Well again ecutruin you pointed out nothing. Nothing that I was suggesting gives off a competitive or a esport mentality, in fact it goes directly against that thought process. You are so wound up in this whole esport thing and so scared shit-less that some PvP'er is going to run in your game and fuck you up that you obviously can't help but bring up esports and how "broken" pvp was in d2 and how it isn't the focus in every thread ha.
Now again, how was D2 PvP broken? I have given you all perfect examples thus far how you thought it was broken but the only thing broken was your lack of knowledge of the mechanics.
It's not only my view that it was broken...others also have found it broken. I haven't played Diablo 2 PvP in like 5 years. Expecting me to remember every little thing about it is just silly. What I do remember of it was that it just wasn't fun. Super twinked out characters basically killed everyone and generally camped you from even getting your body. That was my experience with PvP in Diablo 2.
As to your comment about me being 'scared'...do you even read what you post? Insulting other posters is a great way to get taken seriously, right? No, I'm not 'scared' of hostility...I don't ENJOY people coming into my game, flagging, and killing people that are trying to progress. It's not a fun experience for most people, which is why many games in Diablo 2 that were trying to progress content were either rushes, runs, or private passworded games. Funny enough, this poll says the majority feels the same way.
Now, tell me how hostility would be better for Diablo 3. Tell me how you're views on how the game's PvP would actually make the game better. Diablo 3 is nearly done, its core development and design focused on PvM. What would be so beneficial to the community AS A WHOLE that it'd be worth the development resources to implement? Use some logic behind your posts, instead of insults.
Right, so it is insulting to insinuate that you are scared of PvP and esports because well every post you post is you crying about esports or you spewing the same old cliche...so it is also insulting that you insinuate that your view of Diablo is the only correct one...and that there is obviously no good in PvP according to you? Bottom line, I could care less if you got insulted by what I said, obviously you are new to the Diablo community, try and harden up buddy..it only gets worse.
Hostility, while not needed, and not even something that I expect Blizzard to develop, nor is it something I am asking for, is and always has been a big part of the Diablo series. You even admitted that by stating how you got ganked and grieved and apparently thousands of others have as well, including Jay Wilson (Not suprised). IF hostility, were to be implemented, it shouldn't be the way Diablo 2 did it, it should be optional like I have stated probably a hundred times already and already laid out why and how this would work and how it would not affect PvM in the slightest.
Now what does hostility offer D3? Why should it be in there? Because it simply offers the nostalgic Diablo experience many have experienced. It offers a gameplay that is dynamic every game, instead of a static drawn out world where I can predict every movement within the game, hostility offers the ability to change the game at any moment. Now, I don't know about you but if you enjoy a world where the only random encounter you will find is a vary of a champion mob here or there then sure hostility might be a bad idea for you...and that is fine that is why they give people options. Now for me...that is boring as shit, if the only thing I have to look forward to is a random encounter with an easy ass champion mob, then well that is a pretty poor example of Diablo play to me.
Again, if I insulted you..that sucks, you should really loosen up because nothing I said was even remotely insulting, especially no more insulting then you putting the PvP crowd down like dogs and calling them trolls because they enjoyed a little more then killing monsters and farming gear.
Right, so it is insulting to insinuate that you are scared of PvP and esports because well every post you post is you crying about esports or you spewing the same old cliche...so it is also insulting that you insinuate that your view of Diablo is the only correct one...and that there is obviously no good in PvP according to you? Bottom line, I could care less if you got insulted by what I said, obviously you are new to the Diablo community, try and harden up buddy..it only gets worse.
Hostility, while not needed, and not even something that I expect Blizzard to develop, nor is it something I am asking for, is and always has been a big part of the Diablo series. You even admitted that by stating how you got ganked and grieved and apparently thousands of others have as well, including Jay Wilson (Not suprised). IF hostility, were to be implemented, it shouldn't be the way Diablo 2 did it, it should be optional like I have stated probably a hundred times already and already laid out why and how this would work and how it would not affect PvM in the slightest.
Now what does hostility offer D3? Why should it be in there? Because it simply offers the nostalgic Diablo experience many have experienced. It offers a gameplay that is dynamic every game, instead of a static drawn out world where I can predict every movement within the game, hostility offers the ability to change the game at any moment. Now, I don't know about you but if you enjoy a world where the only random encounter you will find is a vary of a champion mob here or there then sure hostility might be a bad idea for you...and that is fine that is why they give people options. Now for me...that is boring as shit, if the only thing I have to look forward to is a random encounter with an easy ass champion mob, then well that is a pretty poor example of Diablo play to me.
