Although the Dark Abyss RP died, a few people still had things planned for their character. Well, here is where you can live out your characters life. Feel free to do anything your imagination desires. This rp will not be interactive with other players. Instead, you can create a story (short or long) with your character and you can control everybody else in your story. If anybody else would like to create a story you can still go to There you can read the lore of the Dark Abyss. You can create any character you like in the old character creation thread and create your own mini series. Have fun and I look forward to seeing what else happens in the Dark Abyss.
Also, please leave this thread for story submissions only. Any OOC discusions can be posted on the dark abyss ooc thread.
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Dorf started his day just like any other day. He woke to his alarm which would scream out a loud constant buzzing noise. Dorf would slam both of his right arms down onto the diamond coated machine allowing for the force of Dorf's strength. Dorf would then roll out of bed and head for the bathroom. After relieving himself from the whiskey of last night, Dorf would brush his teeth, rub the gunk out of his four eyes and shave simultaneously. After the bathroom, Dorf would head to his favorite part of the house, the kitchen. Dorf would spend at least an hour cooking up some food for breakfast only to devour it in a couple of minutes. Dorf would then hesitantly make his way back to his bedroom. Dorf opened his closet to pull out his work uniform, the rugged and heavy armor he needed to protect himself while digging in the mines. Dorf would slide on the pants first and then the top trailed by the boots and gloves. Just before leaving his house, Dorf would always look around at his house. The bare rooms filled with just enough furniture for himself. The unfortunate view of the mines. Dorf would turn back around and head out of his house to go to work at the mines.
Dorf would eventually arrive at the mines by way of the tram system. Dorf walked off of the tram and headed straight to the time clock. The dozens of other Largix also filtered out following Dorf's lead. Dorf would walk over to the assignment board that determined where Dorf would be mining. Without saying a word to anyone else, Dorf would make his way to wherever the board told him to go. Dorf grabbed his pick axe and would begin hammering at the wall. Chunks of the dense rock of Bormunth would fall to the floor. Dorf would amass a giant pile by his feet before stopping to pick them up and heave them into the giant carts that rolled off on the track system. Dorf would repeat this process until the lunch whistle would blow.
Even lunch time, which should have been the highlight of his workday, was meet the same routine. The meager amount of processed food was given to him as he sat down at a table. Dorf would not speak to anyone else, instead he would be forcibly drawn to the viewer which would stream the same constant advertisement for the new housing development that Dorf himself was working on.
After lunch, Dorf would return to the grindstone. Knocking away at the rock, loading it into the carts, repeating the process. The other Largix around Dorf would fill the time with banter and jokes, laughing with one another. Dorf would not partake in the socializing. Instead, Dorf would go about his job knocking more rock off and loading more into the cart. Dorf was often commended for his great work and production but it did little to Dorf's ego.
After the final whistle would blow Dorf would finally smile. He often diverted from the shaft back to the tram. Instead, Dorf would sneak away to the cavern lift that went to the surface of the planet. Dorf would take the lift and head up to the surface. Dorf would take off his helmet and just breathe in the air. The sands would rip across him but Dorf was willing to take the sting at a chance to look at the two suns that scorched down onto the surface of Bormunth.
- To be continued...
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Dorf awoke once again to the same routine that filled his dreary life. He got up and readied himself for work. He boarded the tram as he looked around at all of the Largix standing their lost in their mundane life's.
Dorf looked to his left as he heard another Largix ask him "So, you excited for the break through on tunnel 486 today."
Dorf couldn't help but annoyed by this other Largix's enthusiasm for mining.
"Whatever" Dorf replied as he turned around hoping to avoid any more talks with this Largix.
Dorf exited the tram and clocked in for work. Dorf looked up on the board as he read -Dorf Lunger/tunnel 486. Most Largix would have killed to get to work on the break through but to Dorf it was just another tunnel with more rock to be excavated.
Dorf picked up an electro-hammer, the tool that everyone was using to break through the remaining 100 feet of rock. Dorf slammed the hammer into the wall as the shock for the hammer loosened even more rock. Dorf continued to hammer away oblivious to what anyone else was doing. As Dorf was loading a pile of the gigantic rocks into the disposal carts, he lloked over and saw a younger Largix hammering away at the edge of the tunnel. Strike after strike the younger Largix wasn't even paying attention to what he was doing. Dorf saw as the Youngling hammered into the support wall.
