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    posted a message on Just curious, whats your biggest gripe about diablo 3
    Okay from what I have seen in the diablo 3 videos and screen shots a lot of diablo 3 has not changed. For instance its still the same game play and the graphics are only slightly sharper. The newest addition to the game is a one or two new characters. Considering the technology today none of what I have seen is very revolutionary in anyway. They didn't even consider possibly having a first person view like oblivion? Allowing more detailed art work better graphics and better understanding of the surrounding area. I mean the gameplay of diablo has hardly been updated at all since the first one was released. All they have done is add slightly sharper graphics and new characters with abilities. Why not change the gameplay a little? Give a zoom in option to see the world full view and get better detail. I seriously doubt that diablo 3 will hold its own and attract any new players. Most likely the only people who will play it are diablo 2 fans and thats it. Most people will rather play WoW or DoW online. Diablo 3 isn't very inventive and it does not bring anything new to the table that might attract new players.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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