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    posted a message on Best 3 character team?
    Barb + Monk + Wiz, could work well.

    Getting a less tanking class over classes with more agility (i.e. DH) helps to make the group staying together more often through the higher difficulties.

    Also, WD can potentially pull a lot more than the group can handle with the pets. As much as group control you can get from WD, it can also bring you chaos if not carefully played.

    On the 2nd thought, this could also brind heaps of challenges and probably more fun to group with.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Inferno Wizard "Death Traps" & Counters
    Thank you for your inputs.

    Cold Blood is bugged as many people suggested on the forums. AP management is a interesting topic, but it is not the purpose of this thread.

    I was trying to collecting idea from all possible deadly encounters for Wizzard. And from all these selecting the more / most useful skill(s) which handles the majority of these situations.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Simple question on difficulty
    Also it makes no sense if you have finished normal and find out that you can't play with your friend anymore with this character. Hence, they can't go into nightmare and you can't go back to normal.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Right move or wrong move? Closed Beta Sigil - "One of the Chosen"
    Quote from Nuvian

    I don't understand what the big deal is, so there is a sigil that shows who was in the beta and who wasn't, there are many more sigils out there for other accomplishments.

    I guess its bad timing for Blizzard to release this news before the game is out. Doing it after the actual game releases could be a better idea. Now people are unable to see / tell how much is coming and can't see the big picture of the game since it is not out. I'm sure by the same time next week, we'll be all crazy about going through the game, and rarely will people have time to disbute for matters like this. :)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Right move or wrong move? Closed Beta Sigil - "One of the Chosen"
    Quote from AlucardIX

    Both yes...what else will people find to cry about? omg

    You might not understand why people spending hard earned cash on digital properties in a game then. Why there is people buying special mounts / pets, why cash shops making profit enough to run games.

    As I mentioned in the post, the time has changed, and year 2012 is different than year 2002 in so many ways, and virtual property matters more than ever before. Don't forget lots of game now run with real cash, including this very game we are so interested in. :)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Closed Beta Players - "One of the Chosen" Feat of Strength
    Quote from rhorle

    Quote from Alexander.A

    4. Payers did get punished by this decision. I.e. the 5 x class sigils are no longer the same value to where they were 1 week ago. Do you agree that if you publishing 6 banners for collection and getting only 5 out of 6 is devaluating / depressing?

    The sigil's were always intended to have a period of time where you could gain all of them again. However no I don't think its punishing that I wouldn't have all Sigils. Because I didn't get all Sigils. I don't have any sense of entitlement to anything about the game just because I like the game and have been waiting to play it for years. It doesn't matter how things are distributed.

    It makes it all the better for when I do eventually get said rare sigil or another unique reward when its my turn to win. If everyone has it or should have it then what is the point of not making it a base sigil of the game?

    I understand what you saying and I am with you on this, no matter how many sigil I missed out, I still want to play and enjoy the game. The game will bring me more joy than doing many other things and that is what going to matter to me.

    I might didn't get exactly what group of people you and Molster's posts were referring to? Were the discussions aimed to ourselves or were they refering to the player base? I may not made myself clear on the matter, sorry for the confusion, where I was not refering to you nor me. Now think about it for other people, who do care about these sigils and do value them highly for whatever purpose that we do not understand. Some of Molster's points could make sense?
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Closed Beta Players - "One of the Chosen" Feat of Strength
    Interesting to read all these thoughts.

    To Molster:

    1. It's hard to make everyone understand what the idea is, even when you speak to them face to face with a cup of tea.
    2. People enjoy arguments, fighting for their ideas to be recognized. These make the forums fun to read and disscuss.

    To rhorle:

    1. Logic has been mentioned many times. I just begin to wonder, which logic do you mean? Logics in philosophy? Premises and conclusions? You know logic is a vague term.

    2. I do agree with you to certain extent. In terms of the players who didn't not get into the closed beta should try just settle down, since we can not do much to alter the situation.

    3. The decisions were not made by players as long as they love this game, they will have to follow Blizzard's call. Blizzard is the one who made these decisions. Now let's throw away the argument of how rightful or wrongful the decision was; did you mean the players have to take it? Now is it the same as people who bought the lottery? Is there right or wrong in lottery?

    4. Payers did get punished by this decision. I.e. the 5 x class sigils are no longer the same value to where they were 1 week ago. Do you agree that if you publishing 6 banners for collection and getting only 5 out of 6 is devaluating / depressing?

