
Season 13 | The Thrill/Super Human Conquest - Fire Multishot

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  • Evasive Fire Focus
  • Multishot Arsenal
  • Vault Trail of Cinders
  • Preparation Punishment
  • Companion Wolf Companion
  • Vengeance Seethe
  • Ambush
  • Ballistics
  • Thrill of the Hunt
  • Cull the Weak


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Zei's Stone of Vengeance
    • Bane of the Stricken

Kanai's Cube

  • Dawn
  • Leoric's Crown
  • The Ess of Johan


The Thrill/Super Human conquest is a Seasonal-only Conquest that requires you to complete a Greater Rift 45 with zero set items equipped. In previous patches, this proved to be an interesting challenge as putting together set bonuses has always been the crux of your character's damage output in Diablo 3's history. However, with Patch 2.6.1 and the developers providing many of the stand-alone Legendaries with massive multipliers to certain skills, this Conquest is easier than it has ever been.

Why I Use What I Use & Gearing Options

I have been using the same style of build to complete The Thrill/Superhuman whenever it has popped up as an active Conquest when I'm playing a Demon Hunter, since it's easy enough to put together if you're also planning to make a build with Unhallowed Essence. You essentially strip out the set pieces and replace them with generic and/or accompanying Legendaries.

Thus, Multishot is the supported skill here, particularly with the Arsenal rune. This is a Fire Multishot build.

The only required pieces are a good Yang's Recurve, Dead Man's Legacy, Cindercoat, and Magefist. These items will provide you with the firepower you need to take down a GR45. Having a Convention of Elements will also help to push your damage further during the Fire rotation. A Witching Hour is a good offensive option in the belt slot and a good Hellfire Amulet can help you add another passive like Steady Aim, which would further increase your damage.

Most of the other options/slots just have Legendaries with useful powers, but they won't necessarily make or break your clear. I also list out some defensive options, in case you're having trouble staying alive or want to be cautious on Hardcore. The helm slot uses Visage of Gunes which is interchangeable with Leoric's Crown in the armor slot of Kanai's Cube (assuming your Crown has a high % on its Legendary power). Leoric's Crown is mainly useful for helping you more easily reach the 37% cooldown reduction breakpoint. With a Dawn in the weapon slot of the Cube and 37% CDR on your character's sheet, you will have 100% uptime on Vengeance, which further helps your damage output, Hatred generation, and defense with the Visage of Gunes Legendary power.

You also can use an Elusive Ring for more defense when you're Vaulting to reposition or an Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac for even less worries regarding CDR. You can cube Obsidian in the jewelry slot, but I recommend The Ess of Johan just to group the enemies up a bit more. This slot is very flexible, but doesn't have any other clearcut favorite choices.

As for the Legendary Gems, you can also use Bane of the Powerful in place of Bane of the Stricken, but do note that fights may take longer and if you don't have a high level Bane of the Powerful, the buff it provides might not be up reliably throughout your attempt at the GR45. Bane of the Stricken, assuming it's at least Rank 25, will also help speed up the boss fight.

Put Flawless Royal Emeralds in your chest, pants, and weapon and a Flawless Royal Diamond in your helm.

Everything else should be self-explanatory or further explained in the video below! Good luck with your Seasonal Journey and completing this Conquest!

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide