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    posted a message on Diablo & the infinity concept
    Anyone like the infinite bag idea though?
    you start with say, 16 slots.
    first additional slot costs say, 100g, second 200g, 3rd 400g, (or some kind of exponential growth to put a limit on how many you could theoretically buy...). The UI could have a scrollbar too to accommodate for the person who spends 2 years farming gold to buy his 53rd bag slot...who would in turn have bragging rights, and get some utility for his/her accomplishment.

    The overarching concept though is that you can always buy another bag...making for a useful and fun way to spend the infinite amount of gold that you can acquire in the game.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Town Portals...are they dissapearing?
    Two possible solutions came to mind:
    1. Either make Tp's as rare as full rejuv potions so they don't get spammed (and get used wisely), or

    2. D2 Style Tp's, BUT monsters that are inactive for more than 10-15 seconds rapidly regen/reset their health.
    -----> Just think. Why is TP spamming "cheap" in d2? because if your near death, you just hop in your portal, regen your health in town, then return via portal to finish the fight where you left off. . If monsters somehow reset during this downtime, there would be far less advantage in constantly TP'ing.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on For people who want no level cap.
    You really hit the nail on the head to go along with my thread...basically a level 105, say, would have the same stats and skill points (capability, in essence) as a lvl 99 (or whatever max level), but the fact that your level 105 is a status symbol proving that you've played longer on that character than a 99. (purely aesthetic, not anything to give a lvl 105 an advantage over a 99.)

    Of course these levels would follow the same conventional exponential growth as the previous levels so that theoretically it would eventually be incredibly hard to reach the very high levels. Those who did would then DEFINITELY have bragging rights.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo & the infinity concept
    idk how this thread got on infinite levels...i think your missing my general point. theres other ways that the game can stay away from limits, and i just hope that d3 persues this...as one of you said, having no limits definitely allows for bragging rights.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo & the infinity concept
    The Diablo series is finite in the sense that after playing the game for a certain amount of hours you down the last boss...everyone knows this. What made Diablo 2 so good is that downing the last boss didn't mean that you could put the game on the shelf...

    This is true because the various in-game goals were set infinitelly high (props!). The upcoming Diablo 3 needs to continue this tradition and expand on this concept.

    Some example ways in which Diablo 2 used the concept of "infinity" (or close to it!):

    - In essence no level cap: (small percentage of players being able to reach lvl99, gave each monster kill a general purpose)
    - Rune construction system: No matter what rune dropped, it was useful, because you could mush an infinite amount of runes into one or two more powerful runes.
    - Item drop system: Lots of monsters could drop a seemingly infinitely diverse loot table, and EXTREMELY low drop rates gave value to those associated rare items.

    I would like to see Diablo 3 expand on this concept. Maybe its through allowing players to purchase infinite bag squares (with the cost of each square growing at an exponential rate)...You name the idea. But the point is that making a game unbeatable makes a game addicting and fun at the same time.

    Is this the route that d3 is going?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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