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    posted a message on One lifelong fan loses interest in Diablo III
    Quote from "Nethous" »
    yet again someone thinking the minority is right... Blizzard doesnt give a fuck about the minority, they are going for the things that make the MAJORITY of the ppl to come play their game. they dont care if they offend "long time" (bullshit btw) fans as long as they make money. the thing that ppl dont seem to see (imo) is that blizzard doesnt really care about what ppl dont like about the game (to the most part)

    sure they may pay attention when A LOT of ppl start bitching and complain about some aspect of the game but when a small group complain about how theydont like that it will be p2p or they rather have something ike d2 ( is d2 anything like d1? not really) they really dont care..

    end rant

    When half the threads across various forums all refer to the same issues, then its more than just what a few people believe.

    And most game developers use forums now as representative research, that is, they extrapolate the potential reaction by the percentages reported.

    So instead of badmouthing people that care to write down their carefully constructed criticisms of the game in an attempt to be helpful and accusing them of "whining" or "QQing" how about you just let them have their say, since its rare for them to tell people like you to leave?

    You know, treat others as you would like to be treated?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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