
LoN FEAR BoNeayr's

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  • Frailty Aura of Frailty
  • Bone Armor Dislocation
  • Blood Rush Molting
  • Revive Horrific Return
  • Bone Spirit Panic Attack
  • Command Golem Decay Golem
  • Rigor Mortis
  • Spreading Malediction
  • Eternal Torment
  • Final Service


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Esoteric Alteration
    • Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard

Kanai's Cube

  • Nayr's Black Death
  • Defiler Cuisses
  • Krysbin's Sentence

This is a LoN build, as such, all items except those marked "Required" are easily swapped out or changed based on what gear you have available. I have listed some other possibilities as to what might be recommended or adequate in a gear slot's place. Legendary gems can be swapped out based on preference (maybe you want Enforcer or something). There are also variations of this build you can try, if you use that brain of yours!

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

This is a revision of a past build. It used to feature globes and razor strop belt, and other skills. I am now refining it for current standards.

This build features such things as --->

--Krysbin 100% proc constantly, +300% proc when Bone Spirit fears, Revive fears, or Bone Armor dislocates

--Constant +400% poison skill damage via Nayr's. All abilities are able to be used when needed to keep up the stacks.

--Constant Curse on enemies, giving +200% bonus damage via Trag'oul Scythe. Essence is no issue, we do not use essence.

--LoN toughness bonus +52%, Aquila bonus +50%, Dayntee bonus +50%, Golemskin bonus +30%, +Esoteric+Gizzard means you're VERY tanky

--Constant corpse generation via Moribund gauntlets - for revives and golem, also helps reset Bone Spirit

--Super powered revives due to LoN +1300%, Nayr's +300-400%, Trag's +200%, and Mask of Scarlet Death +150-750%, which also FEAR on in a radius when summoned, proccing +300% Krysbin as well

--Super powered golem due to LoN +1300%, Nayr's +300-400%, Trag's +200%, Krysbin +100-300%, and the active effect of the Decay golem

--Bone Spirit cooldown reduction every time a corpse is revived, allowing for more damage + FEAR procs

--Bone Spirit super burst damage with Defiler legs -- Tag boss enemy with Frailty, dash away, fire all 3 bone spirits far away as possible, DEAD. 4000% base damage, +500-3000% Defiler legs, +1300% LoN, +400% Nayr, +300% Krysbin, +200% Trag scythe, X3 charges...yeah, like I said, DEAD

--Bone Armor Dislocate, more LoN, Nayr, Trag, and Krysbin damage

--Super speedy due to usage of Steuarts Greaves

--Nemesis bracers are included as well, allowing for maximum efficiency and speed.

Hope you enjoy this quirky build, it's a lot of chaos once the fears and explosions happen. Have fun!