    Hope this gives some thoughts before we mindlessly throwing walls of text to each other. :)
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Right move or wrong move? Closed Beta Sigil - "One of the Chosen"
    Quote from Semizzle

    not really phased by it at all, won't impact the game whatsoever

    I was hoping they would released this news after the launch of the game rather than before 15 May 2012. Sure it will generate more hype to boost the game sales, but something else also come along.

    As for HeyseusKristos

    I agree, however due to the timing of the banner news, it causes too much attention than anything else going on. It is good to know that so many people will be playing Diablo 3 and we can finally have some fun next week!!!! :)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Right move or wrong move? Closed Beta Sigil - "One of the Chosen"
    Quote from bz0r

    lol this is so stupid.. its just a freaken graphic man. How about blizzard just released another one for every other player thats says "the one that wasnt chosen" ...

    Yep, agreed. Haven't thought about that, lol. "One of the forgotten" could work too.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Right move or wrong move? Closed Beta Sigil - "One of the Chosen"
    Quote from Kaoskadosk

    Quote from Fizzlepocket

    It's a graphic to people who dedicated time to helping Blizzard test their product. Big whoop. The world will keep turning.

    Agreed. This will be forgotten within a week.

    Agreed, the game will have my full attention next Tuesday.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Right move or wrong move? Closed Beta Sigil - "One of the Chosen"
    Many discussions are going with the latest news from Blizzard decision on closed Beta tester Sigil, I thought it would be interesting to see how many people are up or agains this idea.

    Financial - Timing

    Making more players to purchase the game is always a goal. We have to understand that Blizzard is a buisness. As much as how they want players to have better games and enjoy their work, they need money to cover the cost and continue the service and development and pay back for their investors.

    Taking the banner sigil for players who had the closed beta, will even if not slightly increase the sales from the closed beta testers. This could be one of the many reasons why they annouce this right before the game release, but not back when beta started last year where the beta testers may have already forgotten this perk. This is the reason why Blizzard had all people who has the closed beta key on their account rewarded, despite few may never logged and play the game, they encourage them to buy the game. The same mind set was there for the unique banner sigils for these reveal of all 5 classes before the release.

    Reward - Closed beta testers only?

    One argument is that while beta testers spent heaps of their time testing the game and reporting bugs, they are playing and enjoying the game in the meantime. Some of testers may test the game for the pure purpose of debugging and never find the game enjoyable, and giving these people who has no interest to the game a in game reward will not be such a reward. Where the rest of the beta testers who enjoy the game already had some sort of reward for playing the game and contributing to the development to the game compared to the rest of the player base who did not get a chance to participate. It rises more unfairness for those who were not lucky enough to be "one of the chosen".

    The other argument is closed beta testers spent countless hours finding bugs for the rest of the players to enjoy the game when the game releases. They save other people's time helping polishing the game and this deserves some sort of recognition. A in game sigil will provide this, a banner they can use as a reminder of their contribution.

    It is hard to pick my side when it comes with arguments like these and I can only agree to both. It has left Blizzard a hard choice, however adding the finicial reason, it comes to clear that they had made their decision.

    Perfectionism - Diablo is a game of item gathering

    Diablo 3 like Diablo 2 is a game where players spend countless hours to find the powerful, beatiful rare items. For the players seeking for collecting 100% of the in game items, this is a tough news to bare. Before the game going online, these people may have the slight feeling that they will never archive the perfection. Truth is they may never will anyways, but their mind set could had not been twisted. And they will have their dreams everyday playing the game and reaching their goal.

    Blizzard may have realised this, however considered, the missing sigil from the game is not too much of let down. I could only sympathise for the people who has the above mind set and highly recommend them to play the game and have some fun without being carrying the thought too much. It will be a great game and there will be heaps of more item to collect compared to Diablo 2.

    Tiny & Digital- Too small to matter

    When it comes to the question "how much the sigil and the feat of strength matter". A lot of comments come to mind: "It is only a tiny friction of the entire game experience", "sigil is a banner displayed in town near the way point". As well as these are true to some extent, however they are not perfect.

    One has to realese Diablo 3 is a digital game, all the rewards and fun you getting from it are presented in digital form. The "One of the Chosen" banner is among these, it is unrealistic to assume for people who did not get the sigil to share the same feelings as someone who did.

