
Lazy Rat (Rathma T13 Farm Build)

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  • Bone Spikes Sudden Impact
  • Skeletal Mage Singularity
  • Devour Devouring Aura
  • Frailty Aura of Frailty
  • Bone Armor Harvest of Anguish
  • Blood Rush Metabolism
  • Extended Servitude
  • Fueled by Death
  • Final Service
  • Spreading Malediction


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Boon of the Hoarder
    • Enforcer
    • Bane of the Trapped

Kanai's Cube

  • Reilena's Shadowhook
  • Tasker and Theo
  • Circle of Nailuj's Evol

Wear full Rathma 6 piece

Nem bracers for faster clears and more mats, I list reaper wraps if you feel the need for more resources or damage for whatever reason (I don't at 600 paragon in this new season, make sure you take the health globe passive if using reaper wraps).

Amulet is not hugely important but a nice hellfire with overwhelming essence or 1 included in the build will do you nicely. Whatever is rolled with physical damage and nice stats works though.

Area Damage is a very nice stat to get as well as the standard CHD CHC Skeleton Mage %.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

Lazy Rat T13 Farm Build was designed to be an easy going rathma rift farming build that is simple to play and doesn't get stuck anywhere waiting for cds. I've more played it as a build that clears mostly everything you come across rather than elite hunting or anything like that.

Similar to some other builds I've seen but mainly doesn't include land of the dead, I don't think it's necessary personally and i'd rather keep a more regular consistent combat flow with a generator as a backup.

The entire playstyle boils down to running on top of the enemies with your mages, casting your generator to help fuel them while they kill everything and you summon more. Just keep bone armor up for your scythes damage and blood rush as you like.

This is an easy going build that includes a generator for those pesky doors and to fuel your singularity mages. No cooldowns and 2 passives are included since just singularity mages on their own will clear maps for you and devouring aura plus bone spikes easily fuels enough casts.

It is a goldwrap/avarice band/boon of the hoarder based build since it is just made for t13 rift farming. Use your bone armor, cheath death and mages on some easy targets at the start of the rift to get the gold flowing and you can basically stand in whatever you want. It is squishy outside of this protection though.

Most runes are based around more movement speed since anything else with goldwrap seems useless. I also don't include overwhelming essence as a default passive since I've found the flow without it is completely fine, you won't really be generating enough essence to be capping on mages. But can grab it on hellfire amulet I suppose if you want.

I've been clearing t13 rifts at ~600 paragon in this new season in anywhere from 2:30 to 4:30 or so, can't stop terrible rifts from spawning but this build won't really punish you for receiving one, just blood rush through. It's also nice to just run through with your mages and collect DB's and mats while standing in explosions etc. It's probably not as fast as a decently geared pestilence corpse lance type build but I hate working around that big CDR and in-geom play just for casual rift farming.