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    posted a message on Falling sword/flurry : incapacitating effect ?
    Zetsuna, I think your post brings up something interesting though. I played around with the ability last night after getting home finally, and realized there's zero affect on elites. I wonder if this is intended? The wizard black hole ability seems to affect them, and for nearly as long. I might petition Blizzard for a change to affect elites, even with reduced effect, as it really diminishes the value of the skill without it.

    The damage from the ability is nice, but costly and produces no effect from the rune for cc. Control is one of the reasons to take this ability on higher torments. If it doesn't affect elite packs, then why take it?
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on Falling sword/flurry : incapacitating effect ?
    Quote from sOFrOsTy

    Well Uriah, instead of being a dick in your response when you don't know what you are talking about, why don't you test it yourself or wait until someone who knows what they are talking about responds?

    OP: the confusion is that the incapacitation doesn't work on elites. Only white mobs. I am not sure if this is Blizzards intention or an oversight, but that is why it seems to not work. It does work on trash mobs in basically the same way Black Hole or Piranhado work, spinning mobs around for the duration of the flurry.
    I'm really not interested in forum wars, but I would appreciate you having some self-discipline to refrain from attempting to belittle fellow posters so quickly. I'm sorry youfelt like I was being a dick in my response, but that was not actually so. The OP posted a day previous, so I couldn't have known if he had already tested this, and I was direct after noticing the OP had some clear grammatical and spelling errors, thinking English may not be a primary. If you feel my conduct is inappropriate, I'd be happy to listen to your opinion in a PM, rather than being attacked in a condescending manner in public.

    As to the topic at hand, and the additional response, nothing has been added beyond what I said other than information regarding elites.

    OP: I hope the info said here helps you in deciding on whether or not flurry is worth your time. If you'd like, I made a holy build using FS: Flurry that was quite successful in T3 that I could post for you to consider. It's a fun ability and a great addition to builds when you want to have fun, but myself and others have concluded that as far as efficiency, it really is lacking (Mannercookie has info/ opinion regarding this for your reference with video, OP).
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on Falling sword/flurry : incapacitating effect ?
    Have you not already tested this? It's super easy to see for yourself.

    It does exactly as what it says. Anything caught in it whirls around as if in a tornado, doing nothing but dancing in the air for 5 seconds. Enemies are displaced, so things like Strongarm bracers work. At least it used to. I'm not able to test the differences for another couple of days. If you require knowing, I can get back to your thread then.
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on Highest dps output build
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on Lightning or Fire Crusader"
    Thanks for asking, and here's the link.

    Otherwise it's still on the front page, not getting as much love as it should.
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on Highest dps output build
    If we could flatten the plane with the Hammer of Equality, I would suggest the BoP Condemn build to be the highest.


    I'm not aware of any other ability that can do as much damage as that, in such a short time when using 6 Pc. A 15 second cooldown reduced to 11 after 40% CDR, then only having a brief CD (if any) during Akkhan's?

    Bombardment is amazing, but suffers a much, much higher CD than anything else. Perhaps the dps net is in fact better than Condemn, but I couldn't say, not having done the math of this ridiculous scenario. Frankly, I think Physical builds have the most potential for DPS devastation, as both Phalanx - Bowmen and Bombardment enjoy some of the highest damage output in the game. Coupled with the bowmen's ability to proc provoke full retard, you can count on Bombardment coming back off CD in a hurry with AC - Rally running.

    My hesitation with saying that this is better than the Condemn spam build, is that bowmen get straight drunk with a ton of mobs around.
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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    posted a message on Lightning or Fire Crusader"
    Frankly, anyone who comments here with an honest answer is going to tell you that which you already know: It's going to be dependent on the gear you get.

    I have tried for a long time to develop a Holy build, but I have had unfortunate rolls thus far. So, as I've accumulated gear, I've used Lightning, because that's what's come my wayeven with rerolls.

    Regarding your gear and build, you're doing fine, especially for being fresh. You've clearly done some research to learn what you need to do in both areas, so just keep at it. The Kapsu build is fine, and works well for starters who have not learned how to manage Wrath yet. The build is only more effective with both gear and proficiency. Another to try is the Vycaus build. That also works amazing when you're fresh. Give both a try and see what you think.

    Final note: I saw that you hadsomefire damage on your items, and I'm a huge proponent for using whatever you can, wherever you can when it's on your gear. I'd take advantage of that fire, and start speccing towards it. Shift as new gear becomes available.
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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