Standing at the microwave, Venom is heating a large cup of tea. Wearing clean, blood-free clothing, he then takes his cup of tea and goes to the combat room, finds a little box-like room where he can watch the training. "Ahhh..." Venom said, taking a sip. "Now that's what I call tea. This should be good for entertainment." Lt. Venom then sits down and stretches into a comfortable position to watch from.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Meth left Dorf's company as Dorf went back to the cargo bay.
"Attention Revenants. We will be landing on Bormunth soon. As I mentioned before, we are going to Bormunth to sabotage arival mining company. WE are being paid handsomely to make sure that we leave this mine inoperable. Once we get to the mine, we will most likely have to fight off a group of Largix. We will be destroyingby any means necessary. Bring all of your supplies. These mines are built to withstand a lot of abuse and it will take everything we have to knock it down."
Dorf finished his announcement and went to the cockpit to find Oltu.
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Electricity buzzes as weapons pierce through armor; thick red gore sprays across blood that has already begun to congeal; the familiar sting of sweat trickling down the inside of the mask and burning the eyes; the dust in the air is choking, kicked up from the limp bodies crashing to the ground.
Kayden had made his way through the mob of warriors, closing the distance towards General Shinko. Meanwhile, John Swiftblade slashed through the soldiers and moved in from behind the General. Their timing would have to be perfect.
Kayden parried away a glancing blow and punched his wrist blades into the chest of his opponent. John swiped his blades low severing the tendons in his foe's knee, the leg buckling under the soldiers weight. The two Revenants had nearly converged, and poised to strike. General Shinko raised his hands at Kayden, ready to deliver the killing blow. And yet, the General hesitated, as the 2 blades from behind him reached out to claim his life.
"Attention Revenants. We will be landing on Bormunth soon."
Dorf gave his perfectly ill timed speech once again.
"Do we ever get some time to ourselves!! Dammit!!" Screamed Kayden.
The pent up fury had to go somewhere, and so he swept his maul out at the still frozen General Shinko. But Kayden's anger wouldn't be sated. The blade didn't meet flesh and bone, spraying out blood and gore, but merely caused a slight wavy ripple in the hologram.
"AHHH!! End Simulation." Kayden said bitterly, malice licking the edge of each syllable. The world shifted and melted back into flat durillium walls and floors of the combat chamber.
"See you in the cargo bay." He said curtly. And Kayden stormed off.
Oltu looked up to Dorf from the navigation seat as he entered the cockpit before he looked back as stars shot passed their ship.
"Hey Oltu, you worried about your frail body holding up against these Largix? They can be pretty tough." Dorf joked with Oltu.
"Don't worry, big man, I can hold my own quite well. The bigger they are, the bigger blood stain I get to leave on the ground when I crush their bodies," Oltu told Dorf chuckling under his breath.
Venom gets up and having finished his tea, goes to his room to suit up and clean his gear. Twenty minutes later, he steps out of the room and comes across Scorpius. Putting Scorpius on his shoulder, he made his way to the cockpit, searching for Dorf or Oltu to get more details on the mines.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
"Ahh!! Bormunth, she is a grand as she is cruel. The entire surface is practically inhabitable. That is why these mines are so important. A company has hired us to destroy one of their competitors mines so that the can develop their own mine further. You see, these mines are as vital as land for you humans. In order to build anything on Bormunth, you must first mine." Dorf explained to Lt.Venom
"These mines will not be easy to destroy however. Us Largix have spent our entire lives mining. We have perfected their construct. The only way I know how to destroy them is through lots and lots of explosives." Dorf finished.
Dorf looked down at the control panel to see that they were approaching the giant planet of Bormunth. Dorf reached for the intercom.
"Alright men we're here. Get ready. These Largix will not let us openly destroy their mines. We will not only have our objective of destroying these mines but we will most likely have to fight off the workers down there."
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"So, why is the Surface uninhabitable?" Lt. Venom asked, hoping it's something he can endure. He also pulls out a mysterious bag labeled "Stuff" and looks around and puts it back.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
"The surface temperature can get up to 120 degrees and the winds blow the sand so hard that it could rip the flesh right off of your bones." Dorf answered Lt.Venom.
