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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    Update - New Video

    Solo Trial Rift as WW Barbarian

    A Few Notes..
    As Barbarian On Trial Rifts any Mistake, Mob type & Position or 1-shot situations, will lower the lv of the key you will get by quite a bit, in few words, we lack consistency and nothing can be done about it.

    The build you will see in the video is the one that give me the best results and the most consistency. For Trials i use a modified ww build, more focused on damage & cooldonws (2 hand weapon, fire themed, tri-cooldowns & max FC damage), but still retain a ww gameplay as you can see ww is used 100% of the time. The gear synergize well with the build itself & the trial Rift Enviroment, and give a good amout of extra/free Damage.

    If you have any questions about it, post here or come on my Twitch channel.

    Thats all, Enjoy.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    Update - DiabloFans Build Updated (with the new Features)


    p.s very nice bitfrotter, keep it up!
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)
    Np guys, glad to help:) and yes getting the items is the most difficult part :( can only hope in the rng goddess :)
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    X Devastator

    your barb is pretty nice, and is well gemmed and enchanted, here my suggestions!

    - Enchant WW Bonus damage on Boots

    - I can guess you dont like charge and want to use it, if i am right would be more beneficial remove all your raekor items, replace chest with ik, use T&T Gloves, and hex pants, would be better than use raekor w/o charge, shoulder can keep raekor, since vile guard if you dont use charge will be not much better.. If i am wrong, you should get ik belt for get full ik set and raekor gloves for full set raekor bonus and replace war cry or Battle rage (depends on your survivability with charge :)

    - Talents are fine, but i would probaly replace Brawler with Rampage (if you want an aoe talent, they both serve the same purpose) but since you use 2 hand and should kill fast enough probaly rampage would be better.

    - Skills wise i would use Bloodshed with battle rage, and probaly war cry runed Invigorate, wich is better for your ancients survivability, wich as lightning is very important.

    x Bitfrotter

    thanks for your kind words! lets start!

    - Gear/enchants/gems : Red Gem on pants, socket on unity with a leg. gem would be probaly better in the long run (but if you dont have it atm, keep the crit damage wich is still good). Would be a lot better if you using hex pants (if u got a pair), also i would use % life gem, you have only 1 cooldown skill, and no other bonus to Cooldown reduction, % life would be a lot more useful for you.

    - Talents: I would remove Bloodthirst (wich is kinda weak with your low bonus to globes) anduse a more offensive passive talent like ruthless or berserker rage.

    - Skills: No reason to use battle rage with ferocity wich is terrible, use it runed Bloodshed wich is the most solid and safe choice. No Reason either to use Frenzy runed as Fire, when you are lightning and you have a very nice % Lightning Bonus damage. Wrathf of berserk is better runed Insanity, if u need survivability u can get it somewhere else, no need to sacrifice your best dps cooldown with the life x fury rune. If you want to use rend, is better if you rune it as lightning, but honestly i would remove rend altogheter and use charge, u have full raekor bonus, no reason to no have Furious charge.

    p.s If u use furious charge, reforge your rend bonus on shoulder, and replace unforgiving wich is just overkill, with either ruthless or berserker rage

    thats all :P !
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    Update - New Video

    T6 Speed Bounties as WW Barbarian

    A Few Notes..
    - 3 Sets of Full Act 1 Bounties, each with a different boss
    - Music is from Xenogears OST

    Any Question?
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)
    Very interesting competition and very impressive time, i will give it a shot as soon i get prepared for it !
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    Update - New Video

    T6 Speed Rifts as WW Barbarian

    Can WW barbarian be viable for T6 Speed Rifts Run?
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    Update - New Video

    "Bloodthirst" WW Barb In Action - T6 Greed

    Just a Short T6 Greed Kill as WW with style
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)
    Yes they stack and sinergyze well togheter and with the build itself, via ruthless and wotb, about weapons, tf/odin are my best rolled weapons, i am looking good rolled sunkeeper/doom to use gifts, but so far no luck.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)
    Yeah is a solid Build, is what i would play if i was going to ww as lightning, thanks for your reply too, i was just wonder what is the hightest keys barbarian can reliably farm from Trials in solo -.-
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    x Clyphord

    Hey glad you have fun :) About your Question is not a bad gem,is just not really usefull for this Build, wich need Consistency and reliability, and Gogok cant provide that, Iny my case it lose even more value, since i dw and is annoying timing cooldowns when the gem is stacked for gain/utilize fully the secondary bonus, of course if you use 2-hand it become better, and in a pure FC-Frenzy Build probaly i would use it. But honestly there is many better alternative as ww.

