I was thinking about something cool I'd like to see made into a class in Diablo 3, and I got to thinking about Ulydassian's character from the Sin War trilogy of novels. If I were to mention the term "Nephalem", would many know of what I speak of?
**Quick run down: the Nephalem were the offspring of the angel Inarius and the demoness Lilith; mortals with unimaginable power enough to rival the Angiris Coucil of Angels (Tyrael's crew) and the Prime Evils of the Burning Hells**
Anyway, back to the Nephalem as a class. If we were to give them three potential talent trees to choose from, I would love to see something like a Light (Angelic) tree, a Death (Demonic) tree, and the third could be a tree that somehow takes a bit of each of the first 2 trees and grants the Nephalem enhancements or other alterations to their mortal form.
Since a Nephalem is technically part Angel and part Demon, you'd think they'd be able to call on the power of their heritages, even if the result is something less potent than what a pureblood would be able to conjure.
***On a side note; I'm not sure if this would fall under some form of theory or speculation forum/thread, and if I've erred in my placement of this post I apologize. I only chose this forum because I thought what I would post was relevant to Diablo 3***
Thanks, lemme know what you guys think of this. It's hard to imagine at this point what Blizzard could use for an original class that hasn't been used, but I'm hoping a Nephalem winds up being a potential candidate; I think it would be a cool choice
Now one thing I don't quite get about the Nephalem; you say there's true Nephalem, and that humans are less-powerful Nephalem. Does the Worldstone have anything to do with why they don't have the full potential of a true Nephalem? And with the Worldstone destroyed, could all these less powerful Nephalem regain their true strength? Like not having to worship true Nephalem to be bestowed just a fragment of their true potential?
The thing is, all humans in Sanctuary (the Diablo world) are actually Nephalem.
The TRUE Nephalem were the very first humans. Then after the worldstone got created, most did loose most of their powers.
All the classes in Diablo unlock a small part of their Nephalem power by worshipping any of the true Nephalem and/or doing other mystical things.
As an example, Rathma, who is the greatest Necromancer and the one who Necromancers worship, was a true Nephalem. But he also gained power from the legenday Trag' Oul. Other Necromancers worship Trag' Oul as well but they cant be as strong as Rathma...
Another example would be Paladins who worship Angels / The Heavens to unlock a part of their magical power...
Actually Mendelen is supposed to be a better necromancer than rathma, in the books he preforms spells that rathma didnt even think were possible
Humans have come to be MORE than Nephalem. Trag'Oul and Rathma even say it.
Uldyssian: You... you are like us... Rathma: No, I am unlike you or any of those who follow you. I cannot explain, but what you call the "gift" has metamorphosed. There are abilities that I have that you do not just as you bear some I am lacking. I suppose this should not so surprise me since I am from the very first generation birthed on Sanctuary...
Rathma: You said he was too weakened by her to do this! Trag'Oul: He is different! They would all be different! They are no more nephalem than you are human! They are more-
Just got done discussing this in another thread/reading this part of the books.
So to me it seems like humans are more than Nephalem now, their powers may have been dampened temporarily but they have much more potential. Just as the Nephalem had more potential than the angels/demons.
Whats the difference between human and Nephalem though? Simply the same generation, but mutated over time or something?
Distant generations of the same lineage, but yes the powers seemed to have changed to less "specialized". Rathma had really only necromantic powers, where as Uldyssian had a more diverse set of powers.
Think of it kind of like this, you have some black paint (demon) and some white paint (angel). Then you mix a little of both several different times, you'll never get the exact same shade of gray. Then you take those varying shades of gray and mix those. No shades will ever likely be exactly the same. Each time mixing shades of gray you'd have to undo each time to get back to black and white. That's how I like to view it at least.
**Quick run down: the Nephalem were the offspring of the angel Inarius and the demoness Lilith; mortals with unimaginable power enough to rival the Angiris Coucil of Angels (Tyrael's crew) and the Prime Evils of the Burning Hells**
Anyway, back to the Nephalem as a class. If we were to give them three potential talent trees to choose from, I would love to see something like a Light (Angelic) tree, a Death (Demonic) tree, and the third could be a tree that somehow takes a bit of each of the first 2 trees and grants the Nephalem enhancements or other alterations to their mortal form.
Since a Nephalem is technically part Angel and part Demon, you'd think they'd be able to call on the power of their heritages, even if the result is something less potent than what a pureblood would be able to conjure.
***On a side note; I'm not sure if this would fall under some form of theory or speculation forum/thread, and if I've erred in my placement of this post I apologize. I only chose this forum because I thought what I would post was relevant to Diablo 3***
Thanks, lemme know what you guys think of this. It's hard to imagine at this point what Blizzard could use for an original class that hasn't been used, but I'm hoping a Nephalem winds up being a potential candidate; I think it would be a cool choice
Wizards and witch doctors are just manipulating existing physics within the universe. They are scholars and scientists, really.
Think about a flamethrower IRL. How is this any different from the spell Inferno?
Actually Mendelen is supposed to be a better necromancer than rathma, in the books he preforms spells that rathma didnt even think were possible
Just got done discussing this in another thread/reading this part of the books.
So to me it seems like humans are more than Nephalem now, their powers may have been dampened temporarily but they have much more potential. Just as the Nephalem had more potential than the angels/demons.
Distant generations of the same lineage, but yes the powers seemed to have changed to less "specialized". Rathma had really only necromantic powers, where as Uldyssian had a more diverse set of powers.
Think of it kind of like this, you have some black paint (demon) and some white paint (angel). Then you mix a little of both several different times, you'll never get the exact same shade of gray. Then you take those varying shades of gray and mix those. No shades will ever likely be exactly the same. Each time mixing shades of gray you'd have to undo each time to get back to black and white. That's how I like to view it at least.