    It does matter for these people who are trapped to these ideas and can't get away from it. Virtual online properties and gaining so much attention these days than ever before. Can you imagine 10 years ago, there would be people spending thoundsands on internet games? The world is changing fast, and people need to understand that not everyone has the same mind set when it comes to online games. This is why there are so much hype about all the new games these days where they used to rarely draw attentions years back. Some people do care.

    Hype - You asked for it

    "The banner has been given. It's hype is now its own."

    Despite of all sorts of ideas and feelings coming about "One of the Chosen", Blizzard had stirred the waters. In this week, along the customized banners for 5 classes and the TV commercials and other countless effort, they had managed to bring more hype to the game with the installment of the beta sigil. I like the idea of this, I like hypes and more players playing Diablo 3, the better.

    We need a strong player base to find all those mysterious loots :) and build strong economy. All that been said, Diablo 3 is gonna be the best game for me this year and I am sure we are all excited!

    5+1 - Time spending vs value

    As the past weeks to present, Blizzard has teased us with the 5 x customized banners for all 5 classes. They had provided us with something we looking forward to play with after the game release and rewarding us to keep tracking up for the game. That is a generous move, beside all hypes it created.

    Some people may find it hard to understand that, why now same company Blizzard, making a similar move to offer the "additional reward" to their closed beta testers, caused so much disbute in the community. One may have not seen why there could be such a fuss about this, as Blizzard is trying to reward players with close idea to where they did for the 5 class sigils.

    As some of the people in this forums have pointed out: "players and funs do not deserve this treatment". The problem is not with the Blizzard rewarding the closed beta players, rather potentially leaving regrets to the majority of players who didn't even get a chance for the closed beta, not matter what they tried. Funs who loved the game and would make every effort, getting into beta key contests, checking all sorts of website for beta give aways, keep refreshing the page to check beta key on beta waves, trying to get the banner submitted with lags when they first come out... . These people could easily feel being left out and helpless once again.

    It might still be hard to understand why such a free give away from Blizzard causes even the slightiest let down. But imagine if you place yourself in the situation where you spent countless of hours searching forums, reading news, tracking development progresses, disscussing thoughts, only to know that you are being left out and you can do nothing about it. It may not be hard to understand why this somehow devalues the 5 unique class sigils and so goes with the excitement for getting them after the game comes out.

    As much as the disbute, people who got driven into these opposing conclusions by this decision, are the same group of people who love the game so much, looking forward to it, closely following the game developments and supporting it with every way. Surely people will be united once again and fighting against the hell Diablo has brought to us.

    See you guys around next Tuesday :)

    Thank you for reading, all comments welcome.

    Edit: added poll, options modified.
    Edit: subtitle changes, added Tiny & Digital section
    Edit: subtitle changes, added Hype section
    Edit: subtitle changes, added 5+1 section
    Edit: subtitle changes, modified 5+1 section title and some of its contents.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Inferno Wizard "Death Traps" & Counters
    After taking a look on the recent inferno video, I thought it might be good to list the most deadly situations where Wizard might be vulnerable against, and the possible solutions based on skills.

    Pure assumptions as I had not played inferno. Hope this will make people who are not very familar with casters as general or Diablo casters to gain some ideas on the possible death traps and prepare them.

    Some skills I reckon are essential to have in inferno. I will try not mention them repeatly in specific death encounter. They are worthy to have in almost every way.

    Very usual skills in almost every encounter:

    Teleport, Wormhole rune, Cooldown: 16 seconds. Teleport through the ether to the selected location up to 35 yards away, there is a 1 second delay before the cooldown begins, allowing you to Teleport again.

    Blur, Decreases melee damage taken by 20%.

    Illusionist, Whenever you suffer more than 15% of your Life in a single hit, the cooldowns on Mirror Image and Teleport are automatically reset.

    Familiar, Ancient Guardian rune, Summon a companion that will attack your targets for 20% weapon damage as Arcane. This companion cannot be targeted or damaged by enemies and lasts for 5 minutes. When you are below 35% Life the Familiar will fully absorb damage from 1 attack every 6 seconds.

    Evocation, Reduces all cooldowns by 15%.

    Energy Armor, Force Armor rune, Focus your energies, increasing your Armor by 65% but decreasing your maximum Arcane Power by 20, incoming attacks that would deal more than 35% of your maximum Life are reduced to deal 35% of your maximum Life instead. Lasts 120 seconds. (Many thanks, djxput)

    High DPS Melee + Crowd Control - Fear / Hex

    Lost control completely, I guess I'll have to bet on luck and armor to get through this while keep smashing on the healing pot...

