Summary: A young blacksmith joins with a lost Rouge and a vengeful Barbarian, in order to stop a mad Wizard from destroying the world. Features original characters and settings in the Diablo universe.
I'm looking for honest criticism. I'm a grown man now. I can take it.
Hello folks,
So this is my fanfic that's set in the Diablo universe. It takes place in-between the second and third games. Still ongoing, up to the fourth chapter.
A03 link:
Summary: A young blacksmith joins with a lost Rouge and a vengeful Barbarian, in order to stop a mad Wizard from destroying the world. Features original characters and settings in the Diablo universe.
I'm looking for honest criticism. I'm a grown man now. I can take it.
You lost me at "Rouge", honest criticism here, if you can't even spell rogue how do you expect to be taken seriously? xD
Those Who Do Not Know True Pain Cannot Possibly Understand True Peace...