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    posted a message on EQ and dmg modifers, which are best?
    Quote from Fitsu

    It can crit, you wont get the yellow numbers but ull see certain ticks hit significantly harder. As for attack speed, from my understanding it does nothing yet while this is true dual-wielding deva/sunkeeper/axe of sankis is still superior to 2H because of the elite/ele dmg and 2 sockets but Maximus isn't far behind on damage.For priority on stats I would say it's simply a balance of cc = chd = fire skill and try to get quake damage on chest/shoulders if you can... CDR is good but ultimately it doesn't come into affect until T5/6 because before then u will likely kill everything within one leap-quake combo.

    At the point where you are moving into T5/T6 you need to kind of feel it out yourself and by this I mean you want to make sure you can kill anything apart from bosses or extra health elites within 2 sets of leap-quakes and it doesn't really make a difference if the mob dies in the middle of your 2nd lot of quakes or at the end, as long as you have the damage to kill them within those 2. So if they died in the middle of the 2nd leap-quake combo then you could potentially drop some damage for CDR to get it out faster and still have the mobs die before the quake ends.
    thank you, very helpful. ill keep that in mind
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on EQ and dmg modifers, which are best?
    so im getting close to finishing my earth set, but i am unsure which stats are best for the DoT aspect of it

    should i still stack CD, CC and AS? or is CD and CC not important cause EQ can not crit?

    i was assuming CDR and just brute STR stat would be the most value for EQ

    any insight would help :)

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on LF very active adult clan, US
    hi, me and some friends are looking for a active clan that can do at the very least t1 and abovepersonally i can do t4 or t5 on my barb

    mainly we just want a active clan on US that does bounties and rifts a lot, current clan does not run, or talk, or do anything social, playing alone is no fun

    reply back if anyone has anything good out there :) thanks!
    Posted in: Clans [NA] [PC]
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    posted a message on triple heavens fury crit build
    hi everybody, first time posting here and I know everyone wants to find a build they like

    i decided to post mine cause i can clear t3 in it fairly fast due to the high burst dmg it comes out with


    it basically comes down to doing HUGE burst dmg at one time, judgment lets heavens fury and condemn hit for HUGE amounts. the dmg total on my profile seems low, but it doesnt taken into factor CDR or holy dmg, i also focused more on CDR then anything else because i do not need IAS at all, or even crit chance due to judgement

    this build soley relies off of CDR to get my skills up faster, and crit dmg, and holy dmg % anywhere you can get it, currently i have it in my bracers, but not ammy

    i know some of my gear is unsocketed atm but i did that to make a piece for another character

    also my shield is...well bad, but i have a socket in there to double tap off my finery passive

    i feel like anywhere you can afford and get a socket you should get it if you use that passive

    my favorite thing about this build is that i can have a travel power in steed, and also a wrath spender with heavens fury that uses holy dmg

    i do not know if anyone else runs something similar to this or not, i have not browsed the forums or anything for it, just thought i would post it here for people to see if they wanted to

    i have high enough tougness to take a beating, in t2 i dont really feel anything and in t3 i have to try a little bit to stay alive, but not to hard, and my block chance is through the roof also, so that is where i get my healing from via my passive

    ill be checking this post later if anyone has any questions, thanks!
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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