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    posted a message on Win Tickets To BlizzCon 2008!
    I had an account way back when the site was still "Diablo3.com", was named lilscott7 or lilscott something along those lines and was a bigger member, but im not sure what happened to that and recently joined back up with the site. I'm wondering if I'm still eligibal would love to go.

    Personally at Blizzcon there are a few things I would love to see.
    1. This is the most important one--Diablo 3 beta! please blizzard PLEASE! I would love to be able to play a Beta for D3.
    2. Some sort of live WOTLK raid. For example Nihilum comming in and doing one of the new instances in WOTLK to show it off.
    3. L70etc! yes! its a must!
    4. Some form of WoW tournament to watch, maybe an arena tournament or something like that. I was also thinking it would be cool if they got 20 random 70's to que up for say WSG and show the battle on a large screen for everyone to see.
    5. Some release dates of SC2 and D3 so we know exactly how long we'll be waiting
    6. Of course this is a given, D3 information! I want to know the remaining class's and would like to see another gameplay video, perferably a bit longer. I'll be watching all D3 panels and I personally hope they give us a D3 beta in our goody bags and let us play a bit there.
    7. Some Diablo merchandise, not just of D3 but of D1 and D2 as well
    8. Last but not least I want to learn about the new PvP systems in Diablo. This is probably my greatest concern and i was torn about not getting the blizzcon tickets this year, i want to see first hand :'(. I personally hope theres some sort of BG / arena system for special rewards, I was thinking a 1v1 arena ladder would be AWESOME.

    --Thanks Medieval, please take note like I said, I was a member of Diablo3.com for a long time and posted alot about my thoughts and such. I attempted to buy blizzcon tickets this year but it didnt go through :(.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Win a Trip for Two to BlizzCon 2008
    People say this is only available to US residents?? The give-away is available to Canadian residents too. GETTING READY TO WIN!! =)
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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