Again, if I insulted you..that sucks, you should really loosen up because nothing I said was even remotely insulting, especially no more insulting then you putting the PvP crowd down like dogs and calling them trolls because they enjoyed a little more then killing monsters and farming gear.
I don't think I've been complaining at all, to be honest. In fact...I tend to continually use facts and opinions based on facts to explain WHY things shouldn't be the way many of the PvP players want. In general, I'd say the only 'complaining' I've done is asking for logic instead of rage from PvP players...and that's not even complaining really. So, not sure how you see ME as the one complaining.
You still haven't offered a reason for it to benefit the COMMUNITY. You've only given a reason it would benefit you. The overall community doesn't want hostility. Look at the poll results for instance, they specifically show this. The game is designed around fighting monsters. If you find this boring, go play a different game perhaps? You continually complain about the game being boring in its current fashion, why play it? Why even bother to spend the time to complain when you can easily see that the gameplay YOU want is not the gameplay the MAJORITY want. Blizzard isn't likely to implement features that the MAJORITY specifically does NOT want in the game. Is it that hard to grasp?
I've not been putting down the PvP crowd. In fact, I've been trying to be logical and explain exactly why the features some want for Diablo 3 wouldn't be a good idea. I've been trying to suggest alternative solutions that could be implemented in a way that would benefit PvP while not inhibiting PvM. I've been trying to get the PvP community to actually use logic instead of lashing out with insults and calling the PvM crowd crybabies and carebears. I've actually suggested a few concepts to allow some of the Diablo 2 style PvP continue in Diablo 3. Honestly, do you even read most of my posts you respond to?
Well all that aside, it looks like (so far), that while nearly everyone is comfortable with arena style pvp for one reason or another, a good many people would also like to be able to organize the players, rules, and teams in non random matchmaking mmr games as well, and just as many are willing to allow or want to see /duel implemented.
With that said, the pvp forum is not viewed nearly as much as some other forums and so the vote counts are fairly low. If there was a large movement in the community to push for these two pvp features I'm sure we could see them down the road. It would take a good many communities and individuals coming together (on the b.net forums?) with constructive posts concerning this, however.
As long as they keep PVP casual and don't do big changes to PVE builds because of PVP balance issues I'm happy.
What they can do is make skills in PVP slightly altered. Just like what they're doing in WoW. It's very suitable.
I think the main reason we're worried is we don't want them to do what they did in WoW. They didn't just make small tweaks, they removed abilities and items from the game specifically to balance PvP. It took a lot of things that were really fun out of the game in the name of PvP. We don't want to see PvP play that kind of role in Diablo 3.
I can't believe arena leads, how many old school diablo players actually visit those forums ?
Hostility and duels always been diablo's pvp legacy...... if players want team work arena they should go play wow or somethink
I agree with you. This forum is crowded with PvM'ers who played 2 minutes of D2 PvP and got killed and cried foul. Polls won't prove anything because there are maybe a hand full of real PvP'ers in this forum.
legacy my ass that shit was lame people only did it that way cause they had no choice given what we have now i would rather have a fair fight
Oh but it is the legacy of Diablo. It was apparent in D1 and apparent in D2. It is why I and many others played the game for 12+ years. Me going 1v7 would you call that fair? I sure do, and I loved every second of it. Me joining a game with my LLD and stomping level 80+ guys, would you call that fair? I sure do, and again...loved every second of it.
I agree with you. This forum is crowded with PvM'ers who played 2 minutes of D2 PvP and got killed and cried foul. Polls won't prove anything because there are maybe a hand full of real PvP'ers in this forum.
Oh no! A forum crowded with players that play the game for its core game features...
Oh but it is the legacy of Diablo. It was apparent in D1 and apparent in D2. It is why I and many others played the game for 12+ years. Me going 1v7 would you call that fair? I sure do, and I loved every second of it. Me joining a game with my LLD and stomping level 80+ guys, would you call that fair? I sure do, and again...loved every second of it.
You just proved with this statement exactly why Blizzard should not listen to you..... EVER.
I agree with you. This forum is crowded with PvM'ers who played 2 minutes of D2 PvP and got killed and cried foul. Polls won't prove anything because there are maybe a hand full of real PvP'ers in this forum.
Oh no! A forum crowded with players that play the game for its core game features...
