Our idea for creating this clan were making social-active and helpful team for seasonal gameplay. In the past as a clan leader (you consider me as a clanmate anyway) we created social (competitive, high competitive) clans for different type of games like Heroes of Newerth and Ultima online. Played the games as competitive as possible, at the same time we were hungry for fun, learning and teaching also and being team-friends together as one.
Project Epoch, which was one of the best clan at Heroes of Newerth. Since they had players who are highly competitive and also had with lots of knowledge. At the same time (which is really hard to make it) clan had casual players inside. Since elders were mentoring the players who wants to learn more about the game. And it was amazing experience for me as a part of it. So wanted to make different version of this idea at Diablo 3.
In conclusion, we have clanmates just for talking and hanging out with friends together. we have visioned-competitive players who they can gladly help your journey for being a better gamer. We are together as one with breaking the rules inside and outside for our gaming experience.
That's why we are The Hybrids.
We are recruitting: (Recruitments are open)
- Friendly - Social players
- Competitive players
- Active players.
Classes we need;All
Requirements for joining our clan; (Recruitments are open for S16)
- Minimum paragon requirement: - Minimum 4 man GR clear- (Season 16)
Note: Now you can search and request directly from ingame clan finder for a limited time (13/11/2018)
What we expect from our members;
Social Interaction.
Seasonal Ingame Activity (Just enough playtime)
Always open for sharing, teaching and learning.
What we expect from our officers; (Recruitments are open)
High activity.
Inviting new active seasonal players.
Problem solving - friendly approach
Taking look and giving short reports for what's going on in clan.
Season 2 is not started yet. So non-season paragon defines member's activities in the past for now. After some time we'll calculate average paragon for season 2 and mention lowest paragon there. Minimum non-season paragon is 600 which is end of season 1's average paragon. Since if you are focusing only seasons you should have 600 paragon in the past season during era recruitments. There is no other way we can predict new member's activities before starting of season 2.
-Currently we are full, but if you want to be with us whole season, at the moment we are recruitting with queue system, so you can request and wait for an empty spot. Be sure to keep your request until it expires. You will most likely be able to get an invite in few days.
-Also decided to add our voicechat server on thread. It's now public you can just hangout and ask what you want to ask.
We'll be recruitting new members-officers between 15th-25th April for Season 6. In this period we'll recruit friends mostly, Also we can tolarate paragon requirement if you can have high activity for Season 6. After Season 6 starts, we'll recruit competitive players, highly active members mostly. So if you want fresh start, you can consider joining us.
We are recruitting:
- Friendly - Social players
- Competitive players
- Active players.
- Active officers.
Requirements for joining our clan; (Off Season recruitments are closed)
- Minimum paragon requirement: 1500 (Non-season) We can ignore paragon requirement if you are dedicated for S6)
Season 5 Achievements (Top 50 brackets)
Solo Barbarian: Rank 14 - GR 87
Solo Crusader: Rank 12 - GR 91
Solo Witch Doctor: Rank 12 - GR 88
2 players: Rank 17 - GR 98
Solo Demon Hunter: Rank 10 - GR 86
Solo Monk: Rank 17 - GR 87
Highest clan team clear (4man): GR 108
Season 5 Online Members Record;
Current Member Count: 150/150
and more..
If you are interested you can post your battletag paragon level (non-season) on this thread. Then we can have a talk.
Best Regards,
-For more information you can checkout first post.
- Some of our rules will be changed at Season 6. We'll announce those in the future.
Really looking forward to season 6 and highly interested to join The Hybrids. I will be very active when season 6 starts and would like to play with like minded players.
Hi, i'm interested to join your clan.
I'll be playing from start to end of may/june 12+h/day. I'll play Monk or WIZ during the season.(Most likely Monk)
If its still possible to join add me, StarTale#1801.
Hey guys im currently p944 i played casualy since s2 ( didnt played s5 much due to IRL issues, wich got fixed ) but i plan to go ham on next season as Witch Doctor and wizard later on.
Tag: Noss#2184
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The Hybrids
Our idea for creating this clan were making social-active and helpful team for seasonal gameplay. In the past as a clan leader (you consider me as a clanmate anyway) we created social (competitive, high competitive) clans for different type of games like Heroes of Newerth and Ultima online. Played the games as competitive as possible, at the same time we were hungry for fun, learning and teaching also and being team-friends together as one.