    Question for fellow Barbs

    What is the Hightest Greater Rift Keys (on average) can you u guys farm in Realm of Trials in Solo? And Wich Build/Gear Setup Do you guys use?
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    X Yuhanz

    Thanks :) and now your answer! - Armor 18.877 and LxFury 2530

    X Adanoo

    Yes, Ignore Pain Runed for Lxfury is not a bad idea, since you use Hota/ss wich can combo with it, so if u need a way to heal yourself can make sense rune for it.Abour Paragons, Core - Cap Bonus Speed and put everything else on Str. Offense - Yes, CRD and then Crit chance/damage. Defense Res all and then Life/armor. Utility - Depends, If you Need the Reduced Cost make sense Cap it First, if not, Cap it Last, and Get First Area Damage or Life x Hit (depends what you need the most), Overall they are mostly equally bad bonus ah ah!
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    x Adanoo

    Lots of questions.. lets start :o

    - Unity Is necessary for High Level Gr, or you will get oneshotted by many elites Affix and boss Abilities, For T6 Rifts/bounty/story Mode, Is not Needed, But depends a lot what build/gear you Using. For Example for a Build like mine Unity is Abolutely not needed for t6 rifts/bounties.

    - As Eq I think the best weapons are 2 Hander like The Furnace or Maximus, If you DW i guess Sunkeeper and Sankis are a good Alternative.

    - Well There is many Way to Increase your Performance/survivability i can give you some options. then is up to you :) 1) Use SS (more damage. more range, knockback) instead of Hota and replace weapons master with earthen Might (for sustain your SS Spam)

    2) Get The Legendary Belt that Increase Ignore Pain (also rune your ability for extra duration), and Magefist, there is no reason to use Ik if you not Get the Perma ancients, The Ignore Pain Belt give you a lot of Survivability and Magefist if rolled decenly are amazing good with their % fire Bonus and 5 Primary Affix. Or Otherway Use Ik Chest and get Perma Fire Ancients (wich then you should use as skill instead battle rage or Earthquake), wich will help you a lot damage Wise and Survivability too since they get enemy Attention.

    3) As EQ You should Really Focus on CDR Reducion, at least 40%, if that mean Losing Crit, so be it :)

    4) Last question is not Clear, if you mean a Build like mine, there is really not many Options, Since All slots are Used by Reakor or Ik, wich is the only way to get perma ancients and The full Set Raekor Bonus, If you Speak about Raekor build with Frenzy and not Fury-spender, then you have many options, Vile Ward, Soj (instead of RoRG with full raekor set equipped), Leoric Crown, cindercoat, are all amazing items that works well. Is just Up to you. Weapons wise a Good 2 hander is needed furnace or mAximus are the obiovious choices.

    thats all :)
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    Update - New Video

    "Bloodthirst" WW Barb In Action - 34 Greater Rift

    Just a 34 Greater Rift Cleared as WW with Style.

    p.s Blizzard Fix Pets Survivability, Thank you.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Starliath The WW Barbarian (Latest Video: Solo Trial Rifts as WW Barbarian)

    Update - Build Changes

    - Sprint - Marathon
    + Sprint - Run Like the Wind

    Why Changes?
    - Increase Aoe/Single Target Damage & Healing via LoH/Life x Fury Spent

    Update - Legendary Gems Guide Added

    Legendary Gems
    A Must Have
    - Scale Very Well
    - Close to 100% Uptime
    - Easy to keep the stacks up
    - Increase Both Offense & Defense

    Pain Enhancer
    - 100% Uptime
    - Physical Damage
    - Useful Secondary Bonus that fits a WW Playstyle

    Gem Of Efficacious Toxin
    - Amazing Aoe
    - 100% Uptime
    - Synergizes Well with other Gems.
    - Amazing Secondary Bonus for both Solo/Group

    Other Valid Options
    Wreath of Lightning
    Bane of the Trapped
    Bane of the Powerful
    Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver

    Bad/Useless for this build
    Everything Else
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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