
zCrusader - The tank with a med kit

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  • Sweep Attack Gathering Sweep
  • Judgment Resolved
  • Provoke Too Scared to Run
  • Akarat's Champion Prophet
  • Consecration Bathed in Light
  • Laws of Justice Immovable Object
  • Fervor
  • Hold Your Ground
  • Insurmountable
  • Indestructible


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Gem of Efficacious Toxin
    • Esoteric Alteration

Kanai's Cube

  • Salvation
  • Leoric's Crown
  • Oculus Ring

This build revolves around making you a tank. Akarat's champion should be up whenever it can providing a good deal of toughness required for this to work. Your goal is to have everyone hit you instead of your allies. Your left click is a tool to group up monsters while provoke and judgement will make sure they stay there. While they hit you, you will block a great deal of their attacks which in turn will translate into healing for your team and cooldown reduction.

If you feel your Akarat's Champion Rune Prophet is enough to keep you alive you could trade in Indestructible for Long Arm of the Law doubling the uptime of your Law of Justice providing a huge toughness buff for you and your team.

Unlike a monk you have no need to move to your allies to provide a healing over time aoe ability since because of your weapon Consecration will now be cast underneath all of their feet as well as yours providing great healing benefits.


You will want to use 4 pieces of Akkhan and 2 pieces of Roland respectively. Thankfully you have some freedom over which slots are Akkhan and which are Roland making the grind for gear less tedious.

For the belt slot it is up to you to decide if you prefer more survivability of the String of Ears belt or the Cooldown reduction from the Vigilante Belt.

When it comes to your rings you should weigh around to see which suits your needs best, one of them needs to go in the cube and that should preferably be one that provides a variable legendary affix. Do you want the always used Justice Lantern to be at max efficiency or do you prefer to have you Oculus Ring affix to be at max efficiency? (I opt for Justice Lantern because the Oculus Ring tends to choose rather bad locations fairly often)

The same reasoning is true for the shield slot in regards to the cube. Do note that if there is a significant difference in block chance on the shields that this should affect your choice significantly, this build is all about blocking after all.


When looking for stats you should put an emphasis on Stats that increase your toughness, Vitality, All Resistance, Life% are great stuff while armor loses it's value due to the law used and Akarat's Champion (Diminishing Returns, the closer to 100% the less value each new point of armor has)

This build loves Cooldown Reduction find your sweet spot, Resource Cost Reduction is also important, if you feel like you can't use your Sweep Attack enough then you need more RCR. Block chance is huge in this build, it directly translates into toughness (and more) with Justice Lantern, don't roll it away when you have it! You should have some Life per Hit or other form of recovery, keep that in mind.

Strength being your main stat is great and also has a place simply for its armor value, again keep the diminishing returns in mind and you could just use normal armor roles instead. The damage increase from strength is useless anyhow.

I could just give you priority stats on the gear above but the best way to learn is by practise and experience in the field, use what you need and you need it all, don't salvage that chest because it rolled what I told you to get on your gloves(example), unlike DPS builds your stat needs are more widely available across your gear, use that fact to your advantage.

No strength on your gear? Augment it on there, or even use paragon, same for Vitality. Find that balance that works for you, whatever makes you tougher. Look at the total armor(strength turns into armor) and vitality rather than the individual amounts on each piece for guidance. Don't think DPS, think Support. I find between 25k and 30k armor to be my sweet spot. (without skills activated) Once I reach that I amplify it's effectiveness by enlarging my health pool.


Helmet: Look at what you need; White for Cooldown, Orange for Resource Cost, Purple for more toughness.

Chest and Legs: White for Toughness.

Weapon: Purple for Life on Hit.

This is just one possible build for zCrusaders, if your dps needs health globes for some reason you could find a way to get Solanium involved, Maybe use Condemn for grouping instead and use Punish for more block? Insist on having Steed Charge?

Play around and find what works for you. Don't forget that you have a great variety in your laws, while the one used here certainly is good there might be an alternative which is even better for your specific group.

Due to the nature of your weapon affix this build is significantly better in bigger groups.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Gold Find

Build Guide

I write these guides for me personally, they're by no means meant for leaderboard play. I simply prefer to have a way to store my ideas and builds somewhere incase I forget them.