Not sure if I'm liking some of these shapeshifting ideas. lol
lol, I only throw ideas, I don't think about what can be cool to see but I look which kind of gameplay I can plug it. It's useless to put 5 type of shiftshape if it's only attacker.
Originally Posted by Bearsman113 Does the next class have to be human?
It doesn't, but it will be!
That's what it's all about in Diablo games; saving the Human realm from Demon invasion!
I don't think that the D3 team would limit themselves on making all classes human just because we're supposed to be saving the human realm. There is always room for a back story of another type of speicies.
I think the next class could be anything. I think it would be cool if they did something other than human.
But humans (nephalem) is the race that fits best with the lore. They are connected to Sanctuary and the angels/demons in so many ways. This story is about humans and it will stay that way.
I guess time will tell, but so far the game history is on your side.
Quote from "emilemil1" »
What in his post indicates that he doesn't know the difference between a class and a race?
And they can be the same thing. A werewolf or vampire class wouldn't be 100% human.
Firstly, love the site - been lurking for a while and recently got back into D2 after a pretty long lay-off (I played from release to about '04, but didn't come back until 6 months ago).
My fav. class from D2 was the amazon so I'm really keen for the 5th D3 class to be ranged - as many have predicted for some time.
Back when the site ran the class contest there was one in particular that resonated with me - the 'Falconer.' It got me thinking that a 'pet' (rather than a summon) could be a really interesting addition to a D3 class. I would personally love something like a bow user with, for example, a 'pet' Tiger. Skill trees could be:
1. Bow and Crossbow
2. Tiger Skills (so the tiger would have it's own AI, allowing you to customize 'spells' or attacks that it can use)
3. Could be anything - traps would be a good fit I think, maybe passive skills that apply to both you and the 'pet.'
If you're looking for inspiration, think of Daniel Craig's character in 'The Golden Compass' - would be pretty badass to have a Snow Leopard fighting by your side!
The basis of the character could also be similar to that of the movie - the animal representing the 'soul' of the player, so that both live and die together. The biggest challenge would probably be getting the AI right for the 'pet,' perhaps 3 changeable states such as 'aggressive,' 'defensive' and 'passive,' to give the gamer more control over what the 'pet' does...
What do u guys think?
Ps. apologies for the essay, I've been thinking about this for sometime - obviously lol.
Yeah I like that, my only concern is that I feel the animal would need to be more imposing than a Falcon (I can't get the image of d2's ravens out of my head and, honestly, who would be scared of a single one of those... lol).
Native American could work, I know there is a native american myth about a 'thunderbird,' from memory I think they're supposedly quite big.... Either that or mesh the two concepts together: a Griffin, body of lion, head and wings of an eagle - best of both worlds
Btw, any idea as to what kind of animals there are in Sanctuary that could be used?
Oh and I'll have to check that comic out, thanks for the reference!
No, it couldn't. I bet you were going to try give him tomahawks and parade him around shirtless
Yeh that's exactly what I was picturing... :rolleyes:
My agreement was in that for this idea to work, there would have to be some kind of connection between bow proficiency and nature. A Native American type has this connection, some of their bows were seen as more powerful/effective than firearms - albeit this was generally on horseback).
Some kind of knight is a definite possibility, considering how people would lap up the whole noble/heroic connotations. But it might be too cliche this time around...
What kind of skills are you thinking for 'spectral powers..?'
Also, what kind of combat style is your idea based on? Mainly ranged? Mainly Melee? Or balanced? I find it hard to picture a knight who would be able to dominate hand-to-hand combat and then change to an accurate, ranged attack - I could give a D2 barb a bow on switch and have a sword and a bow but it doesn't mean it'd be a good way to fight...
lol not duriels mother-in-law, hell if youve seen one bug youve seen em all, what about the cross-dressing buthcer? Then it isnt a vagina monster, its "Ah... Fresh cock!"
lol not duriels mother-in-law, hell if youve seen one bug youve seen em all, what about the cross-dressing buthcer? Then it isnt a vagina monster, its "Ah... Fresh cock!"
