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    posted a message on Beta Profile Update Thread
    Quote from dudas_91

    I have two computers that I use on a regular basis. I have my old gaming desktop which will be used to run Diablo. I also have my brand new laptop which will not be used for gaming. Which of these do you think will give me a better chance of getting the beta test?

    My slightly old, yet still powerful desktop which will be running Diablo:
    Operating System:
    Windows (Service Pack 1)
    CPU Type:
    Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz
    CPU Speed:
    2.85 GHz
    System Memory:
    4 GB
    Video Card Model:
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295
    Video Card Memory:
    2.69 GB
    Video Card Driver:
    Desktop Resolution:
    Hard Disk Size:
    149.05 GB
    Hard Disk Free Space:
    148.96 GB (100%)
    Internet Connection Speed:
    1.27 MB/s

    Holy crap, you have a 500W HEATER in your computer... but since that computer is most likely self built I assume you know that already. Anyways, I would put the laptop in.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on There's no use crying over spilt milk.
    Quote from Siaynoq

    I love milk. And half & half.

    But yeah I was under the impression even the local dairy pasteurized milk.

    Camel Milk, Goat Milk/Chease, Alpaca milk/cheese is often unpasteurized, they never do anything to those people.

    I think the company was mislabeling or doing something else wrong, as I doubt they would have did this rade unless they had some significant reason or violations.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 release date almost gaurenteed at Blizzcon
    Quote from LZsteelers

    So assuming the beta comes out in Q3 then hopefully the beta will come out by at least mid September (hopefully earlier) which means that the game will most likely be released in 2011. If the beta does come out in Q3 then what better time to announce the release date then at Blizzcon??

    I dont know about you guys but if we have nothing else to look forward to at the moment at least there's blizzcon in <2months!

    Just like we were guaranteed to get a beta release on the press event or conference call.

    I have to say: don't expect a real release this year.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Jay Wilson - E-Sports and PvP
    Quote from Leeodin

    Quote from Destructodave82

    Quote from Leeodin

    Quote from Destructodave82

    Just stop bsing us that you dont want it to be super competitive or "esport" as alot calls it. Your trying to pee down our backs and tell us its raining, and I dont buy it.

    Most of your post made sense EXCEPT this end part. I personally, genuinely, 110% do not give two-hoots about PvP. I never pvped in D2 and I rarely PvPed in WoW. I am a PvE / PvM player in MMOs / Arpgs. So there are some of us (probably a lot of us; but I am speaking only for me here) who genuinely wouldn't care if Blizz said PvP is out fully.

    As for the rest of your post; yes those that want it will find a way to make it work and good on them! And yes; people will cry 2 weeks in if it is supported but not balanced; but it will probably be more balanced much later in D3's life cycle so all is not lost for those that do want PvP.

    See, personally I only care about pvp. I know it may not sound like it in my post, but its what my endgame is gonna consist of, besides making a few extra bucks. My post wasnt directed at you guys who DONT pvp, it was directed at people like diisfunk who mentioned having a Diablo game pvp where items didnt scale with the spells as much, which well, isnt diablo is it?

    Diablo pvp is gonna be item based, unfair, and unbalanced. Its gonna be unbalanced for probably even longer stretches than wow pvp. And similar to a woman, once you start being romantic and buying her flowers and stuff, you can never go back.

    Once you start catering to the pvp guys, you can never go back. So I guess they decided not to do it yet.

    Personally I hope, that at some point they put all that stuff in for us. But I also realize its really not even gonna be that big a deal for a good while. You need gear, and lots of it to be good at pvp. You probably need some sort of pvp balance patch at some point because someone is gonna be horrendously overpowered. They always are.

    And until we see how the matchmaking service works out, Heck it may be awesome and i face the same 10 teams everyday.

    Oh okay, your post seemed to claim that everyone had interest in PvP, which isn't the case of course.

    Yes I am not directly against PvP. I just personally have no interest in it. Provided the PvE / PvM game remains a focus (note I said a focus, not the only focus) then if blizzard decides to throw you guys a few bones and PvP upgrades etc then I am genuinely happy for you.
    I will however be irritated, if it feels like it comes at the cost of the main experience I am interested in aka PvE.