Project Epoch, which was one of the best clan at Heroes of Newerth. Since they had players who are highly competitive and also had with lots of knowledge. At the same time (which is really hard to make it) clan had casual players inside. Since elders were mentoring the players who wants to learn more about the game. And it was amazing experience for me as a part of it. So wanted to make different version of this idea at Diablo 3.
In conclusion, we have clanmates just for talking and hanging out with friends together. we have visioned-competitive players who they can gladly help your journey for being a better gamer. We are together as one with breaking the rules inside and outside for our gaming experience.
That's why we are The Hybrids.
We are recruitting: (Recruitments are open)
- Friendly - Social players
- Competitive players
- Active players.
Note: Now you can search and request directly from ingame clan finder for a limited time (13/11/2018)
What we expect from our members;
What we expect from our officers; (Recruitments are open)
What we can bring to you;
Our Voicechat Server:
General Updated Information
Clan Name: The Hybrids
Total Members: 80
Average Online Members: Will be updated. (Day-Evening Time)
Region: EU
Type: Softcore
Game Mode: Seasonal
It seems your form is bugged unless you require more than 2000 paragon levels?
Hey lit4g0
Season 2 is not started yet. So non-season paragon defines member's activities in the past for now. After some time we'll calculate average paragon for season 2 and mention lowest paragon there. Minimum non-season paragon is 600 which is end of season 1's average paragon. Since if you are focusing only seasons you should have 600 paragon in the past season during era recruitments. There is no other way we can predict new member's activities before starting of season 2.
Thanks for mentioning it. Should be fixed.
okay, but you should know that its not possible to ably because the limit is set to 9999999999999999999999999999
Tried out, there is no problem
Maybe you can refresh and tryout again?
Works now
Sadly i aint got enough paragons 
Clan is active for seasons again. And topic is updated
Topic is updated.
If you can rush through 800 paragon that would be nice. Since we are taking 800+ members only right now
I'll contact with you ingame.
edit: atm is 900+ for a while.
Stay tuned if you are interested.
I'm interested. Wizard, 1175, GR 94 (12 mins).
-Was full again, removed some of our members due to their inactivity.
-Current total members: 144/150
Every application is getting a respond. We are generally having a talk from ingame so.
Priority for recruitment Barbarian > Monk > Demon Hunter > Wizard
We are not recruitting Crusaders and Witch Doctors as Main right now.
If you are interested you can post your battletag, main class, paragon level and 4 man gr clear on this thread. Then we can have a talk.
Off Season Recruitments are closed;
We'll be recruitting new members-officers between 15th-25th April for Season 6. In this period we'll recruit friends mostly, Also we can tolarate paragon requirement if you can have high activity for Season 6. After Season 6 starts, we'll recruit competitive players, highly active members mostly. So if you want fresh start, you can consider joining us.
We are recruitting:
- Friendly - Social players
- Competitive players
- Active players.
- Active officers.
Season 5 Achievements (Top 50 brackets)
Solo Barbarian: Rank 14 - GR 87
Solo Crusader: Rank 12 - GR 91
Solo Witch Doctor: Rank 12 - GR 88
2 players: Rank 17 - GR 98
Solo Demon Hunter: Rank 10 - GR 86
Solo Monk: Rank 17 - GR 87
Highest clan team clear (4man): GR 108
Season 5 Online Members Record;
Current Member Count: 150/150
and more..
If you are interested you can post your battletag paragon level (non-season) on this thread. Then we can have a talk.
Best Regards,
-For more information you can checkout first post.
- Some of our rules will be changed at Season 6. We'll announce those in the future.
Hey Excalibur,
Really looking forward to season 6 and highly interested to join The Hybrids. I will be very active when season 6 starts and would like to play with like minded players.
Non season paragon level 957
Battle.net Tag Flash#2604
Hey there,
I'm 100% a season player, but i joined the hype train a bit late. I'd love to have a chat.
Answered to all applicants from ingame.
@sceron you can have a talk with our officers soon.
-At 23th and 24th April we'll start providing groups for our members. (For Season 6 starting)
So hurry up if you are interested.
Hi, i'm interested to join your clan.
I'll be playing from start to end of may/june 12+h/day. I'll play Monk or WIZ during the season.(Most likely Monk)
If its still possible to join add me, StarTale#1801.
Hey guys im currently p944 i played casualy since s2 ( didnt played s5 much due to IRL issues, wich got fixed ) but i plan to go ham on next season as Witch Doctor and wizard later on.
Tag: Noss#2184