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"Fuck! I don't like hot!" Venom starts sweating uncontrollably. "I will not last long unless I have my "Stuff" and my Iced Tea." Venom then heads to the kitchen to prepare his "Stuff" and his Iced Tea by the gallons.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Venom was about to reply to Meth, when suddenly everything went dark. The ships power suddenly got cut off. Fifteen minutes later, the power comes back on due to a back-up generator that won't last long without fuel. *Wroon, Wroon, Wroon* The ships alarms went off. Lt. Venom ran to the cockpit and looked around, saw the radar flashing and went to it. An unknown alien ship appeared. It was eight times the size of the Revenants' ship and much more advanced. "Fuck!" he cursed, spouting out a string of colorful vocabulary afterwards. Venom then runs and finds something to help him get a closer look. He saw the insignia and recognized it from his nightmares.
It belonged to the group that killed his wife and two children. Looking closer, he spotted what appeared to be humans, but then spotted the aliens also. They were nothing he was prepared for. The aliens looked like bastardized flesh fused with chinks of rock and metal, all oozing with a corrosive substance. He heard of these things before and knew nothing would stop them. Racing through the ship he grabbed the four others; Scorpius, Dorf, Oltu, and Meth. "We have to get out of here NOW!! I can't find Kayden!" Lt. Venom roared, running back to the cockpit and put on autopilot, targeting the alien craft and intending to crash into it. He also quickly made all the weapons auto fire on the ship, intending to bring it down with the rest of them. Venom knew the escape pods did not have enough fuel to bring them home, he quickly explained what he planned to do to the others. Scorpius said that he will go with Venom. Dorf, Oltu, and Meth all also agreed to do the last thing and go down in blazing glory. Dorf and Oltu ran to the communications room and sent a message to those on the planets, warning them what might happen, Meanwhile, Venom, Scorpius, and Meth went and prepared the pod and put everybody's respective weapons into it.
The group left the ship after everything was prepared. Launching the pod, they aimed towards the ship, with grim determination to bring down as many as they can. Landing on the docks, they quickly got out and were surrounded with these abominations of flesh. The group then clashed with the aliens, blood flying everywhere. Venom managed to bring two down as Dorf killed three more. Oltu and Meth were quickly getting overwhelmed and Scorpius has already lost his tail and two legs. He then suddenly got squashed flat as an abomination three times bigger than the first aliens stomped into view. He took out Meth with one swift kick which had him smashed into the walls with enough force to crush rock. Venom quickly bent on avenging Meth and Scorpius, leaps on the monstrosity and begins digging into what would be the back of it neck. The thing howls with rage and in its flails trying to get the lieutenant off him, smashes into Oltu and Dorf. nearly knocking them unconscious. Dazed, Oltu was made short work and was viciously torn apart. Dorf, being the biggest of the group, could take a lot more punishment before he could be brought down. He then killed another six of the aliens and started working on a seventh as Venom finally killed the gigantic monstrosity.
Everybody and everything was thrown to the floor as the Revenants ship collided with the alien craft. Explosions rent the air as the remaining two struggled to get back up. Somebody walked up to Dorf and was about to fire his gun into Dorf's head when Dorf suddenly grabbed him, ran to where the explosions were happening, sacrificing himself and killing the leader of the opposing humans. Venom was alone and wounded badly. He dropped his weapons, and ran. He continued to run until he found what he was looking for, the ships controls. Working quickly, he locked and barricaded the doors, killed the opposition. Moving to the controls, he punched a bunch of different buttons and then took a weapon and started destroying everything. The doors burst asunder as another gigantic monstrosity grabbed him by a foot and pulled. Venom then dropped the weapon, screamed a war cry and dove at the beasts head, punching and ripping it apart before being bitten nearly in half. Unknowing to the beast, Venom always had a bomb strapped to him that would explode as soon as his vital signs were at critical levels. It exploded with the power of a two-ton nuclear missile. Decimating a large portion of the ship, but leaving the body intact, due to the design of the bomb and the suit.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
The power went out in the ship, and instinctively Kayden switched on his cloaking field and his night vision. He watched the panic of the other Revenants, and knew they were going to try something foolish. Who am I to leave them to their fate.
