests) and I must say it's really fun even after I beat the Skeleton Kings 10 times so, I think it really depends on the person.

    But you're right about the fact that there is absolutely nothing else to see than what you saw on playthrough on youtube so..
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on I hope blizz put this UI :(
    That is one of the worst thing in Diablo 3 so far.
    I recently got my hand on the beta and hell this UI is sooo annoying..
    Its great though for casual gamers.

    The solution would be pretty simple.

    New UI by default for casuals, and "old" UI when elective mode is activated.
    The "old" UI is definitely perfect if compared to the new one.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Battle.net 2.0 a Downgrade and We accept this....
    I must agree, chatting was a great feature of Bnet 1.0 and worked pretty well.
    It was a great feeling to login and being able to discuss with thousands of people on the go and create group/games with them easily, all in the same interface.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Runes No Longer Items
    I think its a good thing.
    I'd rather have a lot more items in general than having to manage hundreds of runes in my inventory.
    And since there is 3 more equip slots in the game (compared to D2) its just normal that they went this direction.

    But its not perfect.
    In my opinion, the cooldown for being able to use a newly assigned skill/rune and the one for changing it again should be different.
    They could lower a bit the cooldown for using your skill and add a lot more time to the cooldown for changing it back.

    Why? Because if you know you'll be stuck with a skill for a while it'll encourage thinking about it twice before you make a choice and will make it so you're more likely to have a prefered build that you'll stay with instead of changing it every minutes. And this way it could ease "some" of the pain of the "no permanent choice ragers".
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Sound Cards
    The only use to a good sound card is if you have high-end PC speakers and are an audiophile, if not you won't really see the difference and will waste your money.
    Posted in: Technical Support
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    posted a message on Mouse input-lag while moving items
    EDIT: I asked this thread to be moved to tech support, sorry for this.


    I just wanted to know if this minor "issue" was caused by my "only reaching recommended specs PC".

    I didn't find anything on it yet thats why I ask here.

    The issue is very simple, its only that when I move an item my mouse is getting a bit of input lag, so its somewhat annoying at times to move items around.

    Sorry if this has been discussed already.
    Posted in: Technical Support
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    posted a message on Catering to the "new" player? Someone had to of understood old games from the start
    Quote from Uldyssian

    The game industry is, like any form of entertainment...

    "evolving" (I know nobody love that word..) and "adapting" (nobody likes that either) to its evergrowing crowd. And since the game will include a free trial those changes are definitely targeting to appeal to the masses. Game systems were not complex in D1 nor D2 for any non-casual gamers (but was for casual one indeed), but as a gaming company Blizzard is telling themself that simplifying systems is gonna make the game more profitable. And you bet it will.

    That said I still believe they are making a right balance of simplicity and complexity by giving us what I call an "Ultimate" mode. I'm sure that veryone complaining about simplified systems will stop being annoyed by that simplicity once they get to Inferno.

    Since I won't be playing 20 hours a week (I mean after a month or two..) I think I'll be fine with simplifications, but I must admit that they have gone to the limit of the acceptable. Anyway, like I said, let's wait to play Inferno and see how it plays, I still have confidence in Blizzard.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on No release date speculation
    I think there are still chances that they announce it before the end of the month. but at the worst by the end of March for sure.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Would you Buy Beta Access if Blizzard Sold it?
    It would be commercialy innacceptable for a gaming company to do such a thing.

    But I would easily put 10-20 bucks for it (at least to get it from the begining which means for a minimum of 4 months).

    I'm not rich but, I'm sure I'd put a lot of time on it so it would be worth my 10-20 bucks, more than a used game that has poor replayability and/or short campaign/story mode.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on D3 on Consoles?
    Quote from LinkX

    I hate these threads. People talk like the play station and the Xbox 360 are the only things that are available. The Wii's control scheme would be perfect for a game like Diablo 3.

    Also, why are we doing this thread -again-?

    I can already see myself shaking the nunchuck desperatly to cast my defensive spell to save my ass, and then throwing it against the wall because it just doesn't respond :P
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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