Oh but it is the legacy of Diablo. It was apparent in D1 and apparent in D2. It is why I and many others played the game for 12+ years. Me going 1v7 would you call that fair? I sure do, and I loved every second of it. Me joining a game with my LLD and stomping level 80+ guys, would you call that fair? I sure do, and again...loved every second of it.
You just proved with this statement exactly why Blizzard should not listen to you..... EVER.
Yea I guess so. Me playing the game how I want and being skilled enough to stomp 7 people at once by myself or taking guys 60+ levels higher then me and stomping them.....shouldn't listen to me ever! Id say they should listen to the guy who played the game since launch to today, they should listen to the guy who mastered every mechanic of the game. Oh wait..maybe they should listen to the guys who got destroyed and quit the game after normal...or that quit the game after being PK'd...yea they will surely know a lot or stick around.
Yea I guess so. Me playing the game how I want and being skilled enough to stomp 7 people at once by myself or taking guys 60+ levels higher then me and stomping them.....shouldn't listen to me ever! Id say they should listen to the guy who played the game since launch to today, they should listen to the guy who mastered every mechanic of the game. Oh wait..maybe they should listen to the guys who got destroyed and quit the game after normal...or that quit the game after being PK'd...yea they will surely know a lot or stick around.
Hrm... So Blizzard should listen to someone that abuses game mechanics, harasses other players for fun, and all around make playing with them unfun... Right? No, sorry. I think that Blizzard knows exactly what they are doing and Diablo 3 will be amazing.
Yea I guess so. Me playing the game how I want and being skilled enough to stomp 7 people at once by myself or taking guys 60+ levels higher then me and stomping them.....shouldn't listen to me ever! Id say they should listen to the guy who played the game since launch to today, they should listen to the guy who mastered every mechanic of the game. Oh wait..maybe they should listen to the guys who got destroyed and quit the game after normal...or that quit the game after being PK'd...yea they will surely know a lot or stick around.
Hrm... So Blizzard should listen to someone that abuses game mechanics, harasses other players for fun, and all around make playing with them unfun... Right? No, sorry. I think that Blizzard knows exactly what they are doing and Diablo 3 will be amazing.
Right, so I abused what game mechanics? The ones they placed there for me to use? I abused them by not killing lower levels, by not jumping people, but by standing there in the moor and killing 7 people at once....I clearly see where you are coming from...oh wait no I don't? Yea it probably was unfun for them, I mean who wants to get beat down by 1 guy when you have 7 on your team?
Lesson of this story: Don't suck
I guess what really gets me is that you guys all come in here, and bitch and moan about how unfair D2 PvP was and how D3 PvP is gonna be so great, when your actual PvP experience in game like this is so damn limited. I PvP'd more in 1 day then half this forum has their whole life in Diablo ha, it's pathetic.
Right, so I abused what game mechanics? The ones they placed there for me to use? I abused them by not killing lower levels, by not jumping people, but by standing there in the moor and killing 7 people at once....I clearly see where you are coming from...oh wait no I don't? Yea it probably was unfun for them, I mean who wants to get beat down by 1 guy when you have 7 on your team?
Lesson of this story: Don't suck
I guess what really gets me is that you guys all come in here, and bitch and moan about how unfair D2 PvP was and how D3 PvP is gonna be so great, when your actual PvP experience in game like this is so damn limited. I PvP'd more in 1 day then half this forum has their whole life in Diablo ha, it's pathetic.
Yes, you were abusing game mechanics that at the time weren't designed to handle that style of gameplay. It obviously wasn't the intended way to play the game as they didn't continue in in Diablo 3 did they? Nope, now you actually have to fight players with an equal skill, gear, and level. How is this a bad thing?
As for complaints...seems that you're the one complaining more then I am. You're the one saying Diablo 3 will be terrible because you cannot get what you want. Me, I'm just saying you're wrong...because you are.
Right, so I abused what game mechanics? The ones they placed there for me to use? I abused them by not killing lower levels, by not jumping people, but by standing there in the moor and killing 7 people at once....I clearly see where you are coming from...oh wait no I don't? Yea it probably was unfun for them, I mean who wants to get beat down by 1 guy when you have 7 on your team?
Lesson of this story: Don't suck
I guess what really gets me is that you guys all come in here, and bitch and moan about how unfair D2 PvP was and how D3 PvP is gonna be so great, when your actual PvP experience in game like this is so damn limited. I PvP'd more in 1 day then half this forum has their whole life in Diablo ha, it's pathetic.
