You got 1 forum post. So you just registered to tell us that? Well done!
What's wrong with telling the entire world that the NA branch of your clan are notorious botters. Isn't Gabynator a member of your clan? Wasn't RedX (the clan leader) banned for botting recently? Look up SoS NA players in the D3 client and calculate the hours they play per day and you'll notice that quite a lot of them have 20+ hours playtime per day (not counting server downtimes so probably more than 20 hours).
Hello , i play season only and i am at 1015 para. My main character is barb and i have cleared a 68 solo rift as a barb and i am also on the 3man leaderboard(pretty low though) by clearing a 78 but i would like to push higher in that. BT= KingXaris#2315. Let me know!
I'm basically looking for a proper clan with accurate members.
Me myself is playing d3 since vanilla and I'm the lootmaster of a german mythic raiding guild in wow. I know the theorie and I know the maths. I'm not interested in "guidelooking tryhards" playing istvan setups.
I havent time to play alot this season cause of the wow progression. Though for S5 I'll be dedicating my time for D3 again. Thats why I'm arround p950 atm.
If you think you match my recuirements and I match yours - please hit me ingame :-)
@HidekiF, our paragon requirement is there for a reason. Although one could argue there are pros and cons to it, it is one distinctive factor. Others being for example solo and group performance (in terms of GR clears). Since we cant deny those factors, we cant procress your application any further at the moment. You can however apply next season when you intend to play actively (proven progress).
Father of 2, full time job, speak english, have TS. Usually play 3-4 hours in the evening. My playtime in S4 is probably much higher than all those boosted people, who actually don't really know how to play (at least those that I have seen joining public games, as that is where I usually end up)... Would need a good clan to group up, and my paragons would be much higher very soon.
@Mad_Tom, our requirement for new members is paragon 1200+. Your best choice would be to re-apply with S5 since it seems unlikely for you to catch up to our paragon requirement in S4.
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added you.
@Randommtr, we get in touch and see what we can do.
20+ members and growing...
@IAmSpy , 25+ and growing...
@Coffin75 , getting the message that you are member of a clan already. You need to leave your clan before i can invite you to SoS.
RedX isnt a member as well as Gabynator. So you missed the point.
This is EU and not US. Read the topic head,
@Coffin75, ok see you man.
@XxMrFantomxX you need to leave your clan before we can invite you.
40+ members and growing...
Hello , i play season only and i am at 1015 para. My main character is barb and i have cleared a 68 solo rift as a barb and i am also on the 3man leaderboard(pretty low though) by clearing a 78 but i would like to push higher in that. BT= KingXaris#2315. Let me know!
@KingXaris, invite has been sent.
@robirem, sorry but you should be able to communicate in proper english.
80+ members and growing...
Hey folks
I'm basically looking for a proper clan with accurate members.
Me myself is playing d3 since vanilla and I'm the lootmaster of a german mythic raiding guild in wow. I know the theorie and I know the maths. I'm not interested in "guidelooking tryhards" playing istvan setups.
I havent time to play alot this season cause of the wow progression. Though for S5 I'll be dedicating my time for D3 again. Thats why I'm arround p950 atm.
If you think you match my recuirements and I match yours - please hit me ingame :-)
@threepie, xxs, invite has been sent.
100+ members and growing...
110+ members and growing...
@tipperary, our requirement for new members is paragon 1100+.
@HidekiF, our paragon requirement is there for a reason. Although one could argue there are pros and cons to it, it is one distinctive factor. Others being for example solo and group performance (in terms of GR clears). Since we cant deny those factors, we cant procress your application any further at the moment. You can however apply next season when you intend to play actively (proven progress).
P881 only S4 (P820 NS)
Father of 2, full time job, speak english, have TS. Usually play 3-4 hours in the evening. My playtime in S4 is probably much higher than all those boosted people, who actually don't really know how to play (at least those that I have seen joining public games, as that is where I usually end up)... Would need a good clan to group up, and my paragons would be much higher very soon.
Cleared GR67 in S4 on my WD:
My D3 armory
My Youtube Channel
@Mad_Tom, our requirement for new members is paragon 1200+. Your best choice would be to re-apply with S5 since it seems unlikely for you to catch up to our paragon requirement in S4.