There is not a lot to offer aside from bows... Obviously throwing knives/axes, spears, javelins, ninja stars (lol), those circular cutting disc things (think Xena: Warrior Princess or Oddjob's hat :P), boomerangs.... I dunno, none of these stand out much to me, although maybe my imagination just isn't working well today...
Maybe a boomerang-type weapon with sharp edges that returns to the player? At least it would take out reducing quantity... Would probly end up looking like D2 hammers though.
Definitely think that bow/crossbow would be the most playable
lol not duriels mother-in-law, hell if youve seen one bug youve seen em all, what about the cross-dressing buthcer? Then it isnt a vagina monster, its "Ah... Fresh cock!"
Were all really just going around the same idea of a ranged character for the 5th class.
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[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"The lord of murder shall perish, but in his death he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos shall be sown in their footsteps"
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
I think that the cost for respecs will get more expensive each time you do it, so you will have to make new characters, but you can change the ones that turns out bad.
I read Blizzard want more than a price for respecs, a kind of quest ! or something special to do, something that prevent to trying all build.
He never said quest, and I don't think it is going to be a quest, but it is definitely going to be something major. Something fun could be if it reduced your experience gain by your level, which you then regain over a few days (faster when you are in higher level, about 1-5 days). So respeccing in a high level could make progress extremely tough for a day or two, which you then use to make a new character
I think it will not be in that way.
If I'm a casual gamer, I doesn't care about that...
"faster when you are in higher level" I think high level should be slower... If you don't know already what you want build at high level you have a problem... Second thing, when you are high level you have more points to respec, so normaly it will cost you more...
I continue to think you will have a special event to do for respec !
I would say the 5th class will be some sort of "Native American" based class. It would be some sort of hybrid of a druid/zon/ranger. My guess is that s/he will have some sort of move like "summoned ancestral spirit" to fight along side the character, kind of like the Amazon's Valkyrie. My guess for the name is probably the Banshee class.
Where are you getting your information? Sure, if we're going by Western Christian methodology, then they're called "nuns"... but the Monk is obviously neither "western" nor "christian".
It's a straw-man argument here on your end, and it's picking on little things that make no sense.
For example: It is accepted that Warlock is used generally as a male word (lit. "Oath Breaker"), yet in many games, there are female warlocks.
Another note here: Monk is an easily identifiable term for us. If we're speaking of the Shaolin Warriors (as it seems that the Monk seems to be based off of), we could collectively call them Warriors, as there is no gender differentiation there.... but Warriors is too vague and generic, so they went with Monk.
And yet we understand the idea given by the label. Don't get caught up in pedantics.
And besides, there are no such things as "male banshees" nor were there male equivalents.
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------------------------------------------- Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.
In the end it's not the same thing.
For exemple, a male amazon is ridicolous but a female monk isn't.
About the banshee, i think it's strange because it means "Female Fairy", and a guy with a "female fairy" class is surely way to girly.
I think female monks are totally acceptable because of my first language. "Monje" are the portuguese version for monks while "Monja" is the portuguese version for nuns (the variation is just "a" instead of a "e" and this is the standart variation from male to female subjectives. For exemple, male barbarians are called "barbaro" while famale barbarians are called "barbara").
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"In time the hissing of her sanity
Faded out her voice and soiled her name
And like marked pages in a diary
Everything seemed clean that is unstained
The incoherent talk of ordinary days
Why would we really need to live?
Decide what is clear and what's within a haze
What you should take and what to give" - Opeth
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lol, I only throw ideas, I don't think about what can be cool to see but I look which kind of gameplay I can plug it. It's useless to put 5 type of shiftshape if it's only attacker.
I don't think that the D3 team would limit themselves on making all classes human just because we're supposed to be saving the human realm. There is always room for a back story of another type of speicies.
I think the next class could be anything. I think it would be cool if they did something other than human.
I guess time will tell, but so far the game history is on your side.
Thank you. Yes I do know the difference.
Firstly, love the site - been lurking for a while and recently got back into D2 after a pretty long lay-off (I played from release to about '04, but didn't come back until 6 months ago).
My fav. class from D2 was the amazon so I'm really keen for the 5th D3 class to be ranged - as many have predicted for some time.
