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    posted a message on The Music of Diablo 3, What do you think?
    Quote from "Veritech017" »
    It's generic "epic" music. It's decent, but the old guitar themes of the first two games were far superior and had 20x the amount of personality.

    More instruments doesn't = better music.

    Yeah I kinda agree. I'd prefer it if it was closer to the dungeon theme from D1 or the hell theme from D2.

    Here is a link to hear the music from D1 and D2: http://www.battle.net/files.shtml# (just click on the battle.net music player)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Will DIABLO look like a...
    I don't know but I hope he scares me to death the first time I fight him like he did in D1 when i was like 10.
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    posted a message on Dear blizzard fanboys, and WoWfags
    Quote from "marcok" »
    Naw honestly i find enjoyment out of watching you nerds get raged from me bashing your game, its funny how mindless you all are.

    What's even funnier is that you have absolutely nothing better to do than to troll some forum and be an attention whore. lol your life must suck big time.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Dear blizzard fanboys, and WoWfags
    Where do you think most of those petitions came from? Even if many of us don't like the art now we know that Blizzard will do something about it and that the end product will be great.

    Quote from "marcok" »

    they are worthless and a waste of space on this earth.

    And you are a waste of bandwidth to this forum so please be gone.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Scrap uniques (maybe runewords too), improve rares and crafting.
    Quote from "Daemaro" »
    Maybe next time you shlould post a non misleading title and a short summary about what you're wanting instead of a wall of text no one really wants to read.

    Not my fault the title says "SCRAP UNIQUES" :rolleyes:

    I changed my mind later in the thread, that's why I advised you to read through it instead of just the title before making comments. You should concern yourself more in adding constructive criticism rather than adding to your post count.
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    posted a message on Bashiok's job?
    Quote from "Spelljammer" »
    Bashiok commented on that a little earlyer to day:

    Aw, of course we care! A large part of my job is specifically to ensure that the valid concerns, comments, and critiques are brought to the appropriate people's attention. That doesn't mean that every idea or suggestion is something we agree with, or are going to base changes on though. There's a point where, as a game designer, you have to stick to your guns and know that your choices and direction are what's best for the game and ultimately those that will be playing it. There's a point where you have to be confident that you're making the right decisions. So at the end of the day you're staying true to your vision and design, and doing what's best for the game.

    A good example of us paying attention though was the concern and thread about corpses not sticking around long enough. I read that thread, brought it up, and some discussion was happening on it. Later our lead tech artist Julian was reading through the replies, and got some ideas of how we may want to keep corpses on screen a little longer. Now we're playing around with some changes that shouldn't have a huge performance hit, while still keeping the corpses on screen for variable amounts of time. Hopefully it works out.

    Would any experimentation for corpse decay have happened had it not been brought up on the forums? I don't know, maybe, but we're not just dismissing good, valid, and well reasoned concerns.

    As I said not every suggestion, comment, or idea is going to be considered, but we're definitely watching and reading.

    That's great, good find.

    I know it's obvious that someone reads through our concerns/ideas but i still wanted an official statement on it, and this is more than enough :)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bashiok's job?
    Does anyone know for certain if Bashiok (or any other Blizzard employee) actually takes the time to read through community forums and takes notes on ideas/complaints/discussion to bring them up for analysis or does he only make official announcements? At least here at diablofans I think there are some pretty good ideas and discussion in the game suggestions forum that should be brought up to the dev team for consideration.

    We are all here to help Blizzard make D3 the best game possible so I think it would be cool if Blizzard had (if there isn't already) a dedicated employee with the sole job of reading community forums and maybe even answer some of the posts with "that's actually a great idea, we'll see if it's a viable option" or "no, I don't that will be possible in D3" and stuff like that. Q&A batches like the ones karune does for SC2 would be great too.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Please no synergies!
    Quote from "EtheriChaos" »
    I see your point, that could probably fix a lot of the issues there, but careful how loud you say wow, people might get offended :D.

    lol ok, I'll try not to use capital letters next time. I'm not a wow fan either, I just can't stand the cartoonish art, but I think the skill tree system is one of the good things that could be ported over to D3.
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    posted a message on Please no synergies!
    Quote from "cjc5814" »
    I'd like to see them done away with as well, but still try to keep the viability of low level characters. Building a character, and not begin able to spend points early on because you wanted to max your level 30 skills made characters pretty worthless until that point. Synergies helped to get around this, but they were such a point sink.

    This is easily avoidable by making the higher tier skills require a set amount of points spent in lower tier (and useful) skills to be able to pump them up. That's how the talent system in WoW works and I think it'd work well in D3 because it still forces you to concentrate on one skill tree rather than just letting you get all of the best skills from every tree like some people were complaining.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on easier muling...
    Quote from "intrinsik4" »
    The mailing is a better idea than shared stash.

    Shared stash requires you switch characters to complete the trade. If you start muling alot of things across differetn characters, you've more or less multiplied the character switching - compared to simply beaming an item directly to another char's stash.

