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    posted a message on 2.0 will be live in two weeks, Wings of Valor for pre-purchase.
    Source: http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/93241.html
    According to this report. Josh went to Korea to attend some event. And here's what he revealed:

    • 2.0 will go live in two weeks.
    • Players who pre-purchased RoS will get the Wings of Valor (the article emphasize both physical version and digital version counts, but didn't say which edition, I am guessing SE DDE CE all counts).
    • When Heroes of the Storm is shipped, players who pre-purchased RoS will also get the playable Demon Hunter for free.
    • There will be some kind of XP boost before RoS went live. Details to be revealed soon.

    Here is a guy in KR BNET saying it's such a good deal to have the Hound+Trasnmog plans+Wings of Valor for DDE, and a blue response confirmed:

    The blue:

    네 맞습니다. 하지만 용기의 날개의 경우 디지털 딜럭스 버전 예약 구매자분들에게만 드리는 것은 아니고요. 디지털 일반판 예약 구매를 하시는 분들에게도 동일하게 제공될 예정입니다.
    여기에 대해서는 조만간 다시 세부적인 안내를 드릴꺼에요. ^^
    This means: You are right. But the Wings is not for DDE only, it will be available for those who pre-purchase Digital Standard Edition too. Will have details later.

    The second blue:

    참고로 국내 팬 여러분의 의견을 수렴해 디아블로 III: 영혼을 거두는 자 소장판(Collector's Edition)도 국내에서 예약 구매가 진행될 예정입니다.
    따라서 소장판 예약 구매를 통해 소장판을 구입하신 분들도 마찬가지로 용기의 날개를 받으실 수 있게 될 예정입니다. 소장판 예약 구매 방법 및 세부 일정은 추후 다시 안내해 드릴 예정입니다.
    This basically says that CE counts too.

    **I just want to share this excited news I believe is legit.
    I can assure you guys the Chinese article is a Taiwan media that attended the event and write it themself, not translate from Krean, and I am confident that I've read it right.
    But as for the KR blue post, I am not 100% sure into the exact words so if anyone spot any mistake or pickup anything new please share with us.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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