    How does any of this:
    Okay, there are changes that they can do with out turning it into an E-Sport.
    - Adding last man standing back to the game (Why can't we have both?)
    - Custom matchmaking (being able to duel specific players or parties)
    - Having at least one viable build per class

    Affect you at all? It doesn't, it doesn't take away from the PvE part of the game at all.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Jay Wilson - E-Sports and PvP
    I give up arguing to you ignorant fools, stop trying to make the game worse.

    Okay, there are changes that they can do with out turning it into an E-Sport.
    - Adding last man standing back to the game (Why can't we have both?)
    - Custom matchmaking (being able to duel specific players or parties)
    - Having at least one viable build per class

    Some things that are a little more hard core, but still could be implemented.
    - Private duel statistics (only the player can see)
    - Wagering (wagering gold on private matchs)
    - Ladders/Ratings specific to characters
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Diablo 3 PvP Discussion
    My pro pvp arguments, getting tired of typing them, but hopefully they will be worth it.

    D3 PvP, what I like? I like the new arena system, because it takes some of the difficulty out of organizing GM (Good mannered) PvP. In D2 most players just joined random dueling games and had fun, and then players starting taking PvP more seriously, and it eventually turned into essential an e-sport, a set of rules that were put in place for balance, and an entire communities who would have Team Duels every night in a respectable, fun, and enjoyable manor. I think the arena system allows more people to enjoy this experience.

    I am very concerned about the PvP aspect of D3. Now I realize that D3 is focused on PvE, but I don't think you should eliminate the PvP aspect of D3. I think neglecting PvP has a crippling effect on it (I am not talking about world pk). I am talking about Jay Wilsons naive ignorance towards PvP and the reveal of the new Team Deathmatch mechanic.

    Improving PvP caters to a much wider audience, and provides an endless amount of end game content. When I think of the audience for D3, I am thinking about WoW, FPS, SC2, and pretty much any MMO or Online RPG game that is successful has solid competitive game play, and will EXPECT that from D3.

    Now I am not saying that they should spend all their time balancing PvP for D3, I am saying that Blizzard should support it to were it can be enjoyable, instead of crippling it with the excuse that D3 is for PvE. I know D3 isn't an E-sport, but don't prohibit those who turn it into one.

    This may be ignored or flamed for now, but I think the mood will change a few months after launch when more people shift towards PvP and will want more out of the game, but I wish it wouldn't have to wait until then.

    /edit Forgive me for the bad structure and grammatical errors, (12:21 AM) and a little side tracked.

    I am not talking about Balance, I am not talking about the uniqueness of builds, I am talking about simpler things, the fundamentals. With the current D3 plan PvPers are limited to arenas (okay fine, this is understandable). Then turning "tradition last man standing" PvP into some type of team deathmatch idea instead of letting the players openly decide on how they want to PvP in arenas.
    PvP is not some thing that you can't half a$$ and say "well, they want pvp they can team death match in arena", you can't take control of it and then not do anything, either leave it in the hands of us, or do it right.

    Before somebody comes in and says this isn't an esport, we don't expect them to turn it into one, but we want to be able to turn it into one OURSELVES.
    In D2 we had world PvP, so we could do anything we wanted, including 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, FFA, 2v8. We could organize Good manered (Traditional last mand standing games), but there was also random duel games.

    We could structure say SvS, TvT, BvB ect tournaments, competitions.

    With this new system they limit us to 1v1-3v3 and the only game type is Team deathmatch.

    What we want: more options,
    - both last mand standing and team deathmatch.
    - the ability to have some basic PvP tracking statistics (wether private or public)
    - CUSTOM PvP LOBBIES/Matchmaking (EI the ability to directly duel a certain person or a certain party)
    - and finally some basic balance within the game, we aren't asking for perfection.

    And last point: D3 PvP DOES NOT TAKE AWAY FROM THE GAME, AT IT IS 100% optional just like the real money auction house.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How do you feel about respawning inside pvp games..
    Quote from Diisfunk

    Quote from Uldyssian

    It's how TDM works. You have a set time in which to fight the other team and get as many kills as possible. It is much more of a Diablo/fast paced system than the previous set up they had presented.

    That is based on the public bad mannered duel game. Many pvpers did GOOD MANNERED team duels (4v4) which was last man standing. We want options, if the kiddies want to play TDM let them, when the men want to play LMS let them.

    Quote from Ophion

    Atm they are only considering one game mode for launch as far as I know (TDM). Blizzard is not the kind of company who would just go "Hey, they want X mode, let's just throw it in there". No, they would make sure that it is properly done. I mean what is the point of CtF if it turns out that the only viable class is the Demon Hunter? They have to solve such issues without creating separate solutions for each mode since that is way too confusing.