Kayden, unbeknown to the rest of the Revenants, snuck aboard the escape pod. The small craft fired what little blasters it had, just barely taking down the enemy ship's hanger shield. Sparks flew as the escape pod scraped along the hanger floor. The Revenants opened the door and were greeted by hundreds of demonic aliens who looked constructed rather than born. Between the seams of the terribly grafted rock and metal and flesh, dripped a thick florescent liquid. It smelled of ozone in the enemy ship, no doubt caused by the thick liquid dripping from the creatures onto the floor of the ship, sizzling as it tries to eat its way through the hull.
There was not a moment's breath before the battle was on. Kayden joined the fight still cloaked, in an attempt to take out as many as possible before they realized another was in their midst. He ran quickly, slashing out at every monster within blade's reach. Kayden kept tabs on his brothers in arms as the fight went on, and watched as Scorpius lost limb after limb, and was slowly torn apart before finally being crushed beneath the massive foot of an alien so large it had to keep it's head tucked down to avoid bumping against the hanger roof.
Kayden worked his way to the others, cutting and slashing as quickly and efficiently as he could, and in mid step felt a huge impact on his right side. The blow sent him skidding across the hull floor. Dazed, Kayden realized that victory was unattainable. Meth flew through the air and crashed against the durilium wall, leaving a large dent. His body fell in a heap on the floor, blood trickled from his skull. Across the room, Oltu was suddenly completely obscured by the swarm of crazed aliens. He attempted to scream out, but quickly met his fate as he was ripped into pieces by the hideous beings. Dorf and Venom looked to be still trying to win the fight, but Kayden knew that this would be the end for the Revenants.
Explosions rang out in the hanger. Dorf was nearly finished off by a blaster bolt to the head when he grabbed the offender and leapt into the fire and explosions, honorably killing himself and the alien commander.
Venom had left the hanger bay, hopefully in search of the ship's power core. Perhaps he sought to annihilate the entire ship. Kayden made it to his feet, cloaking field still working, although his power levels were reaching critical. He felt a sharp pain in his rib cage which his visor displayed as a fractured rib. Kayden readied himself for when his cloaking field would wear off, and he would be on his own fighting to his death. He positioned himself with his back towards a viewport, which he glanced through, imagining the life he might have led on some distant planet.
One of the beasts sniffed. And Kayden knew he had been discovered. It was then that the ship buckled under him. The ship warped and began to twist under the stress of some massive explosion. There would be no time to run or escape, as the explosion began to fill the hanger bay. One of the remaining aliens came hurling through the air, colliding with Kayden. The blow sending them both careening through the viewport, and out into space. The cold instantly siezed up most of his armor joints. And he felt the pressure on his suit, as the void of space tried to rip him apart, but his suit held fast. The alien wasn't quite as lucky as his flesh instantly froze. As every bit of moisture in the alien's body froze, the skin began to shrink, and as it did, it cracked. The entire body was covered in these cracks. The beast would never again kill innocents.
Kayden imagined the fate of drifting in nothingness until his stomach shriveled and he starved to death. But the universe wasn't that cruel. Kayden realized that he was hurling through space towards a planet. He entered the atmosphere, and he felt the suit free up. The heat instantly melting the ice. His armor glowed red and flames began to flick off his body. This is how my life will end. Burning up in the atmosphere of some unknown planet.
----------------------------------- A brother and sister played on their swingset, the sun had finally gone down. They heard their mother call for them, but they had not a care in the world. They would play until their mother dragged them inside the house for dinner.
"A shooting star" The young boy announced, as he pointed up at the sky.
"Make a wish" Said his little sister, as she closed her eyes dreaming of fancy shoes and pretty dresses.
The boy's wish was far different. He dreamed of far away battles, of hundreds of star systems streaking by the ship cockpit, of vanquishing hundreds of foul aliens. He dreamed of being a warrior. A hero.
