
Juggernaut Condemn v2 SpeedFarm GR100+

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  • Slash Guard
  • Condemn Vacuum
  • Akarat's Champion Rally
  • Iron Skin Flash
  • Laws of Hope Wings of Angels
  • Provoke Hit Me
  • Heavenly Strength
  • Long Arm of the Law
  • Holy Cause
  • Finery


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Bane of the Trapped

Kanai's Cube

  • Blade of Prophecy
  • Nemesis Bracers
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

If there is already someone in the group with nemesis bracers on feel free to swap those out for something else. Hexing pants, strongarm bracers, and leorics crown are all good options depending on your group/playstyle but there are plenty of others as well. The slots they are in do not really matter but keep in mind you need 5 pieces of Armor of Akkhan, 2 pieces of Captain Crimson's Trimmings, 2 pieces of Aughild's Authority, and everything else shown above. So for example, if you find a primal Akkhan shoulders with perfect stats you can use that and use Aughild's helm or chest instead of what is shown. You need at least 56% cooldown reduction for the build so you can keep akarats champion on at all times. I was able to get through gr100 today despite not having perfect gear, any augments, and not having much paragon but it was not that fast. You want Diamond in helm and the rest of the armor you can choose Rubys or Diamonds (try all Rubys first and if you find that you die too often swap in some Diamonds).

If you want a version for pushing high gr here are a few




Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Do not bother putting anything into the maximum resource. As long as you have enough of the cooldown reduction, reduced resource cost, and you are spamming all the skills except slash you should never run out or even low on wrath while using the juggernaut speed build. However, using the gr pushing speed speed build that snail made (1st link above) can make you run low on wrath if you are not careful and to avoid that you need to try to keep yourself surrounded by mobs as often as possible so that provoke can keep your wrath up. If that is to much trouble I suggest using the more common push version (2nd link above) which is easier to keep at full wrath but is less tanky and has less movement speed.

Build Guide

I have cleared a gr 100 a few times with this but I died a bit from not paying as much attention to where I was standing as I should have (meaning it could have done better) and I also did not have the best gear or any augments at the time. The 1st link above shows a variation on the build used for pushing greater rift and the gear of the person who used that to get to the top 10 on US leaderboards for solo crusader on s18. In multiplayer, this build is useful because it gives the team a speed boost and helps keep mobs pulled into position but if you plan on doing 110+ you are probably better off using 1 of the pushing variations that made the s18 leaderboards found in the links above. The original version of this build is here but it was not being updated for the new season despite my requesting the author to do so (the author has builds in the newest season so I assume that they just did not care enough to bother updating the build). However, I had remembered playing that build in the past and how much I enjoyed using it so I did a few modifications using some of the new items/sets available to make the build better. If you want/need a video to see what it plays like just check out the video on the page made for the older version. If you do not wish to spam the skills manually you can use the num lock trick shown here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaAI8s8rft4