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    posted a message on Complaint Threads

    Great, you think Blizz was lying in that clear, short statement in the cinematic. And that the multiple documents illustrating groundwork in terms of classes, backgrounds, concept art was part of a grand conspiracy. Got it. Don't stop believin', Ruk.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Did Diablo 3 innovate?
    Quote from AetherMcLoud

    Blizzard games as a rule never innovate.

    Well, that's why Blizzard North was such a poor fit. Diablo was incredibly innovative as the PC space goes in terms of combining new elements, wherease the Warcraft RTSs were just Dune II reskinned and polished, Starcraft was just War II with Warhammer 40K and Geiger IP skins and WoW was just a polished Everquest with D2 mechanics.

    "Hellgate" is a good example of why innovation isn't always a great idea. And, of course, D3's always-online railroading (and, to some degree, badly failed itemization as an extension of this) into AHs is proving to be another example of it.

    Genuine creativity is always a bad fit for a profit-hungry global conglomerate. It leads to blown projects because of feature creep and endless experimentation, and prima donnas that don't make for functioning organizational command structures. That's why Irvine has fought so hard to get rid of it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Did Diablo 3 innovate?
    Quote from Mormolyce

    Diablo has ALWAYS been a multiplayer game. Diablo 1 was a LAN game. When net gaming came along, Diablo 2 was on BNet. It had a LAN component as a legacy of D1. LAN games are pretty much defunct now, everyone prefers the convenience of online play, so they've dropped that.

    Sure it was a feature, but I've heard that the majority of Diablo and Diablo II players never played a single battle.net or LAN game. Interested if there was some documentation on it. And I still don't get what's "convenient" about an inability to play single player away from the 'net and/or lag. IMO, it isn't about convenience, it's about piracy and monetization, and the only ones that deny it are paid shills and/or koolaid drinkers.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Did Diablo 3 innovate?
    Quote from Mormolyce

    If you want to be pedantic about "innovation" you could claim the whole Diablo franchise is just a slick graphical skin on top of a Roguelike from the 80s.

    Sorry to multipost - Brevik has been very clear in multiple interviews that it is exactly that:

    "I came up with the idea for Diablo ... when I was high-school," says Brevik. "It was modified over and over until it solidified when I was in college and got hooked on an ASCII game called Moria/Angband. When we pitched Diablo to Blizzard, we pitched a turn-based, single-player DOS game."

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    posted a message on Did Diablo 3 innovate?
    Quote from Mormolyce

    Nobody's making you use the AH. They just made it convenient.

    Ah, but they are making everyone uses their servers to play the most basic single-player game. And the only reason you'd obsess over the potential "security" therein (of course, the reality is the opposite) is if your focus was multiplayer and item ownership, and, ultimately, the AHs. And, of course, even the ersatz "single player" game design is so warped towards gear-gear-gear that if you have even the slightest interest in an endgame, they're making you use the AH.

    So, actually, they are making me use the AH, and they're making the basic game experience the absolute opposite of "convenient".
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Did Diablo 3 innovate?
    Quote from Woohaa56

    This imo is innovative, they took the very essence of D2 which was the item finding and made it that much more important.

    Agreed, though it is potentially (and probably IMO) disastrous.

    Basically they assumed that everyone wanted to play like a multiplayer item-trading D2er, despite that being a small minority of the total D2 audience.

    Of course, it really isn't much of a gamble in the big picture if you think of any backlash being confined to the IP and not attaching to the brand itself. If it is overwhelmingly negative, that's isn't true, of course.
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    posted a message on Did Diablo 3 innovate?
    I think Wilson did some neat and relatively innovative stuff on skills, even if the design team badly dropped the ball on the basics.

    Where it really innovated - basically in making itself an MMO-lite with gamers railroaded into the RMAH - is where it has failed hard, and will fail even harder if they're bold enough to actually launch the RMAH.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Complaint Threads
    Quote from ruksak

    I'm using your own links to prove you're wrong.

    What? Ruk, you haven't posted a single source.

    You accidentally bring up an interesting point, though, in terms of the 9 years vs 12 years. I don't know if Huang and Boos are referencing work from before the Flagship people left, nor do I know if the Lee piece signed just a few weeks after that incident represented a new direction that represented a totally different project. My sense is that it began, in some form, when the older games shipped, just because we know (through those sources) that work was definitely happening as of 2003, and "Lord" shipped in mid-2001, so it would make sense that some of that team was working on it as soon as the older games shipped. And, of course, we have the clear words of the narrator representing the perspective of Bliz's current managment, which is about as good a source as it gets, despite your feelings about them.


    After you've listened to that phrase at 8:50 a few dozen times and it has finally sunk in, you may want to read that paragraph I just wrote. It's an example of an adult working with documented sources to form an opinion, and speculating based on those sources without coming to conclusions like "... Blizz took 12 years to develop this game? That's nonsense."

    In any case, have a good night, and hopefully this conversation has at least helped cure you of the common meme around here that Lichtner - probably the fifth art director on the project - showed up in the last quarter of development and magically pulled a half-dozen years of character and background designs out of his ass and improved them to the extent that the previous work may as well have not existed.
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    posted a message on Complaint Threads
    Quote from ruksak

    From what I've heard

    Ruk, I assume you've never worked on a long-term project to develop something like a movie, game, business software, textbook, etc.

    I know this is hard for you to believe - but coming up with ideas and selectively throwing out all but the best of them is called development. In games in particular, that stuff which is clearly documented as happening in 2003 or earlier in those interviews - things like establishing an engine, codebase, class structure, locations for backgrounds and story events - that's all stuff you build on later, and sometimes radically change.

    If you're satisfied with innuendo and secondhand sources, probably encouraged by some of the many people who came on the project later, that's great. I'll stick with the words of the actual company that released the game, and multiple documented sources in various media that have been confirmed to have worked on the project.

    If your birthday is accurate, it's a little sad that we have to spell these things out for you at age 40, but life is all about learning.

    Quote from ruksak

    ...it's been clearly documented...

    Also, for future reference, when you're discussing something and the person you're discussing things with comes up with multiple actual documented primary sources, it is best to not reference documentation that you don't have and almost certainly can't have because it doesn't exist. Just as a matter of form.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Complaint Threads
    Two more primary sources:

    "I remember back at Blizzard North when Jason Regier was first designing a rough game engine, and how it was always so exciting to see the new features added, day by day."

    I believe he left the team in 2003, so that would mean he was referring to 2002 or even earlier. You'll note that Regier recently did interviews and is still on the team, and you won't find any mention from him about scrapping that work, AFAIK. Which probably means he built on it as part of a continuing development process.


    "I left Blizzard North in 2003, when prototype work was still being laid out, like what classes were going to be in it, and what the environment should be like, and basic storyline stuff."


    Believe it or not, prototyping, deciding on background location, classes is part of the development process.

    So, ruk, 1) the crystal-clear words of Bliz themselves in a slick video recently released - 2) 3) two primary, documented statements, one of which mentions someone's work by name - 4) a concept piece which can be seen to inform monster design in the present game by someone apparently still there - all going at least back to 2003, if not earlier... And you show up with... well....

    As a chance to not totally embarrass yourself, did you want to make a half-assed amendment to it in some way? Or did you maybe want to admit that the words of Bliz themselves, which a five-year-old could clearly understand, are, more or less, true?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Complaint Threads
    Quote from ruksak

    To suggest that the game has been in development for 12 years is wholly dishonest.

    So I guess Blizz is lying? Try watching that ten seconds a few times, it might help.

    And to suggest that guys like Cheng, Regier, Love, Lee, and others that apparently moved down had nothing of substance to build on after years of working on the title (Lee, being a concept artist, is the only one that really document that work) really makes you the hater, doesn't it?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Complaint Threads
    Quote from ruksak

    First of all....could we stop propagating this bullshit that Blizz took 12 years to develop this game? That's nonsense.


    go to 8:52


    note august 2003 date, and the fact that the artist still works there.

    But, sure, why take Blizzard's own crystal-clear words and a documented piece of art when we can regurgitate undocumented rumors and treat unsourced wiki articles like gospel?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Complaint Threads
    Quote from jwylie311

    If you don't have faith in the team developing your game, and I mean a deep, deep, faith, please don't bother to play their games, or post here.



    Uh... isn't 12 years of development time and over ten billion dollars of WoW revenue (which we gave them) a little better than "faith" when it comes to making a game and putting an infrastructure in place? An infrastructure that only needs to exist because of an insistence on online only, and a game design skewed towards a real money auction house?

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    posted a message on Athene got hacked? (LOL if not trolling)
    Quote from rhorle

    So because I disagree with you I am a paid poster changing history?

    No, but because you're a new member with a minimal profile that takes a strong interest in fanatically defending the Kotick line, you quite possibly are one.

    An assertion of Diablo as "always being online only" probably indicates a paid poster that was born after Bush Sr was elected, as well. I didn't know that the millions of copies it sold over 15 years ago - or the playstation version that came out shortly after - or the fact that the battle.net accounts created a dozen years ago were a fraction of the copies sold of D2 - were due to the fact that everyone was actually buying an "online only" game. The idea that fans "wanted" to be unable to play while servers are off line or while they have the audacity to take a trip on a plane etc is almost as fascinating.

    But thanks for playing! Hopefully you still make more than the poor GMs in Texas, if you keep on posting enough.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Athene got hacked? (LOL if not trolling)
    Quote from rhorle

    Yes Blizzard is getting a cut of it, but it is also something that the players of Diablo 2 were using and like that they now have a secure way to get gold and items instead of opening themselves up to hackers and credit fraud.

    Actually, only a minority of D2 players used battle.net, and only a small minority of those people every bought or considered buying third-party items. The overwhelming majority saw it as a single-player game, and couldn't have cared less about the launch issues involved with battle.net server stress. But far be it from me to interrupt a hard-working paid poster from his or her job.

    Any other bits of revisionist history for us? Did Diablo III development begin in 2006 despite the V Lee signed 2003 concepts which clearly informed present art which we can see on the incgamers wiki?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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