    But Jay said that pvp will be terribly unbalanced, so, who cares about the CD in different game modes anyway?

    It will be terribly unbalanced, but they wouldn't even create a PvP mode in the first place if they didn't intend to make it playable. Balance issues is not normally a problem since the matchmaking system will find fair fights anyway, and that is why they have made it very clear that it won't be an eSport. In an eSport there are tournaments and rankings, and obviously the best builds that would be considered extremely OP would dominate. So when they say that it will be unbalanced they are not saying that it will be unplayable, and the will do their best to make sure that it is enjoyable as a casual game mode. Adjusting cooldowns and crowd control durations is a part of that.

    Again. Diablo 3 is a casual game not a competitive game. Every choice Blizzard makes will be in favor of casual gameplay. If you want competitive gameplay you are looking at the wrong title, and arguing that Blizzard is making a mistake by not making it competitive is like arguing that IceFrog made a mistake by not making DotA casual.

    LMS is something that was already in the game, I agree getting into objective based game types would get messy.
    Diablo 2 was a casual game, but we were not restricted if we wanted to play competitively. D3 is restricting us.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Cmon Kiddos
    Quote from Umpa

    D2 was not pvp oriented. People simply had the ability to fight each other. How is that pvp oriented? D2 pvp sucked. It sucked really bad.

    How so? Maybe just because you weren't into the PvP scene doesn't mean it sucked.
    BTW, joining bad mannered public games does not count, so if you are basing your opinion off of that, your opinion is a very poor/biased one when it comes to PvP.

    And the great thing about all of this, just like the real world auction house, PvP IS OPTIONAL, so there is no need to hate, criticize, and down play PvP for the rest of us.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Cmon Kiddos
    Quote from Diisfunk

    Quote from Omega329

    Quote from Diisfunk

    I lost my 3 D2/LoD keys so I can't post on D3 Official forums. People stop posting RMAH and post PvP threads it's a big concern. (You can go ahead and copy my long post if you want and edit it out a bit for grammar and shit)

    Pmed with a key, we need more voices in the battle.
    Thank you so much

    Quote from apples

    whats not to like about pvp so far? sorry guys i dont really keep track of d3 pvp so someone wanna explain pros/cons real fast for me?

    -No Ranking

    -No balance at all for PvP

    -TDM mode (you get killed and revive in a short time - sort of like COD / Halo TDM

    -No win/loss because people don't like losses (BIG LOL)

    -he said he wants PvP to be VERY casual and that he has no intend in working a lot on PvP

    Before somebody comes in and says this isn't an esport, we don't expect them to turn it into one, but we want to be able to turn it into one OURSELVES.
    In D2 we had world PvP, so we could do anything we wanted, including 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, FFA, 2v8. We could organize Good manered (Traditional last mand standing games), but there was also random duel games.

    We could structure say SvS, TvT, BvB ect tournaments, competitions.

    With this new system they limit us to 1v1-3v3 and the only game type is Team deathmatch.

    What we want: more options,
    - both last mand standing and team deathmatch.
    - the ability to have some basic PvP tracking statistics (wether private or public)
    - CUSTOM PvP LOBBIES/Matchmaking (EI the ability to directly duel a certain person or a certain party)
    - and finally some basic balance within the game, we aren't asking for perfection.

    Quote from Apoc

    Quote from Diisfunk

    -No Ranking
    -No balance at all for PvP
    -TDM mode (you get killed and revive in a short time - sort of like COD / Halo TDM
    -No win/loss because people don't like losses (BIG LOL)

    Sounds oddly similar to how things were in Diablo II, yet people still PvP'd a lot. The biggest difference is that you can't grief people anymore. Are you sure that's really not what you're upset about?

    Yes, you are correct, D2 didn't come with any of those, but as a community and as players we had the option to play certain ways and do ALL of that stuff.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Cmon Kiddos
    Quote from Diisfunk

    I lost my 3 D2/LoD keys so I can't post on D3 Official forums. People stop posting RMAH and post PvP threads it's a big concern. (You can go ahead and copy my long post if you want and edit it out a bit for grammar and shit)

    Pmed with a key, we need more voices in the battle.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How do you feel about respawning inside pvp games..
    Quote from dnygren09

    Quote from spaceninja123

    Quote from ScyberDragon

    You were always fighting the same person multiple times. In the old arena, you just did it in multiple rounds.

