:mad: stupid school filter and its gay "not letting me on youtube" BS:mad:
oh and just throwing this into the air since i saw carloseus's avatar and siggy.
what kind of sword/blade/sabre would someone classify Cloud's weapon as? o.O
is it simply just a Broadsword? o.o
His sword is composed of several swords, 7 I think it was. I would give you the link to the swords and how they fit in, but I lost it with my comp It's not any particular sword, but if anything it would be Giant sword, due to its tremendous size.
well no i knew all of that, i own the movie and have played the game (wish i had it lol) i just didn't know if it could fit into any catagory of an actual weapon.
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Has This Corrupt Chaos Infested Itself In My Soul? Or Has My Soul Been The True Essence Of Corruption All Along.... ----GXAII----
:mad: stupid school filter and its gay "not letting me on youtube" BS:mad:
oh and just throwing this into the air since i saw carloseus's avatar and siggy.
what kind of sword/blade/sabre would someone classify Cloud's weapon as? o.O
is it simply just a Broadsword? o.o
''May the Gods give you the strength and power to bear the madness which flows through our minds.''
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
stick around if you don't mind a little cream in your jeans.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Lol. Nice. Thanks again for all the comments guys.
Quote from "Carloseus" »
Apparently Jetrall believes that my timing on video and music is great. There may be a collaboration between the two of us in the future, but for the moment its all up in the air.
Personally man, I think we gotta do it lol. :cool:
Quote from "Carloseus" »
Jetrall, amazing work bud. I talked to you personally, so you know where I stand. :):D:D
Just happy I didn't need that bunker! XD
Quote from "Carloseus" »
And for all of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's some of my work (Jetrall you don't mind if I post links to my vids do ya?)
Of course not. They're awesome, and I really want to watch the LotR one.
His sword is composed of several swords, 7 I think it was. I would give you the link to the swords and how they fit in, but I lost it with my comp
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
untill then i must wait a bit longer
The vid is awesome. Tears of glory.
''Zubin, I've always imagined you as a crazy raver. The kinda guy that spends all night dancing to trance music while waving glow sticks and popping ecstasy.'' - Murderface
Nice intro for yourself hehe
stick around if you don't mind a little cream in your jeans.
hey you have it easy. at my school diablo3.com and youtube are blocked. i also tried to use proxy. but my school blocked that too.:mad:
Personally man, I think we gotta do it lol. :cool:
Just happy I didn't need that bunker! XD
Of course not. They're awesome, and I really want to watch the LotR one.
Exceeded expectations (and they were HIGH)
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.