Hello everone
I have a theroy which is proably completly outlandish but here we go.In Act II of Diablo 3 we can/could have 2 seperate events involving the necromancer,The first of these is the one where we find his aprentice which is all well and good but we have a second event where we found a dying necromancer now correct me if i am wrong but didn't necromancy die out post worldstone destruction and if that the case how could there be two necromancer unless he took on two aprentice i believe we found our necromancer from DII and we watched him die or he took on two aprentice but i don't see that as the case because the portarit for the dying necro match's the one in the lore book so what are your thought's did we see our necromancer die or am i completly off.
P.S Forgot Names of the event's Restless sands and i cant remeber the other.
I am not saying at all they died at the worldstone I am saying that in the twenty year period between D2 and D3.Necromancy began to die out and now there so few left that it would only make sense that we see our necromancer dying and we find his aprentice
I've gotten the quest where the apprentice lives, but how are you so sure that in the event where he dies, that he's not the same apprentice, just in a different ...situation?
Because that would make no sense say you get the quest where the necro dies then you find the apprentice you would already know he is dead unless you go back in time then the dying necro isn't the apprentice it is all possible it could be a random necro or it could be we saw our necro die
I have a theroy which is proably completly outlandish but here we go.In Act II of Diablo 3 we can/could have 2 seperate events involving the necromancer,The first of these is the one where we find his aprentice which is all well and good but we have a second event where we found a dying necromancer now correct me if i am wrong but didn't necromancy die out post worldstone destruction and if that the case how could there be two necromancer unless he took on two aprentice i believe we found our necromancer from DII and we watched him die or he took on two aprentice but i don't see that as the case because the portarit for the dying necro match's the one in the lore book so what are your thought's did we see our necromancer die or am i completly off.
P.S Forgot Names of the event's Restless sands and i cant remeber the other.