    Ice Armor, Crystallized rune, Surround yourself in a barrier of ice. Melee attackers are either Chilled or Frozen for 2 seconds. Lasts 120 seconds. Whenever you are struck by a melee attack, your Armor is increased by 15% for 30 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times.

    Unstable Anomaly, When reduced below 20% Life, release a shockwave that knocks all enemies back. This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 seconds.

    Diamond Skin, Enduring Skin rune, Cooldown: 15 seconds. Transform your skin to diamond for 8 seconds, absorbing up to 10853 damage from incoming attacks.

    High DPS Range + Slow

    This will be painful when my slow time / teleport / diamond is on CD, I would probably never make it if these missles are tough to dodge and heavy on hit.

    Slow Time, Perpetuity rune, Cooldown: 16 seconds, Invoke a bubble of warped time and space for 8 seconds, reducing enemy attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 30%. This bubble also slows the movement of enemy projectiles by 90%.

    Ultra Fast Melee "Follower"

    Always the most typical encounters in Diablo 2 in Act 3 / 4, I bet the legacy "lag" will carry.....

    Frost Nova, Cold Snap rune, Cooldown: 9 seconds, Blast nearby enemies with an explosion of ice and freeze them for 3 seconds.
    Slow Time, Miasma rune, Slow Time effects cling to enemies for 3 seconds after they have left the bubble.
    Ice Armor, Crystallized rune
    Unstable Anomaly

    Ultra Fast Range "Follower"

    Should be fairly easy to get these off hook, as long as we have teleport without not lag.

    Slow Time, Perpetuity rune

    Explosions after killing blow

    I hope "21707" is a safe number, delivering the final blow.

    Diamond Skin, Crystal Shell rune, Increases the maximum amount of damage absorbed to 21707 damage.
    Frost Nova, Cold Snap rune
    Ice Armor, Crystallized rune
    Slow Time, Miasma rune

    "Roomate's" Meteor strike

    The key would be getting out of the room before Meteors land. If I ever have the courage to tank these however, I guess I would find the following useful beside Familiar, Ancient Guardian rune or slow time.

    Energy Armor, Prismatic Armorrune, Focus your energies, increasing your Armor by 65% and all of your resistances by 40%, but decreasing your maximum Arcane Power by 20. Lasts 120 seconds.

    Wall prison + High Melee DPS

    If I can't teleport, I'll just wait for the wall to wear off with nova / diamond skin to help.

    Frost Nova, Cold Snap rune
    Diamond Skin, Crystal Shell rune

    Any ideas welcome.

    Can't wait to get the game and die trying inferno :D
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Open Beta Weekend!
    Quote from Wabufet

    Quote from Eggtchup

    I now feel disappointed at Blizzard.
    And im disappointed to myself, to think people would understand that THIS KIND OF CR@P were expected...its not just a "hey everyone come try the game", but more of a 'come HELP us TEST the servers so we can be SURE it wont happen on launch day'...
    Im thankful these bugs/errors/problems in general are happening NOW and not in may 15.
    Disappointed to Blizzard ? no, im pleased they are testing before.

    Things will go unexpected most of time, even with companies like NASA and Intel backing you up. I am guessing Blizzard making head counts and setting up the bar for queues on launch day. So that people can be put into queues rather than keep getting errors. The other aspect is the login server which usually handles more critical data than game server on launch day is gonna be bunked up with more hardware. Blizzard could be trying to estimate the cost of these hardwares right now, which could be part of the goal of this beta from the financial view.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on DiabloFans Calculator Build Contest (ONE POST ONLY)
    Sorc Kite + AOE build


    Kite + AOE + Reasonable Escort
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Great PR Debate
    Agree on some points above.

    Another way to look at this is, say Blizz and their customers are playing a chess game. Now, in a chess game, the best defense position is the opening position, where all the pieces are standing at their initial positions.

    Here comes the questions for Blizz:

    Can you win a chess game without a move?

    Very unlikely.

    Will a player win every game?

    Most unlikely.

    I would rather had Blizz put a NDA on the F & F, and closed beta. And draw all attentions when they are about or not far from releasing the game.

    Well that being said, it is up for Blizz to decide their strategy, since they play the first move.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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