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    posted a message on Guild Medieval Recruitment Thread
    Q&A Section

    Q: Season or Non Season? HC or SC?
    A: Most of our members play season, although a small number plays non-seasonal characters. Our members spread among HC and SC.

    Q: Are there playtime requirements?
    A: None at all. Play as much as you like. However, when you join us as a Squire (trial membership), you are encouraged to group up and meet with other members in game, but ultimately our guild’s heart is in our forums.

    Q: Forum? What does Guild Medieval Forum have to do with D3?
    A: Guild Medieval is a guild of many games. Forum is where you get to know our GM family. Forum use is required during your trial membership and even if you quit D3, our forums are open to you, given you've achieved Knight status (full membership).

    Q: Is voice chat required?
    A: Nope. Some members have hearing difficulties or just don't like using it. Some have to have it off for household considerations. You will need to communicate by text chat though. Currently, we use Discord and GameVox, D3 US members primarily use Discord for voice app.

    Q: It's okay to swear, talk about doing drugs, sex, and other "adult" topics, right?
    A: Incorrect. When we say "mature" we also mean having the ability to keep polite, civilized company. We are family-friendly, meaning we keep things we don't want our children hearing out of our guild gaming. You can swear to your heart's content with your mic off, but we keep our forums and chat clean.

    Q: What are your age requirements?
    A: Under 16 we take some consideration. Otherwise age is not a factor. As long as you are mature in thought and action, that's enough. We also have a special "Page" rank for younger children of members.

    Q: What does your clan/guild provide to its members?
    A: A safe and friendly gaming environment. That's all. We get you away from griefers, cheaters, the dishonest, and the people you just don't want to be around. We have lots of nice members who gladly share loot and will help you beat bosses, but none of that is guaranteed. A lot of what you get out is what you put in. Share and be helpful, and you'll see it come right back to you.

    Q: How skilled/experienced do I have to be to join?
    A: Skill and experience are not factors in joining or becoming full members of Guild Medieval. We have very skilled players and we have players that are still learning the game. We are only concerned about the person in front of the screen. If you have the qualities we share that make you a good person, and not necessarily a good player, we will be happy to have you.

    Q: I put in an application but didn't hear back. Was I not accepted?
    A: Two possibilities. #1, your application did not mesh with our guild values (see above and our homepage), application showed a lack of overall maturity, or you told us nothing about yourself for us to make a judgment call as to whether you'd make a good fit for our guild. -OR- #2, the response just got lost. Check your spam folder, or contact us by replying here. If all else fails, put in a new application explaining that you didn't hear back and that you'd still like to join.

    If you were interested in our old recruitment post with members testimony, it can be found here:
    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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    posted a message on Guild Medieval Recruitment Thread


    Founded in 2001, Guild Medieval is well known as a haven, or sanctuary if you will, for mature gamers. We are family-friendly, helpful, and courteous. Many of our members form friendships that last beyond the games we play, some have even gotten married!

    To save you some time reading, we do not allow swearing or off-color language/jokes. We all practice courtesy and the no naughty language rule is consistently and swiftly enforced.

    Click "Sign Me Up" on our homepage, read our Rules and Policies, and fill out the application. The rules and policies agreement is long and stringent. We find that making everything we expect from members clear and upfront prevents a lot of misunderstanding and drama down the road. If that makes you unsure about joining, we understand. There are other clans/guilds out there that would be a better match for you. If you understand and appreciate what we're all about, by all means, come on in.

    All serious applications are considered and replied to--this means filling out the reason for joining with more than just a couple sentences. Your comments will be on public display to our full members. This will be your first impression to the guild, so make it a good one. Responses are usually within 48 hours (could be longer over weekends). Reply here if you expected a reply and never got one (and check your junk mail folder in case).

    If you are like minded and looking for a virtual home, we'd love to hear from you!

    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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    posted a message on Guild Medieval--Mature Gamers Inquire Within

    Season 7 is getting ready to start!

    We are currently looking to expand our roster some more, if you are looking for a Family Friendly guild that is Casual but with the Hard-Core players to push the end game, check us out.

