I'd say change the demon hunter to ISTP (they seem more of the gadget wielding, bounty hunter/assassin types, very ISTPish) and the monk to ISTJ (the reliable, religious paladin/cleric type). Everything else sounds about right.
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Barbarian - ESTJ
Demon Hunter Female - INFP
Male - ENFP
Witch Doctor Male - INTJ
Female - INFJ
Wizard - ENTJ
Monk Male - ESTP
Female - ISTP.
Diablo - ENTP or INTP not sure which.
Tyrael - ISTP?
Inarius - ESTP
Uldyssian - ISFP
Mendeln - ENTP
Rathma - INTP
That is all I have so far. If you know anything about the system let me know if you agree or not.