Build Guide
Hey guys Chainer here from
If you have any questions or want to hang out come stop by my live stream.
This is a build for solo greater rift progression with mid 70 capability. It requires heavy fishing for density and open map tiles like silver spire, arreat crater, act 2 sand map, ect. with good progression/small hit box mobs that are stackable. A "Snapshot" is used in this build where you buff your attack speed as high as possible with wrath of the berserker and pain enhancer by grouping density. Once you got a big pack of mobs grouped tightly together pop your potion in the middle of them and your attack speed will stick to your stricken gem and obsidian ring. The attack speed lowers the cooldown on these procs which will allow you to kill bosses faster and keep full uptime on your skills like ignore pain and wrath of the berserker. Using your potion, deaths, or entering a new rift level will reset your snapshot and you will have to re-apply it. To maximize cooldown uptime make sure not to recast ignore pain and warcry until the buff is about to wear off to maximize the amount of zodiac procs go into wrath of the berserker. Try to stay on top of elites/blues when inside density as you will get elite damage that will also spread to whites through area damage when its easy to do. Only kill elites if you have white mob density to kill them in. If the elites get low and you run out of mob density try dragging them to the next room but don't spend too much time doing this for orbs as big white mob density is the best progression. Pain enhancer will get you over 10 dust devils per second in good density rifts. Make sure you get a big snapshot before you spawn the boss as this is where the sticken cooldown can make a couple mins difference. Do not die or pop your potion on the boss as it will hurt your dps badly. Bosses can be really random as some of the best (Saxtriss and Hamelin) can take 3 mins and some of the worst bosses (Tethrys, Rime) can take twice as long. You have to fight bosses differnetly depending on how much time you have. If you have 7 mins left in your rift play it safe and kite away from bad damage if you have 4-5 mins with a bad boss you may have to risk it and fight more aggressively but remember 1 death or potion pop can end your boss fight depending on time as you won't only loose stricken procs but uptime on ignore pain and wrath of the berserker.
the video is outdated a bit, I need to update it today. Sorry
Why Strongarm Bracers. Where does the knockback come from?
From ancient spear i guess...
why ad and not cdr on pauldrons ?
What's a good alternative to unity if you don't have 2 of them?
It seems like you won't be able to keep up Wrath of the Berserker without any CDR on gear or Gogok of Swiftness. I don't think the diamond in helm will be enough. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
this is the problem I I dropped Pain Enhancer for Gogok and now I'm able to pop WOTB a lot more often and I can overlap Ignore Pain activations. I've been able to do up to grift 54 solo so far.
Thank you
Mate can we use this build on regular mode or its only for seasonal.
It must work,as i see there isn't a specific seasonal item?
Hmm..... why not use Bane of the Trapped? its easy 30% + multiplicative dmg
Well, ye i get the stricken gem, but tbh, if u dont need the defensive aspect of taegok, it wont add up to bane of the trapped, since say at gem lvl 60, taegok gives 80 stacks, which is 40% addetive dmg, while a lvl 60 bane of the trapped gives around 35% multiplicative dmg, which i dont think any gem alone can match, also, i'm not 100% sure that even the pain enchancer attack speed boost will match 35% dmg, but i've not done theorycrafting on it.
Can we use this build on regular mode with replacing '' Bane of the stricken '' ?
I don't get "diamonds in chest/pants/helm". Helm for CDR, but why resist all over strength?
I have nearly perfect rolls on all the gear needed gear but Hellfire (STR instead of AD). Everything ancient and with Phys and Lightning sub stats (I have 2100 in each). Paragon 850. Furnace, hexing and zodiac Cube.
I tried 5 rank 60 Grifts and barely made it to the boss in time (3 minutes on all encounters). I go for huge packs pref. with an elite in the middle... berserker isnt up 50% of the time and I dont spam buffs to ruin the zodiac cdr.
What gives? Do I need to fish rifts even at 60 with a "viable 70+ build" ?
This build is quite lackluster unless you possess two unity rings.
@Chainer88 M8 we need also a regular build
All your builds is seasonal,don't leave us on in the lurch 
can someone explain me how the boss spawns in the video (38:15) before the bar fills? o.O
Hello im curious if this is viable to play on Hardcore? and if so would you recommend changes to any skills and/or gear choice/paragon point choices?