"WAIT!!" Dorf yellled out. Just tehn the Largix took the final blow as the support wall began to crack. Dorf looked as he saw the crack grow and stretch its way to the tunnels roof.
"CAVE IN!!" Dorf yelled alarming the rest of the Largix. "Everyone out" Dorf continued. Giant chunks of rock began falling from the ceiling. A piece crashed down into hte ground lodging itself 10 feet into the ground. Another piece fell as it hit one of the disposal carts, crushing it flat.
Dorf realized that a piece above the youngling was about to fall. Dorf raced over and threw his body on top of the boy's taking the brunt of the rock that was falling. "ERRGH!" Dorf yelled out as the rock hit Dorf's back and crumbled into a hundred little pieces.
Dorf stood back up and offered his lower left hand to the youngling. "I'm sorr.." The boy began to say before Dorf cut him off, "We have to get out of here now."
Dorf and the boy began running through the tunnel as more and more debris fell from the ceiling. Dorf looked ahead and saw the entrance to the tunnel. "We're almost there" Dorf said to the youngling hoping to encourage him. Just as they were about to reach the end, the entire entracen collapsed, sealing them and the other workers from the the rest of the miners.
To be continued...
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Four men walked onto the platform that a very armed battleship was docked at. They boarded the ship as the cargo bay door closed behing them.
"Ready for take off Oltu," the voice crackled over the intercom into the cabin of the battleship.
"Roger that," Oltu replied holding down the talk button on the exravigant control panel before putting his hands back on the yoke and pushing it hard into the panel. The battleship pushed itself off the platform shooting the battleship deep into the open space.
"What's our new mission, William?" Oltu said walking into the main hall of the ship, meeting with the four men.
"We got a real good paying one. That's what we got Oltu," William, the obvious leader of the crew replied.
William took his pressured helmet as the air sprayed out into the hall. He was tall man, for being human with a dark complection to his skin, some from a tan, some from dirt and oil. His beard was rugged with dark stubble and his short cut black hair was slicked to the left right. He laid his helmet down on the table, pulling out a case of cigars and a flask of whiskey. He took a swig and lit a cigar, taking long puffs from it.
"Rodney, because of your little stunt back there, you're on the shit list tonight. Get to the armory and clean all the weapons and remember, Rodney, I like my barrel to shine," William told one of the other men laughing and taking a puff of his cigar.
Rodney took off his pressurized helmet before walking away grumbling under his breath about it. The other two men laughed at Rodney while taking off their helmets as well.
"So William, what exactly is our mission," spoke of the other men.
"I've heard that no one has ever been able to complete this type of mission. We're going to Void," William took another puff of his cigar staring into Oltu's shocked eyes.
Also, please leave this thread for story submissions only. Any OOC discusions can be posted on the dark abyss ooc thread.
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Episode 1.
Dorf would eventually arrive at the mines by way of the tram system. Dorf walked off of the tram and headed straight to the time clock. The dozens of other Largix also filtered out following Dorf's lead. Dorf would walk over to the assignment board that determined where Dorf would be mining. Without saying a word to anyone else, Dorf would make his way to wherever the board told him to go. Dorf grabbed his pick axe and would begin hammering at the wall. Chunks of the dense rock of Bormunth would fall to the floor. Dorf would amass a giant pile by his feet before stopping to pick them up and heave them into the giant carts that rolled off on the track system. Dorf would repeat this process until the lunch whistle would blow.
Even lunch time, which should have been the highlight of his workday, was meet the same routine. The meager amount of processed food was given to him as he sat down at a table. Dorf would not speak to anyone else, instead he would be forcibly drawn to the viewer which would stream the same constant advertisement for the new housing development that Dorf himself was working on.
After lunch, Dorf would return to the grindstone. Knocking away at the rock, loading it into the carts, repeating the process. The other Largix around Dorf would fill the time with banter and jokes, laughing with one another. Dorf would not partake in the socializing. Instead, Dorf would go about his job knocking more rock off and loading more into the cart. Dorf was often commended for his great work and production but it did little to Dorf's ego.