    I am happy with this change. I would hate to die right off the bat and have to sit there and wait for up to 3 mins while the rest dueled it out. Either way, we are fighting the same team for the same duration. They just got rid of people having to wait to fight again. Looking at the old videos, it seems that the rounds ended too quickly anyway. Why wait for a whole fresh reset when you can just keep the action going in the same round.

    You dont understand pvp at all. Its all about comepletly pwning your opponents and puting them to the ground. If they come back in like 5 sec you havent done very much and they dont feel pwned. If they release this game with a system like that its never gonna be an esport. Its like counter strike vs call of duty. And we all know how boring black ops is.

    It's not supposed to be an esport and Blizzard has stated that they will not support any content or functionality that tries to turn it into an esport. pvp is sposed to just be for casually trying out your builds on other players.

    Don't get me wrong, I love no respawn pvp modes but i also understand where blizz is coming from on this. It would be nice if they could implement both but I am not an expert on what sort of support and work doing that would require and I trust that Blizzard has thought this through and is making the right choices.

    That is the thing, we are not asking for a full fledged esport with ladders and rankings and tournaments. We are just asking for OPTIONS that we had in Diablo 2. In D3 they took control of it but then half assed it.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How do you feel about respawning inside pvp games..
    Well, I doubt Blizzard reads these forums, so help us fix the problem by posting on blizzard forums
    because currently the only issues over there are offline play and the RMAH
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on How do you feel about respawning inside pvp games..
    Quote from SFJake

    The problem is they don't support more options. I frankly don't give a shit that you dislike or like this style. The only problem is if its the only option. This is 2011 for god's sakes, they could please a lot of people by just adding some more options.

    AMEN, I made a post about this last night, feel free to chime in your opinions.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Did You Notice...
    These are my assumptions:
    Life steal by % (% Life leach)
    Life on hit for X (X life gained on hit)
    Unique item: Notice the name box to the right of it. It searches for a specific name, wiether that is a legendary, rare, or common item. SO, Unique in this context is more like Specific.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on PVP change from Last Man Standing to Team Deathmatch
    Quote from parliment

    Q: Did the attitude kind of change then since Blizzcon? Because when I played at Blizzcon, it seemed like it was definitely some PvP arena-style focus…

    A: Well, we definitely want a PvP mode, we want people to be able to play against and kill one another and that’s a big part of the game, it’s just how e-sport-oriented we want it to be. When people ask me “how balanced is this going to be? Is it going to be balanced for…is it going to be SC-level balanced and perfect?” No, it’s going to be horrifically imbalanced, and that’s part of the fun, to find crazy builds that are all over the place. So we have changed the arena mode a bit to feel more casual than the mode that was at Blizzcon, which was very last man standing, high-pressure, because if you died, you were done for that round. Now, granted, the rounds were fast, but still…we’ve actually switched to more of a team deathmatch. Still same arena environment, still kind of feels the same, but when you die, you stay out for a few seconds and then you come back. It bases more on time limit and kill count, which we actually found was a lot more approachable and a lot more fun.

    I understand that Blizzard does not intend this game to be an e-sport and that the balancing of the game is focused around PVE, but seriously who thinks that going from an arena based last man standing to team deathmatch is a better idea?

    From my perspective they really have killed pvp. No world pvp, no duels, and the arena they give us will encourage us to spawn camp in order to win? I guess if I want to test my build against other players in a "casual environment" then job well done. But coming from someone who was excited about pvp, however imbalanced it will be, I'm disappointed and just hope they have someone good in store for end game because it wont be pvp.

    Thoughts? Flames?

    I was okay with no world pvp (as I prefer a more formal pvp (4v4GM if you are familiar with d2))
    Duels would be nice, but given the circumstances (skill changes(difference in pvp/pve, environment differences), I could see why they aren't implementing duels.

    As more and more people get 5 level 60s, hopefully we will see a greater shift towards PvP. I am sure there are a few devs willing to devote some time into PvP.

    I am not liking the team deathmatch idea, and I don't think it will work. It works in say FPS games because realistically nobody has a significant chance to kill one another because the game is 100% based on skill.

    I don't think this same idea works in MMOs or RPGs because these usually take a bit more strategy and thinking.
    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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