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    posted a message on Marijuana Legalization
    Hello all.

    I frequently view these boards to check up on Diablo 3 updates but Im usually never interested in talking because it would make the wait even worse for me.

    However I love Weed and smoke it regularily so I figured I would chime my opinion amongst all of yours. Firstly marijuana shouldn't be illegal. Marijuana doesn't kill people, It can't destroy peoples lives and it isn't highly addictive. Wish you could say that for the legal drugs eh? If weed was really that harmful, wouldn't we have support groups like Marijuana Anonymous? The only argument against marijuana I can agree with is that it makes people okay with being bored (thank you South Park). However, Im sure we're all aware at the amount of lazy people in the world and im sure they're not all smoking marijuana.

    If i had to guess why it was illegal I would have to blame American Privitized Prisons as the leading reason. Im sure the majority of people locked up in prison are there for simple charges like holding marijuana or smoking it. More heads in prison = more money in the corporate pockets. It really is a backwards system.

    I think to smoke marijuana should be a choice. It obviously doesn't suit everybody, but just like alcohol, there should be a choice. Smoking a joint shouldn't make anyone a criminal.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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