
S19 2.6.7a Aegis of Valor HF Ascendancy GR 125+

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  • Fist of the Heavens Fissure
  • Heaven's Fury Ascendancy
  • Judgment Deliberation
  • Laws of Valor Unstoppable Force
  • Steed Charge Endurance
  • Akarat's Champion Prophet
  • Fervor
  • Finery
  • Holy Cause
  • Indestructible


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Zei's Stone of Vengeance

Kanai's Cube

  • Fate of the Fell
  • Aquila Cuirass
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Update:Shield of Fury caps now by 20 stacks so we can Change the Blessed Ground with Ascendancy

Update:Change again Darklight in weapon Slot, Blessed Ground Benefits far more from higher weapon.

UPDATE: We Change the weapon and use now Pigsticker insteed of Darklight, because we got a extra stat of Pigsticker.

For higher GR we can use Iron Skin insteed of Steed Charge.

UPDATE 13.11.2019 19:25

I did another test with Area Damage and CoE , i put 105% AD and observed a rapid increase in Damage , but i dont know exactly what the area Damage triggers ( rays, grounds, fotH+ticks) if anyone knows more About the mechanics i would be glad for Information.

So i do more Tests now to see how much the build Benefits from AD


Fix elites and as many tash Mobs as possible with Judgement , cast Heavens Fury and Dance around the enemies (50 Yard Bonus from zeis) and spam fotH, watch the holy Phase of CoE and they melt away your enemies

UPDATERings for Solo :Unity/Obsidian

Convention for Groups

Make sure your stat priority is CooldownReduction Even on Weapon

45 % Heavens Fury Damage (Chest,Shoulder and Shield)

And 40% Holy Damage ( Amulet and Bracers)

If you Run with Hellfire Amulet choose Long Arm of the Law ,Wrathful or vigilant,

Aquila is cubed because , your wrath is Always full

Area Damage work as well with Blessed Ground , but it seems very diffucult to get optimal gear, prefer to get AD on Shoulders(cc,cd,cdr,ad) and Hands (cc,cd,cdr,ad)

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

After many tests, I have come to the decision that this is a useful variant of the new crusader set. The goal is a very high cooldown value (65% +) without gogok, which allows a very smooth playing style as we can almost always use Akkarat's champion. Our Skills all benefit greatly from Cooldown and can almost uphold Instant Judgment and Heaven's Fury, being played with Crimson Set (not because of the Resource Reduction, FotH sets up enough Wrath even without CC set, thus acting as our resource creator) Law of Valor with the rune's unstoppable power synergizes perfectly with the CC set, which also gives us an enormous toughness boost. Zeis Stone can be exchanged for Stricken for higher progress. Have fun