
Support doc gr115+

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  • Hex Hedge Magic
  • Haunt Resentful Spirits
  • Spirit Walk Severance
  • Big Bad Voodoo Ghost Trance
  • Wall of Death Communing with Spirits
  • Locust Swarm Cloud of Insects
  • Swampland Attunement
  • Bad Medicine
  • Tribal Rites
  • Rush of Essence


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Esoteric Alteration
    • Gem of Efficacious Toxin
    • Iceblink

Kanai's Cube

  • Wormwood
  • Strongarm Bracers
  • Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac

There is another new variation of this build here which has already done a 117 4 man


If you are unable to get enough cooldown reduction on your gear swap strongarm bracers for leorics crown in cube till you get better gear (the party will do less DPS but have more toughness that way). Strongly suggest all the items listed in whatever variation you prefer but feel free to try others and let me know if it works out. You need diamonds in all armor, and a gem of ease can be used in your weapon to help the group with paragon levels. You want as much toughness as possible so go for all defense stats (especially armor). Get at least 58% cooldown reduction but more is better and you might want some resource cost reduction as well. Also, try to get control impairing effects on your gear if you can but remember your DPS is not important (more cc you do and the more you can cast big bad voodoo the better). The amulet should make them dance when you cast big bad voodoo. You might even want to change the main stat on some of your gear to dex or str using a different character to give more armor because between paragon levels and Esoteric Alteration you should have plenty of all resistance and that is a great idea but it's not required. Also, if you do change the main stat on some of your gear be careful not to go overboard because you do still need all res (change 1 piece at a time and do test runs before changing another to be sure you have not taken away to much all res).

NOTE: I had more info above but after editing this to add a bit more info (the d3 planner link) this site removed all the data I had put in and it will not save the changes when I try to fix this by adding the data again. Plus if I edit to add more info on the build later I do not wish to have to start over every time. So, just check the link below for the skills and gear needed for the build.


Also, this build and its variation was made by a friend (Keith#1276) and I have posted it here for everyone to see.

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Life Regeneration
Resist All


Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

Cast big bag voodoo whenever possible to get totems that protect, heal, and to trigger the legendary power of your amulet. Try to place the totems wisely because mobs/players move around and they give attack speed as well as protection. Use haunt on mobs to freeze them so they take more damage from 2 of the legendary gem abilities and give yourself more mana. Locust cast itself because of cube weapon which will reduce the mobs DPS and make them take more damage from everyone. Remember to watch your mana and haunt more when getting low. Your haunt and locus will pull mobs in and you can use a wall of death to weaken mobs even further. Using mana spenders will allow you to place more totems because of the gear you use and so you want to use those often but do not let yourself fall below the resource required to keep Aquilla working. You will be able to use your skills to easily keep the group alive even in higher torment levels with decent gear and make the mobs take more damage from the other group members but it requires a bit of practice to get used to the build. However, the build is quite easy to use after you have gotten the hang of it and its extremely effective. Farthest I have ever seen this build go is 106 but that was without perfect stats, no primal, and all augments below LVL 100. To see a full view of the gear used when we did the gr110 see the link below.
