I think Blizzard said that there would be no healer and that all characters would be offensively oriented so soloing is possible.
Priest doesn't have to be healing. In World of Warcraft you can play as a shadow priest that has the ability to steal life, become a shadow form, and do lots of damage. Kind of like a shadow mage.
Anyway I don't think he's really suggesting a healing class.
Priest doesn't have to be healing. In World of Warcraft you can play as a shadow priest that has the ability to steal life, become a shadow form, and do lots of damage. Kind of like a shadow mage.
Anyway I don't think he's really suggesting a healing class.
well every single player who play priest on wow,and have specc shadow is a noob..everyone knows that..
never roll a priest,but im telling u what ppl who roll it (some very good players) said is totaly crapy to be shadow from wow perspective..
shadow in wow perspective is bad,very bad.this is hole other game,maybe they can make it better here but ...but for shore there will not be a priest in this game
listen man...i see u every single time have to say something..... it wasnt me who create it that way....what can ppl do..it is crapy spec and it will always be...priest is made to heal not to dps. (IN WOW)..dont go off the topic
I gave my opinion, what is wrong with that? I can rephrase it if you wish:
Do you think that all characters are made to be as strong as possible? I make tons of different characters for fun only, you can't honestly think that someone made a damage focused character from a healer class with the intention of making it the best possible dps character? It is just not happening.
Does making a character for fun make me a noob?
in wow.yes,there is nothing funny in that game.u getting out of controle,we are talking about making priest in d3. not gonna happend!
As far as a new class, Avenger would fit, but not with name. Personally it could fit the background story of some sort of roguish or ranger character, giving him more meaning. Perhaps back when the Diablo 2 story unfolded he was left abandoned as a kid to fight for himself in the wild?
I can see it now, left in the wild to be raised by wolves. Not a true druid, but wields the ability to befriend wilderness, thus allowing him to summon a wolf or something to help him. Would wield a lot of fast attacks, melee and ranged, that would allow him to dispatch of his foes quickly and quietly. Through use of the shadows (not literally, lore wise) and extreme killing techniques, this lone ranger has learned to hold his own quite well against very powerful foes, and now seeks revenge on the same entity that made him what he truly is today. As the character seeking revenge, he would realize that in his battle, and it could at times hinder him or yet empower him to fight for the sake of Sanctuary.
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There are no stupid questions, just a bunch of inquisitive idiots.
they should make a character were you are the bad guy, like you help defend diablo, and you can pillage towns, and attack the good guys. They could make the expansion to diablo 3 like all bad guy chars, and make 1 bad guy char in the original.
i don't know if that is sorta like WoW, i have only played to like lvl 10 on Wow, (i really dont like WoW at all) but i heard you can like pillage towns, so maybe my idea is a bad one.
or instead of making bad chars, you could just have a choice to be on the good or bad side.
what if they went against what everyone is thinking and made like a demon or something that was evil last game (like a megademon) and make them changed to good for this one as a character that would be cool.
what if they went against what everyone is thinking and made like a demon or something that was evil last game (like a megademon) and make them changed to good for this one as a character that would be cool.
Honestly I'd quit playing if that happened. Why would a demon turn good? It goes against their very nature. They only want to manipulate, control, and create chaos.
Priest doesn't have to be healing. In World of Warcraft you can play as a shadow priest that has the ability to steal life, become a shadow form, and do lots of damage. Kind of like a shadow mage.
Anyway I don't think he's really suggesting a healing class.
well every single player who play priest on wow,and have specc shadow is a noob..everyone knows that..
Why's that? :confused:
What's wrong with choosing the class and skills you have the most fun with.
shadow in wow perspective is bad,very bad.this is hole other game,maybe they can make it better here but ...but for shore there will not be a priest in this game
in wow.yes,there is nothing funny in that game.u getting out of controle,we are talking about making priest in d3. not gonna happend!
dunno how its called on english!
As far as a new class, Avenger would fit, but not with name. Personally it could fit the background story of some sort of roguish or ranger character, giving him more meaning. Perhaps back when the Diablo 2 story unfolded he was left abandoned as a kid to fight for himself in the wild?
I can see it now, left in the wild to be raised by wolves. Not a true druid, but wields the ability to befriend wilderness, thus allowing him to summon a wolf or something to help him. Would wield a lot of fast attacks, melee and ranged, that would allow him to dispatch of his foes quickly and quietly. Through use of the shadows (not literally, lore wise) and extreme killing techniques, this lone ranger has learned to hold his own quite well against very powerful foes, and now seeks revenge on the same entity that made him what he truly is today. As the character seeking revenge, he would realize that in his battle, and it could at times hinder him or yet empower him to fight for the sake of Sanctuary.
The Rotting:mad:
i don't know if that is sorta like WoW, i have only played to like lvl 10 on Wow, (i really dont like WoW at all) but i heard you can like pillage towns, so maybe my idea is a bad one.
or instead of making bad chars, you could just have a choice to be on the good or bad side.
Honestly I'd quit playing if that happened. Why would a demon turn good? It goes against their very nature. They only want to manipulate, control, and create chaos.
i think it will be like a ranged/assassin class
There are already zombies.