Yes, you were abusing game mechanics that at the time weren't designed to handle that style of gameplay. It obviously wasn't the intended way to play the game as they didn't continue in in Diablo 3 did they? Nope, now you actually have to fight players with an equal skill, gear, and level. How is this a bad thing?
As for complaints...seems that you're the one complaining more then I am. You're the one saying Diablo 3 will be terrible because you cannot get what you want. Me, I'm just saying you're wrong...because you are.
So I was abusing the mechanic because I didn't follow their "intentions" of the mechanic? Me breaking the mechanic and using it to further better myself would be abusing it. Nothing I did with the mechanic was out of intended reasons for it, it operates just as it should.
Well I guess that is the problem, I won't have fun fighting someone at equal skill, level, or gear because I haven't met them in 12+ years and why would I meet them now ha? I definitely won't have fun fighting in team duels, as relying on poorly skilled kids who think gear is the end all be all in Diablo PvP is a recipe for disaster.
You know how me and my brother team dueled? We would do 2v6, vs top tier clans. We wouldn't work as a team, we would see who could kill the majority of the other team before the other one could. Hunting kids down and killing them has been a huge part of Diablo for me and all of my friends since D1. Now I understand I am by far the minority in the division, but PvP in Diablo is not the minority by far buddy, and like I said, I don't care about the here and now, I am looking at the future.
So I was abusing the mechanic because I didn't follow their "intentions" of the mechanic? Me breaking the mechanic and using it to further better myself would be abusing it. Nothing I did with the mechanic was out of intended reasons for it, it operates just as it should.
Well I guess that is the problem, I won't have fun fighting someone at equal skill, level, or gear because I haven't met them in 12+ years and why would I meet them now ha? I definitely won't have fun fighting in team duels, as relying on poorly skilled kids who think gear is the end all be all in Diablo PvP is a recipe for disaster.
You know how me and my brother team dueled? We would do 2v6, vs top tier clans. We wouldn't work as a team, we would see who could kill the majority of the other team before the other one could. Hunting kids down and killing them has been a huge part of Diablo for me and all of my friends since D1. Now I understand I am by far the minority in the division, but PvP in Diablo is not the minority by far buddy, and like I said, I don't care about the here and now, I am looking at the future.
Well, I hope you like the idea of Arena...because that is the future. I'm looking forward to it too.
So I was abusing the mechanic because I didn't follow their "intentions" of the mechanic? Me breaking the mechanic and using it to further better myself would be abusing it. Nothing I did with the mechanic was out of intended reasons for it, it operates just as it should.
Well I guess that is the problem, I won't have fun fighting someone at equal skill, level, or gear because I haven't met them in 12+ years and why would I meet them now ha? I definitely won't have fun fighting in team duels, as relying on poorly skilled kids who think gear is the end all be all in Diablo PvP is a recipe for disaster.
You know how me and my brother team dueled? We would do 2v6, vs top tier clans. We wouldn't work as a team, we would see who could kill the majority of the other team before the other one could. Hunting kids down and killing them has been a huge part of Diablo for me and all of my friends since D1. Now I understand I am by far the minority in the division, but PvP in Diablo is not the minority by far buddy, and like I said, I don't care about the here and now, I am looking at the future.
Well, I hope you like the idea of Arena...because that is the future. I'm looking forward to it too.
I will like the arena, if I can customize it. If it is generic 3v3 team duels then hell no. Ill be out of this game and so will a ton of the old school players, well sell our gear for some quick cash to kids who can't handle ez mode D3 PvM and move on. Simple.
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Hostility, while not needed, and not even something that I expect Blizzard to develop, nor is it something I am asking for, is and always has been a big part of the Diablo series. You even admitted that by stating how you got ganked and grieved and apparently thousands of others have as well, including Jay Wilson (Not suprised). IF hostility, were to be implemented, it shouldn't be the way Diablo 2 did it, it should be optional like I have stated probably a hundred times already and already laid out why and how this would work and how it would not affect PvM in the slightest.
Now what does hostility offer D3? Why should it be in there? Because it simply offers the nostalgic Diablo experience many have experienced. It offers a gameplay that is dynamic every game, instead of a static drawn out world where I can predict every movement within the game, hostility offers the ability to change the game at any moment. Now, I don't know about you but if you enjoy a world where the only random encounter you will find is a vary of a champion mob here or there then sure hostility might be a bad idea for you...and that is fine that is why they give people options. Now for me...that is boring as shit, if the only thing I have to look forward to is a random encounter with an easy ass champion mob, then well that is a pretty poor example of Diablo play to me.
