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    posted a message on Diablo III Trade and Economy
    Problems in d2 loot and how blizzard solved it in WoW

    - Not sure of what something is worth leads to you easily being ripped off -
    the auction house solved that problem for the most part. No one will buy your item if you overprice it because there's simply someone else selling it CHEAPER!! people could just search they're item, see what the average price is and post it.

    - took too much time to look for someone who wanted what you had and still be satisfied of what you got in return -
    once again the auction house .... check price, post, get money, save up, buy what you want/need, DONE.

    - you threw away 95% of the stuff you found because no one else would want it for the things you want -
    You know when I first started playing wow, I managed to get like 300g before i hit level 25? I could sell greens to npcs and get like 2g but if i posted it on the AH i could easily get 2-5x more gold. That worked because the items npcs sold were expensive and were crap, and the items i found would be waaaay better and would cost the same.

    eh enough, btw sign the petition if you haven't already.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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