I don't recall massive problems with people having trouble playing online.
Late discovery "Tunngle" makes it very easy to play in co-op.
Careful study of documentation of thee mod will help a lot here.
I released latest big version about a month ago. Just yesterday - another one, with a small fix.
These days I don't work on TH as I used to half a year ago (8+ hours EACH day). I just have to earn money, and that leaves almost no time for development. I would love to, but I can't.
Another note about nutiplayer. Realise that it's a Hellfire mod. And there's no battle.net-like convenience tools (although 90% of battle.net players are complete morons imo). So, stick to whatever is best option (currently, Tunngle).
Remember: criticism will give you nothing. Suggestions and bugreports will give you a better product in time.
BTW, THteam programmers are still working on TH2 project. This one should have a lot of nice configurable multiplayer tools. Yet, it's unknown when a beta will be out. But Alpha is available.
Couple of us used to try to play over Hamachi, didn't work out, neither did Kali on account of the "FUCKING PAY US!" messages that kept coming up :/.
Good to hear that TH2 will have a multiplayer tool though, thus far that's the only issue I've had with your mod, other than that it's pretty fucking solid.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Yeah guess I'll have to check out Tunngle. I'm thinking however that I just need to reinstall The Hell entirely. Maybe that will fix my problem of not even being able to create a multiplayer character.
hamachi & kali are... troublesome
a lot of pain comes from using them
tunngle works way better. even on Vista/7 OS, it works well
on a 2nd thought, it might be antivirus soft that prevents mp characters from being created. not sure, but i'd start from there myself
also, if you're running TH from a shortcut from desktop and not by direct clicking thehell.exe in TH directory, there might be problems because the game might not be able to locate mp char.savefile location on your system. by default, it uses TH folder. some people reported that shortcut run causes such problems. i'd try that too.
Well, guess I'll hop on the reinstall bandwagon too.
If we all get this shit working through Tunngle, would be quite tits.
Id strongly suggest just picking out one LAN program and debugging TH/LAN compatability with the shit. Right now it just seems to be that people are stumbling upon new programs that are less buggy than the last.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
I would have done this long ago if I could.
It's a mod, and we are very limited technically.
Networking is one of those areas that is almost untouchable (for us. yet).
Mod is still alive)
We restore a long lost d1 quests. Starting from "The infestation of the Worms"
This quest takes place at the cellar of the house next to Farnham (= a new dungeon)
You're facing a new enemy => the Wyrm, for further information visit the Enemies-section, but don't be confused by the dungeonlevel-description, which is presented there, since after the removal of this wonderful quest, the guys at Blizzard wanted to integrate them as regular enemies within the catacombs and the caves, a idea, which unfortunately was abandoned as well.
Without 10 post i can't even put picture becose it URLs. Oo... graphic smiles is URL too...
Holy shit...
TH2 started bringing goodies in 2012.
By now, TH has become the only D1 mod that's grown so vast as to resurrect unreleased quests in an advanced form: Andariel, Horazon, Worms. < These are 3 humongous quests we successfully added to the game so far. And in 2013 we're going to bring even more.
Not only that, TH now gives better looting, way fewer bugs, and dozens of new gameplay features.
Oh, plus we added fully functional set items as an outstanding type of items: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpuNhzbiDro
Makes us a fantastic mod, then just drops all support and never makes hamachi stop sucking.
Late discovery "Tunngle" makes it very easy to play in co-op.
Careful study of documentation of thee mod will help a lot here.
I released latest big version about a month ago. Just yesterday - another one, with a small fix.
These days I don't work on TH as I used to half a year ago (8+ hours EACH day). I just have to earn money, and that leaves almost no time for development. I would love to, but I can't.
Another note about nutiplayer. Realise that it's a Hellfire mod. And there's no battle.net-like convenience tools (although 90% of battle.net players are complete morons imo). So, stick to whatever is best option (currently, Tunngle).
Remember: criticism will give you nothing. Suggestions and bugreports will give you a better product in time.
BTW, THteam programmers are still working on TH2 project. This one should have a lot of nice configurable multiplayer tools. Yet, it's unknown when a beta will be out. But Alpha is available.
Couple of us used to try to play over Hamachi, didn't work out, neither did Kali on account of the "FUCKING PAY US!" messages that kept coming up :/.
Good to hear that TH2 will have a multiplayer tool though, thus far that's the only issue I've had with your mod, other than that it's pretty fucking solid.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
a lot of pain comes from using them
tunngle works way better. even on Vista/7 OS, it works well
on a 2nd thought, it might be antivirus soft that prevents mp characters from being created. not sure, but i'd start from there myself
also, if you're running TH from a shortcut from desktop and not by direct clicking thehell.exe in TH directory, there might be problems because the game might not be able to locate mp char.savefile location on your system. by default, it uses TH folder. some people reported that shortcut run causes such problems. i'd try that too.
If we all get this shit working through Tunngle, would be quite tits.
Id strongly suggest just picking out one LAN program and debugging TH/LAN compatability with the shit. Right now it just seems to be that people are stumbling upon new programs that are less buggy than the last.
It's a mod, and we are very limited technically.
Networking is one of those areas that is almost untouchable (for us. yet).
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
We restore a long lost d1 quests. Starting from "The infestation of the Worms"
Holy shit...
By now, TH has become the only D1 mod that's grown so vast as to resurrect unreleased quests in an advanced form: Andariel, Horazon, Worms. < These are 3 humongous quests we successfully added to the game so far. And in 2013 we're going to bring even more.
Not only that, TH now gives better looting, way fewer bugs, and dozens of new gameplay features.
Oh, plus we added fully functional set items as an outstanding type of items:
Official websites and places to download the mod are here:
Hey whats up.
I released The Hell 2 mod for Diablo 1 this summer. Right now it's well polished, good time to start playing if you like old Diablo.
Here's a new site where all the info is:
Check it out and let me know what you think
Hi my friend, please see to the forums guidelines before posting any links if you do not want to be considered spam.
You aren't even going to comment on the fact that the thread was 6 years without a comment before his post?
There is that as well, I wasn't really paying attention
locking thread