Again, if I insulted you..that sucks, you should really loosen up because nothing I said was even remotely insulting, especially no more insulting then you putting the PvP crowd down like dogs and calling them trolls because they enjoyed a little more then killing monsters and farming gear.
I don't think I've been complaining at all, to be honest. In fact...I tend to continually use facts and opinions based on facts to explain WHY things shouldn't be the way many of the PvP players want. In general, I'd say the only 'complaining' I've done is asking for logic instead of rage from PvP players...and that's not even complaining really. So, not sure how you see ME as the one complaining.
You still haven't offered a reason for it to benefit the COMMUNITY. You've only given a reason it would benefit you. The overall community doesn't want hostility. Look at the poll results for instance, they specifically show this. The game is designed around fighting monsters. If you find this boring, go play a different game perhaps? You continually complain about the game being boring in its current fashion, why play it? Why even bother to spend the time to complain when you can easily see that the gameplay YOU want is not the gameplay the MAJORITY want. Blizzard isn't likely to implement features that the MAJORITY specifically does NOT want in the game. Is it that hard to grasp?
I've not been putting down the PvP crowd. In fact, I've been trying to be logical and explain exactly why the features some want for Diablo 3 wouldn't be a good idea. I've been trying to suggest alternative solutions that could be implemented in a way that would benefit PvP while not inhibiting PvM. I've been trying to get the PvP community to actually use logic instead of lashing out with insults and calling the PvM crowd crybabies and carebears. I've actually suggested a few concepts to allow some of the Diablo 2 style PvP continue in Diablo 3. Honestly, do you even read most of my posts you respond to?
With that said, the pvp forum is not viewed nearly as much as some other forums and so the vote counts are fairly low. If there was a large movement in the community to push for these two pvp features I'm sure we could see them down the road. It would take a good many communities and individuals coming together (on the b.net forums?) with constructive posts concerning this, however.
The other mechanics are probably something nobody would oppose (better control on custom matches, dueling - ffs how could they not add this?).
Ha. Bagstone.
I think the main reason we're worried is we don't want them to do what they did in WoW. They didn't just make small tweaks, they removed abilities and items from the game specifically to balance PvP. It took a lot of things that were really fun out of the game in the name of PvP. We don't want to see PvP play that kind of role in Diablo 3.
Oh but it is the legacy of Diablo. It was apparent in D1 and apparent in D2. It is why I and many others played the game for 12+ years. Me going 1v7 would you call that fair? I sure do, and I loved every second of it. Me joining a game with my LLD and stomping level 80+ guys, would you call that fair? I sure do, and again...loved every second of it.
Oh no! A forum crowded with players that play the game for its core game features...
You just proved with this statement exactly why Blizzard should not listen to you..... EVER.
Hrm... So Blizzard should listen to someone that abuses game mechanics, harasses other players for fun, and all around make playing with them unfun... Right? No, sorry. I think that Blizzard knows exactly what they are doing and Diablo 3 will be amazing.
Lesson of this story: Don't suck
I guess what really gets me is that you guys all come in here, and bitch and moan about how unfair D2 PvP was and how D3 PvP is gonna be so great, when your actual PvP experience in game like this is so damn limited. I PvP'd more in 1 day then half this forum has their whole life in Diablo ha, it's pathetic.
Yes, you were abusing game mechanics that at the time weren't designed to handle that style of gameplay. It obviously wasn't the intended way to play the game as they didn't continue in in Diablo 3 did they? Nope, now you actually have to fight players with an equal skill, gear, and level. How is this a bad thing?
As for complaints...seems that you're the one complaining more then I am. You're the one saying Diablo 3 will be terrible because you cannot get what you want. Me, I'm just saying you're wrong...because you are.
Well I guess that is the problem, I won't have fun fighting someone at equal skill, level, or gear because I haven't met them in 12+ years and why would I meet them now ha? I definitely won't have fun fighting in team duels, as relying on poorly skilled kids who think gear is the end all be all in Diablo PvP is a recipe for disaster.
You know how me and my brother team dueled? We would do 2v6, vs top tier clans. We wouldn't work as a team, we would see who could kill the majority of the other team before the other one could. Hunting kids down and killing them has been a huge part of Diablo for me and all of my friends since D1. Now I understand I am by far the minority in the division, but PvP in Diablo is not the minority by far buddy, and like I said, I don't care about the here and now, I am looking at the future.
Well, I hope you like the idea of Arena...because that is the future. I'm looking forward to it too.