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    posted a message on Prove to me that your God exists.
    Please forgive my selfishness since I did not take the time to read more than a few posts (the thread is huuuge).

    Proving that God exists on a theoretical level always allows it to be disproved. What people fail to recognize is that both his existence and non-existence can be right at the same time. Allow me to explain.

    To argue for the existence of God first requires us to define him, which is not possible in my opinion (you can always get closer, kind of like an asymptote) but defining him mentally will always be an incomplete job. I like to see it like infinity.. how big is it?

    So any religious believer that claims to believe in God through logical argument is bound to be believing in his mental construct, an idea, a definition that is only his (a lot times not even). Forcing this idea onto others brought us the wars we have seen.

    The other side of the coin is not any better. Labeling yourself as an atheist is easy, when the job of disproving one of the millions of definitions of God that you've come to understand is easy.

    So my take on this is to drop it all and look around. The shapes, the colors, the complexity, the balance, the beauty, the feeling of it.. Do you realize that everything was built/or came from "nothing"(the size of space required to fulfill the conditions for the bigbang to occur IS close to nothing)? Do you know that most of what you are and most of everything you see/touch IS nothing? If you can lift your eyes off the screen and see what I mean then you're present in the moment. And if you can live most of your life being present, then you know that arguments rarely lead to more than arguments.

    I loled at the Odin post :)
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Unofficial Diablo III Armory
    I tried it and thought I'd give you a review. I think it looks pretty good overall. I couldn't get the news section to work(app crashes, even after I restarted phone) other than that, I don't know how demanding it is but I also think it would be a good idea to implement animations of the different skills+combinations. Anyways I think its neat :) keep the good work!
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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