"And so ended the Revenants," the invited class speaker said to his student audience on New Earth, "Any Questions?""I have one!" piped a usually quiet student, "How did you know of all this?" Gazing at the students, he replied, "because I was there."I will miss them all, he thought, Oltu and Dorf were the best people I knew. And so, Venom, unknown to anybody else, stumped to a chair to watch the rest of the class, remembering the horrible wound he had suffered in that thing's mouth. I wish I had died with them.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Dorf woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. Dorf opened his eyes only to realize that everything was just a dream. A bit relieved by the fact that he was even still alive, Dorf rolled out of his bed. He stretched out all four of his arms into the air.
"What a crazy dream" Dorf said aloud to himself.
Dorf strolled out of his room and into his kitchen. He pulled out five giant racks of ribs and set them down onto the table. Dorf looked out his window to see the cave walls which he helped build on his home planet of Bormunth. Dorf looked at these walls with despair wanting and hoping to finally get off this planet.
Just as Dorf sat down to eat his food, his communicator alarmed him that someone was trying to contact him. Dorf picked up his communicator as Oltu said "Hello Dorf"
"Hey Oltu" Dorf answered.
"Listen, I was thinking bout starting up a team of bounty hunters. You were the first one I thought of to help me form this team. I already have the name for our team, The Revenants."
Dorf shook his head after hearing Oltu say this too him.
"You are never gonna believe this Oltu." Dorf replied back.
Dorf paused for a moment as he remembered how his dream ended. The epic battle which lead to his and Oltu's death.
"I don't think it's a good idea Oltu, trust me."
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I mean, the planets are in a solar system which is in a galaxy. Then there are many galaxy's in our doesnt that mean there could be hundreeds more universes out there? what are they in.
"Attention Revenants. We will be landing on Bormunth soon. As I mentioned before, we are going to Bormunth to sabotage a rival mining company. WE are being paid handsomely to make sure that we leave this mine inoperable. Once we get to the mine, we will most likely have to fight off a group of Largix. We will be destroying by any means necessary. Bring all of your supplies. These mines are built to withstand a lot of abuse and it will take everything we have to knock it down."
Dorf finished his announcement and went to the cockpit to find Oltu.
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Kayden had made his way through the mob of warriors, closing the distance towards General Shinko. Meanwhile, John Swiftblade slashed through the soldiers and moved in from behind the General. Their timing would have to be perfect.
Kayden parried away a glancing blow and punched his wrist blades into the chest of his opponent. John swiped his blades low severing the tendons in his foe's knee, the leg buckling under the soldiers weight. The two Revenants had nearly converged, and poised to strike. General Shinko raised his hands at Kayden, ready to deliver the killing blow. And yet, the General hesitated, as the 2 blades from behind him reached out to claim his life.
"Attention Revenants. We will be landing on Bormunth soon."
Dorf gave his perfectly ill timed speech once again.
"Do we ever get some time to ourselves!! Dammit!!" Screamed Kayden.
The pent up fury had to go somewhere, and so he swept his maul out at the still frozen General Shinko. But Kayden's anger wouldn't be sated. The blade didn't meet flesh and bone, spraying out blood and gore, but merely caused a slight wavy ripple in the hologram.
"AHHH!! End Simulation." Kayden said bitterly, malice licking the edge of each syllable. The world shifted and melted back into flat durillium walls and floors of the combat chamber.
"See you in the cargo bay." He said curtly. And Kayden stormed off.
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"Hey Oltu, you worried about your frail body holding up against these Largix? They can be pretty tough." Dorf joked with Oltu.
"Don't worry, big man, I can hold my own quite well. The bigger they are, the bigger blood stain I get to leave on the ground when I crush their bodies," Oltu told Dorf chuckling under his breath.
"What is it?" Dorf asked.
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"What is it?" Dorf asked.
"So, what is Bormunth like?" Venom replied.
"These mines will not be easy to destroy however. Us Largix have spent our entire lives mining. We have perfected their construct. The only way I know how to destroy them is through lots and lots of explosives." Dorf finished.
Dorf looked down at the control panel to see that they were approaching the giant planet of Bormunth. Dorf reached for the intercom.