Back when the site ran the class contest there was one in particular that resonated with me - the 'Falconer.' It got me thinking that a 'pet' (rather than a summon) could be a really interesting addition to a D3 class. I would personally love something like a bow user with, for example, a 'pet' Tiger. Skill trees could be:
1. Bow and Crossbow
2. Tiger Skills (so the tiger would have it's own AI, allowing you to customize 'spells' or attacks that it can use)
3. Could be anything - traps would be a good fit I think, maybe passive skills that apply to both you and the 'pet.'
If you're looking for inspiration, think of Daniel Craig's character in 'The Golden Compass' - would be pretty badass to have a Snow Leopard fighting by your side!
The basis of the character could also be similar to that of the movie - the animal representing the 'soul' of the player, so that both live and die together. The biggest challenge would probably be getting the AI right for the 'pet,' perhaps 3 changeable states such as 'aggressive,' 'defensive' and 'passive,' to give the gamer more control over what the 'pet' does...
What do u guys think?
Ps. apologies for the essay, I've been thinking about this for sometime - obviously lol.
Native American could work, I know there is a native american myth about a 'thunderbird,' from memory I think they're supposedly quite big.... Either that or mesh the two concepts together: a Griffin, body of lion, head and wings of an eagle - best of both worlds
Btw, any idea as to what kind of animals there are in Sanctuary that could be used?
Oh and I'll have to check that comic out, thanks for the reference!
Yeh that's exactly what I was picturing... :rolleyes:
My agreement was in that for this idea to work, there would have to be some kind of connection between bow proficiency and nature. A Native American type has this connection, some of their bows were seen as more powerful/effective than firearms - albeit this was generally on horseback).
Some kind of knight is a definite possibility, considering how people would lap up the whole noble/heroic connotations. But it might be too cliche this time around...
What kind of skills are you thinking for 'spectral powers..?'
Also, what kind of combat style is your idea based on? Mainly ranged? Mainly Melee? Or balanced? I find it hard to picture a knight who would be able to dominate hand-to-hand combat and then change to an accurate, ranged attack - I could give a D2 barb a bow on switch and have a sword and a bow but it doesn't mean it'd be a good way to fight...
Maybe a boomerang-type weapon with sharp edges that returns to the player? At least it would take out reducing quantity... Would probly end up looking like D2 hammers though.
Definitely think that bow/crossbow would be the most playable
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
I read Blizzard want more than a price for respecs, a kind of quest ! or something special to do, something that prevent to trying all build.
I like that way to do !
I think it will not be in that way.
If I'm a casual gamer, I doesn't care about that...
"faster when you are in higher level" I think high level should be slower... If you don't know already what you want build at high level you have a problem... Second thing, when you are high level you have more points to respec, so normaly it will cost you more...
I continue to think you will have a special event to do for respec !
Banshees are from Irish Mythology, specifically Fairy lore. (And 100% Female, which removes it from being a possibility) Source
But, the idea is interesting. I'd love to destroy things with the Omen of Death!
Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.
Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.
It's a straw-man argument here on your end, and it's picking on little things that make no sense.
For example: It is accepted that Warlock is used generally as a male word (lit. "Oath Breaker"), yet in many games, there are female warlocks.
Another note here: Monk is an easily identifiable term for us. If we're speaking of the Shaolin Warriors (as it seems that the Monk seems to be based off of), we could collectively call them Warriors, as there is no gender differentiation there.... but Warriors is too vague and generic, so they went with Monk.
And yet we understand the idea given by the label. Don't get caught up in pedantics.
And besides, there are no such things as "male banshees" nor were there male equivalents.
Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.
For exemple, a male amazon is ridicolous but a female monk isn't.
About the banshee, i think it's strange because it means "Female Fairy", and a guy with a "female fairy" class is surely way to girly.
I think female monks are totally acceptable because of my first language. "Monje" are the portuguese version for monks while "Monja" is the portuguese version for nuns (the variation is just "a" instead of a "e" and this is the standart variation from male to female subjectives. For exemple, male barbarians are called "barbaro" while famale barbarians are called "barbara").