    So you won't get kicked so much.

    No actually, you just put your items in the shared stash (which can be accessed from your personal stash) and keep playing, then when you feel like playing any other character you just access your shared stash and withdraw whatever items you need. I don't see how that's any different from the mailing system except that you don't have to send the item to any specific character, making it way more efficient for universally useful items like gems, runes and money.

    I think a shared stash system like the one in the Plugy mod (if anyone knows what that is) would be the way to go.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Scrap uniques (maybe runewords too), improve rares and crafting.
    Quote from "iCanada" »
    lol, the crafting system was in d2, but Blizz scrapped it pretty much... Nerfed it to hell really.

    yeah but this crafting system is nothing like the current one.

    Quote from "SNowfreak" »
    KEEP UNIQUES!!! what a horrible horrible HORRIBLE idea to scrap them. I do love crafting however...rares should be kept in but i am not a fan whatsoever.

    Quote from "Daemaro" »
    I love uniques if they get rid of them I will be angry.

    Yes, I already said that there was actually no reason to scrap uniques because there was no interference with this crafting system. Maybe next time you guys should read through the whole thread to avoid posting unnecessary comments.

    Quote from "Mastertim" »
    I don't do 300+ baal runs to find what I want. I find something of similar value then trade for what I want. You should try it, thats really what d2 on bnet is all about.

    I like the element of chance that is currently in diablo 2, and I like having major jump in my character potency after finding an item.

    Yeah you are probably right, I wasn't actually talking from experience so I didn't cross my mind (I play singleplayer mostly and almost always I get bored with my build and create another before I get to the end game). Also as I said before, there was actually no need to scrap uniques so you could still get a major jump in your character when you find one.

    Quote from "Mastertim" »

    As for characters getting more and more and more powerful. That kind of kills the whole making several characters and experimenting with builds, that I enjoyed most out of the game. I can't divide my time if I want to have a chance to compete, and I wouldn't have any items for other characters anyways.

    Very good point, didn't think about that either. This actually completely kills my crafting idea lol, the only possibility for it to work is if you concentrate on adding mods that are beneficial for all your characters so you can swap the equipment, like +defense, +resistances, +attributes, +crushing blow for melee characters or +casting speed for casters, which would still be viable I think.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Scrap uniques (maybe runewords too), improve rares and crafting.
    So any input in this crafting sytem idea?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on easier muling...
    Yeah, it was mentioned in one of the panels that there won't be a need for mule characters anymore so don't worry about it :)

    it will probably be the shared stash thing.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on easier muling...
    Yeah, it was mentioned
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    posted a message on Please no synergies!
    edit: The synergy i always liked, and i think is a good example of how fun synergies could be, is found in the "dream sorceress" built. You synergize your lightning mastery and with the help of the dream aura you are given you do enhanced lighning damage with a weapon of choice (i think it was passion wich gave the zeal attack, right?). Now i heard many times what the point is in putting points into teleport or telekinesis, well there is a huge point in putting points into those skills, aswell as putting points into warmth, wich are all seen to be "pretty useless skills". Thats just one example of how synergies make sense and could put a whole new light on "useless skills" or any skill for that matter. To make the built even more powerful, you could then put more points into "useless" skills, like firemastery (wich alone would be useless, if it wasn't for combining that with enchant, wich gets synergized by warmth, wich gives a huge magmaregeneration bonus to substain energy shield wich gets bonusses from telekinesis and bonusses from all plus lightning gear, wich boosts your lighning damage) or other possibilities of trying to make a strong enough fireball, wich will never be fully synergized, so that you have to weight the plusses of trying to create a stronger fireball instead of more lighning damage, or firedamage, or the defense from energy shield, or fastness of teleport wich becomes essential to survival, and so on. This to me was what made the complexity of it all so enjoyable.

    I am not familiar with this build but sound like a holy shock zealot that deals a lot less damage. I think you misunderstood the concept of a useless synergy, Telekinesis IS a useless synergy since you are just pumping points into it so that your energy shield absorbs more damage, you are not actually using it. Warmth doesn't count as a synergy, it's just a passive skill you need to make your build work. Also you forgot to explain how pumping teleport is not a waste of skill points.

    Quote from "Doppelganger" »
    I don't understand all of the "efficiency" arguments, its not whats efficient that makes the gameplay, it can make it "more efficient", but it isn't a substitute for any depth in gamedesign. Not saying no to stats playing a more vital role btw, i'm all for that idea. (because it adds something to the game, instead of substracting something)

    You misunderstood the efficiency concept too, what I mean by that is that with the synergy system you are forced to pick only one skill as your main and use most of your remaining points in skills that you will never use so that your main skill will be powerful enough to deal with monsters in higher difficulties, while with the stat system you can choose to max any combination of skills since their damage are not dependent on each other. This means that you won't have to continously spam your main skill again and again, you will have at least 3 or 4 main skills that deal good damage which adds a lot of versatility to every possible build and overall fun to the game.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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