After the final whistle would blow Dorf would finally smile. He often diverted from the shaft back to the tram. Instead, Dorf would sneak away to the cavern lift that went to the surface of the planet. Dorf would take the lift and head up to the surface. Dorf would take off his helmet and just breathe in the air. The sands would rip across him but Dorf was willing to take the sting at a chance to look at the two suns that scorched down onto the surface of Bormunth.
- To be continued...
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Episode 2.
Dorf looked to his left as he heard another Largix ask him "So, you excited for the break through on tunnel 486 today."
Dorf couldn't help but annoyed by this other Largix's enthusiasm for mining.
"Whatever" Dorf replied as he turned around hoping to avoid any more talks with this Largix.
Dorf exited the tram and clocked in for work. Dorf looked up on the board as he read -Dorf Lunger/tunnel 486. Most Largix would have killed to get to work on the break through but to Dorf it was just another tunnel with more rock to be excavated.
Dorf picked up an electro-hammer, the tool that everyone was using to break through the remaining 100 feet of rock. Dorf slammed the hammer into the wall as the shock for the hammer loosened even more rock. Dorf continued to hammer away oblivious to what anyone else was doing. As Dorf was loading a pile of the gigantic rocks into the disposal carts, he lloked over and saw a younger Largix hammering away at the edge of the tunnel. Strike after strike the younger Largix wasn't even paying attention to what he was doing. Dorf saw as the Youngling hammered into the support wall.
"WAIT!!" Dorf yellled out. Just tehn the Largix took the final blow as the support wall began to crack. Dorf looked as he saw the crack grow and stretch its way to the tunnels roof.
"CAVE IN!!" Dorf yelled alarming the rest of the Largix. "Everyone out" Dorf continued. Giant chunks of rock began falling from the ceiling. A piece crashed down into hte ground lodging itself 10 feet into the ground. Another piece fell as it hit one of the disposal carts, crushing it flat.
Dorf realized that a piece above the youngling was about to fall. Dorf raced over and threw his body on top of the boy's taking the brunt of the rock that was falling. "ERRGH!" Dorf yelled out as the rock hit Dorf's back and crumbled into a hundred little pieces.
Dorf stood back up and offered his lower left hand to the youngling. "I'm sorr.." The boy began to say before Dorf cut him off, "We have to get out of here now."
Dorf and the boy began running through the tunnel as more and more debris fell from the ceiling. Dorf looked ahead and saw the entrance to the tunnel. "We're almost there" Dorf said to the youngling hoping to encourage him. Just as they were about to reach the end, the entire entracen collapsed, sealing them and the other workers from the the rest of the miners.
To be continued...
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Episode 1.
Four men walked onto the platform that a very armed battleship was docked at. They boarded the ship as the cargo bay door closed behing them.
"Ready for take off Oltu," the voice crackled over the intercom into the cabin of the battleship.
"Roger that," Oltu replied holding down the talk button on the exravigant control panel before putting his hands back on the yoke and pushing it hard into the panel. The battleship pushed itself off the platform shooting the battleship deep into the open space.
"What's our new mission, William?" Oltu said walking into the main hall of the ship, meeting with the four men.
"We got a real good paying one. That's what we got Oltu," William, the obvious leader of the crew replied.
William took his pressured helmet as the air sprayed out into the hall. He was tall man, for being human with a dark complection to his skin, some from a tan, some from dirt and oil. His beard was rugged with dark stubble and his short cut black hair was slicked to the left right. He laid his helmet down on the table, pulling out a case of cigars and a flask of whiskey. He took a swig and lit a cigar, taking long puffs from it.
"Rodney, because of your little stunt back there, you're on the shit list tonight. Get to the armory and clean all the weapons and remember, Rodney, I like my barrel to shine," William told one of the other men laughing and taking a puff of his cigar.
Rodney took off his pressurized helmet before walking away grumbling under his breath about it. The other two men laughed at Rodney while taking off their helmets as well.
"So William, what exactly is our mission," spoke of the other men.
"I've heard that no one has ever been able to complete this type of mission. We're going to Void," William took another puff of his cigar staring into Oltu's shocked eyes.
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