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7841 a4dun_Spire_HellFissure Hell Fissure 7841 a4dun_Spire_TrotterionGeyser Corruption Geyser 8059 a4dun_spire_firewallMonster Demonfire Nightmare 7841 a4dun_spire_Spike_Trap_Monster Spike Trap
FallenShaman_A_UniqueWhipple Bashiok
Gharbad_The_Weak_Ghost Ghost of Gharbad
Ormus_BossWorld Ormus
Secret_Cow Angry Cow
1 A1C2R1 AdventurerLeaderdsf Lynndo Calrissian
A4dun_Spire_AspectGhost_04 | Marius
Could it be we run into our old friend during Act 4?
I wonder what his ghost will be like - hopefully a bit more courageous than he was in life
Looking at the other strings with the same value, I'm not sure how Marius will play into this... interesting... very interesting.
Oh Bashiok...
My boy!
Ormus from A3! A boss?!
Oh my. Hope he doesn't try to trade us off to Diablo in exchange for something...