    We also have groups constantly helping people grind the requirements for the stash tab if that is what you need ;)

    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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    posted a message on Guild Medieval--Mature Gamers Inquire Within

    Guild Medieval Website

    Our Guild Video

    Founded in 2001, Guild Medieval is well known as a haven, or sanctuary if you will, for mature gamers. We are family-friendly, helpful, and courteous. Many of our members form friendships that last beyond the games we play. Some have even gotten married!

    To save you some time reading, we do not allow swearing or off-color language/jokes. Or temper tantrums when someone dies or causes a wipe for that matter. Not that our members are all saints, but this isn't the venue for that. We all practice courtesy and the no naughty language rule is consistently and swiftly enforced.

    Click "JOIN" on our homepage and fill out the application. All serious applications are considered and replied to--this means filling out the reason for joining with more than just a couple sentences. Your comments will be on public display to our full members. This will be your first impression to the guild, so make it a good one. You'll also be asked to write an introduction thread once you join where you can provide more information about your hobbies, gaming history, etc. Responses are usually within 48 hours (could be longer over weekends). Reply here if you expected a reply and never got one (and check your junk mail folder in case).

    Once your application is approved, you will be sent a code of conduct/rules agreement to reply to, and then we will give you access to our forums and friends list. The rules and policies agreement is long and stringent. We find that making everything we expect from members clear and upfront prevents a lot of misunderstanding and drama down the road. You'll find we're quite different even from most guilds that brand themselves "mature" and "drama-free". If that makes you unsure about joining, we understand. There are other clans/guilds out there that would be a better match for you, and that's better for everyone involved. If though you understand and appreciate what we're all about, by all means, come on in.

    We have very strong SC and HC groups and run both Seasons and Non Seasons for both.

    Please use this thread for any questions you may have or contact me through PM or in-game.

    If you want to run with some of us before filling out an application to just meet some people and talk with them let me know and we will be happy to set up an game.

    Q&A Section (carried over from older threads, updated as I get them)

    Q: Are there playtime requirements?

    A: None at all. Play as much as you like. Even if you quit D3, our forums are open to you, given you've achieved Knight status, i.e. full membership. Squires (trial members) have 90 days to show they are worthy of full membership.

    Q: Is Vent/Mumble required?

    A: Nope. Some members have hearing difficulties or just don't like using it. Some have to have it off for household considerations. You will need to communicate by text chat though.

    Q: It's okay to swear, talk about doing drugs, sex, and other "adult" topics, right?

    A: Incorrect. When we say "mature" we also mean having the ability to keep polite, civilized company. We are family-friendly, meaning we keep things we don't want our children hearing out of our guild gaming. You can swear to your heart's content with your mic off, but we keep our forums and chat clean.

    Q: What are your age requirements?

    A: Under 16 we take some consideration. Otherwise age is not a factor. As long as you are mature in thought and action, that's enough. We also have a special "Page" rank for younger children of members.

    Q: What does your clan/guild provide to its members?

    A: A safe and friendly gaming environment. That's all. We get you away from griefers, cheaters, the dishonest, and the people you just don't want to be around. We have lots of nice members who gladly share loot and will help you beat bosses, but none of that is guaranteed. A lot of what you get out is what you put in. Share and be helpful, and you'll see it come right back to you.

    Q: How skilled/experienced do I have to be to join?

    A: Skill and experience are not factors in joining or becoming full members of Guild Medieval. We have very skilled players and players that are still learning the game. We are only concerned about the person in front of the screen. If you have the qualities we share that make you a good person, and not necessarily a good player, we will be happy to have you.

    Q: I put in an application but didn't hear back. Was I not accepted? -OR- I replied agreeing to the rules and policies in order to get my site invite but didn't hear back. What should I do?

    A: Two possibilities. #1, your application did not mesh with our guild values (see above and our homepage), application showed a lack of overall maturity, or you told us nothing about yourself for us to make a judgment call as to whether you'd make a good fit for our guild. -OR- #2, the response just got lost. Check your spam folder, or contact us again by replying, or add me in-game and ask. If all else fails, put in a new application explaining that you didn't hear back and that you'd still like to join.


    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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