"Alright men we're here. Get ready. These Largix will not let us openly destroy their mines. We will not only have our objective of destroying these mines but we will most likely have to fight off the workers down there."
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It belonged to the group that killed his wife and two children. Looking closer, he spotted what appeared to be humans, but then spotted the aliens also. They were nothing he was prepared for. The aliens looked like bastardized flesh fused with chinks of rock and metal, all oozing with a corrosive substance. He heard of these things before and knew nothing would stop them. Racing through the ship he grabbed the four others; Scorpius, Dorf, Oltu, and Meth. "We have to get out of here NOW!! I can't find Kayden!" Lt. Venom roared, running back to the cockpit and put on autopilot, targeting the alien craft and intending to crash into it. He also quickly made all the weapons auto fire on the ship, intending to bring it down with the rest of them. Venom knew the escape pods did not have enough fuel to bring them home, he quickly explained what he planned to do to the others. Scorpius said that he will go with Venom. Dorf, Oltu, and Meth all also agreed to do the last thing and go down in blazing glory. Dorf and Oltu ran to the communications room and sent a message to those on the planets, warning them what might happen, Meanwhile, Venom, Scorpius, and Meth went and prepared the pod and put everybody's respective weapons into it.
The group left the ship after everything was prepared. Launching the pod, they aimed towards the ship, with grim determination to bring down as many as they can. Landing on the docks, they quickly got out and were surrounded with these abominations of flesh. The group then clashed with the aliens, blood flying everywhere. Venom managed to bring two down as Dorf killed three more. Oltu and Meth were quickly getting overwhelmed and Scorpius has already lost his tail and two legs. He then suddenly got squashed flat as an abomination three times bigger than the first aliens stomped into view. He took out Meth with one swift kick which had him smashed into the walls with enough force to crush rock. Venom quickly bent on avenging Meth and Scorpius, leaps on the monstrosity and begins digging into what would be the back of it neck. The thing howls with rage and in its flails trying to get the lieutenant off him, smashes into Oltu and Dorf. nearly knocking them unconscious. Dazed, Oltu was made short work and was viciously torn apart. Dorf, being the biggest of the group, could take a lot more punishment before he could be brought down. He then killed another six of the aliens and started working on a seventh as Venom finally killed the gigantic monstrosity.
Everybody and everything was thrown to the floor as the Revenants ship collided with the alien craft. Explosions rent the air as the remaining two struggled to get back up. Somebody walked up to Dorf and was about to fire his gun into Dorf's head when Dorf suddenly grabbed him, ran to where the explosions were happening, sacrificing himself and killing the leader of the opposing humans. Venom was alone and wounded badly. He dropped his weapons, and ran. He continued to run until he found what he was looking for, the ships controls. Working quickly, he locked and barricaded the doors, killed the opposition. Moving to the controls, he punched a bunch of different buttons and then took a weapon and started destroying everything. The doors burst asunder as another gigantic monstrosity grabbed him by a foot and pulled. Venom then dropped the weapon, screamed a war cry and dove at the beasts head, punching and ripping it apart before being bitten nearly in half. Unknowing to the beast, Venom always had a bomb strapped to him that would explode as soon as his vital signs were at critical levels. It exploded with the power of a two-ton nuclear missile. Decimating a large portion of the ship, but leaving the body intact, due to the design of the bomb and the suit.
Kayden, unbeknown to the rest of the Revenants, snuck aboard the escape pod. The small craft fired what little blasters it had, just barely taking down the enemy ship's hanger shield. Sparks flew as the escape pod scraped along the hanger floor. The Revenants opened the door and were greeted by hundreds of demonic aliens who looked constructed rather than born. Between the seams of the terribly grafted rock and metal and flesh, dripped a thick florescent liquid. It smelled of ozone in the enemy ship, no doubt caused by the thick liquid dripping from the creatures onto the floor of the ship, sizzling as it tries to eat its way through the hull.
There was not a moment's breath before the battle was on. Kayden joined the fight still cloaked, in an attempt to take out as many as possible before they realized another was in their midst. He ran quickly, slashing out at every monster within blade's reach. Kayden kept tabs on his brothers in arms as the fight went on, and watched as Scorpius lost limb after limb, and was slowly torn apart before finally being crushed beneath the massive foot of an alien so large it had to keep it's head tucked down to avoid bumping against the hanger roof.
Kayden worked his way to the others, cutting and slashing as quickly and efficiently as he could, and in mid step felt a huge impact on his right side. The blow sent him skidding across the hull floor. Dazed, Kayden realized that victory was unattainable. Meth flew through the air and crashed against the durilium wall, leaving a large dent. His body fell in a heap on the floor, blood trickled from his skull. Across the room, Oltu was suddenly completely obscured by the swarm of crazed aliens. He attempted to scream out, but quickly met his fate as he was ripped into pieces by the hideous beings. Dorf and Venom looked to be still trying to win the fight, but Kayden knew that this would be the end for the Revenants.
Explosions rang out in the hanger. Dorf was nearly finished off by a blaster bolt to the head when he grabbed the offender and leapt into the fire and explosions, honorably killing himself and the alien commander.
Venom had left the hanger bay, hopefully in search of the ship's power core. Perhaps he sought to annihilate the entire ship. Kayden made it to his feet, cloaking field still working, although his power levels were reaching critical. He felt a sharp pain in his rib cage which his visor displayed as a fractured rib. Kayden readied himself for when his cloaking field would wear off, and he would be on his own fighting to his death. He positioned himself with his back towards a viewport, which he glanced through, imagining the life he might have led on some distant planet.
One of the beasts sniffed. And Kayden knew he had been discovered. It was then that the ship buckled under him. The ship warped and began to twist under the stress of some massive explosion. There would be no time to run or escape, as the explosion began to fill the hanger bay. One of the remaining aliens came hurling through the air, colliding with Kayden. The blow sending them both careening through the viewport, and out into space. The cold instantly siezed up most of his armor joints. And he felt the pressure on his suit, as the void of space tried to rip him apart, but his suit held fast. The alien wasn't quite as lucky as his flesh instantly froze. As every bit of moisture in the alien's body froze, the skin began to shrink, and as it did, it cracked. The entire body was covered in these cracks. The beast would never again kill innocents.
Kayden imagined the fate of drifting in nothingness until his stomach shriveled and he starved to death. But the universe wasn't that cruel. Kayden realized that he was hurling through space towards a planet. He entered the atmosphere, and he felt the suit free up. The heat instantly melting the ice. His armor glowed red and flames began to flick off his body. This is how my life will end. Burning up in the atmosphere of some unknown planet.
A brother and sister played on their swingset, the sun had finally gone down. They heard their mother call for them, but they had not a care in the world. They would play until their mother dragged them inside the house for dinner.
"A shooting star" The young boy announced, as he pointed up at the sky.
"Make a wish" Said his little sister, as she closed her eyes dreaming of fancy shoes and pretty dresses.
The boy's wish was far different. He dreamed of far away battles, of hundreds of star systems streaking by the ship cockpit, of vanquishing hundreds of foul aliens. He dreamed of being a warrior. A hero.
"What a crazy dream" Dorf said aloud to himself.
Dorf strolled out of his room and into his kitchen. He pulled out five giant racks of ribs and set them down onto the table. Dorf looked out his window to see the cave walls which he helped build on his home planet of Bormunth. Dorf looked at these walls with despair wanting and hoping to finally get off this planet.
Just as Dorf sat down to eat his food, his communicator alarmed him that someone was trying to contact him. Dorf picked up his communicator as Oltu said "Hello Dorf"
"Hey Oltu" Dorf answered.
"Listen, I was thinking bout starting up a team of bounty hunters. You were the first one I thought of to help me form this team. I already have the name for our team, The Revenants."
Dorf shook his head after hearing Oltu say this too him.
"You are never gonna believe this Oltu." Dorf replied back.
Dorf paused for a moment as he remembered how his dream ended. The epic battle which lead to his and Oltu's death.
"I don't think it's a good idea Oltu, trust me."
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Acai Force Max