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    posted a message on Most efficient way to farm essences post 1.0.8?
    Quote from Bagstone

    I'm paragon leveling my new monk (just love it) on MP7 and farming keys+essences+items just "along the way". On the weekend I went just to my favorite areas in all three acts: Sleeping Hollow + Festering Woods + Fields of Misery, Vault of Assassins + Dalghur Oasis, Keep 2 + Rakkis/Fields of Slaughter + Skycrown. Probably not the most efficient areas in terms of elites, but I'm having fun and getting a nice amount of keys/essences/drops/paragon levels along the way. Could probably focus on either of these by choosing different areas/MP, but why? This is a game, not my job ;-)

    That's what I've been doing myself. Or more accurately I have been farming what is most efficient xp wise. Sure it gives alot of essences in the long run. But I really want to focus on just getting essences for a while to get some upgrades ;)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Most efficient way to farm essences post 1.0.8?
    Thanks alot, have a long time of farming ahead of me now.

    Hoping 1000 crafts will atleast give me 1 upgrade ^^
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Most efficient way to farm essences post 1.0.8?
    Quote from Zero(pS)

    Vault of the Assassin on Act 2 still seems to be the best place. Guaranteed elites, a layout that's pretty easy to understand and navigate and a checkpoint.

    You might want to do it on the highest Monster Power where you can kill elites really fast (5-15 seconds), otherwise the extra drop % isn't worth the time you're putting into it.

    My 2 cents
    Thought of doing this, and I guess I will. So there's no places now where there is 1 guaranteed elite like warrior's rest?
    Sidenote: You can still get the checkpoint in VoA right?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Most efficient way to farm essences post 1.0.8?
    Hi everyone.

    I was wondering what method you find the most efficient when you want to farm essences quickly?
    It seems like doing warrior's rest does not work anymore, atleast I can not get the checkpoint in there. Tried all the quest etc to see if I could get it.

    So has anything changed with 1.0.8? Any new very efficient essence routes that have been found?

    Up until now I have just been using the essences I get from normal xp runs at the end of the run or every other run. And my luck with crafting is not good at all. So my plan is to farm up like 1000 essences and just go mad with crafting.

    And to do this it would be great to have a really efficient farming route so it wouldn't take me forever to get them.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking for some insight on how to get from 287k dps to 300k.

    I've recently ditched my wizard to go back to my barb again.
    The last couple of days I have thrown a number of upgrades at my barb, but now it feels like I have hit a wall dps wise.

    I have a goal, and that goal is to hit 300k dps. I know it really doesn't matter much and I could hit it easy if I sacrificed more defence.
    But my barb is scratching the bottom line when it comes to survivability as it is.

    So what it comes to is that I would really appreciate some help on what way to go gear wise if I want to reach my goal. Keeping in mind that I do not want to lose any more survivability.
    At the moment my barb is sitting at 287k dps, and I'm sure some of you have more insight then me when it comes to where i can get the remaining 13k dps for the "cheapest" amount of gold.

    Armory profile: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Imajeep-2110/hero/13657914

    D3up profile: http://d3up.com/b/666520

    Any help at all would be greatly appreciated ;)
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Heard some rumors about xp gem/ring is no longer needed.
    Quote from Bagstone

    Quote from martysuchy

    Hey , hmm if u wanna lvl fastest way possible, u still need hellfire and gem... It just suffers from DR more, because they increased bonus xp granted by higher MP

    My general rule of thumb is: if I lose 10% DPS while gaining 8% bonus XP it doesn't make sense to equip the bonus XP item, because it'll slow down my kill speed more than it'll increase my XP gain.

    Even if it's even (5% DPS vs 5% XP) I'd choose the DPS over XP, because 1) more loot and 2) more damage, bigger numbers! ;-) I switched to an Andariel's w/o socket now for high MP and ditched my Mempo (still useful for low MP runs).

    Thanks alot for the chart. helped alot!

    Think i'll switch out the ring atleast, as I can gain most dps there. Only more HP to gain on the head if I don't switch that out.
    Zehkari had a good point tbh, and I am extremely tired of farming low mp's. (usually rush through mp2)
    Sounds like a good and very fun idead to farm mp4-5 now that you get much more xp then you used to do.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Heard some rumors about xp gem/ring is no longer needed.
    Hi everyone.

    So I read some rumors in a thread on the forums, which stated that after the xp boosts to the MP levels, it is no longer needed to use an xp gem or hellfire ring.
    Anyone that can clarify on this?

    Only reason I can think of is that there is diminishing returns on +xp%.

    Looking forward to hearing from someone more enlightened than me ;)

    Edit: Been a long time reader of the forums, but havnen't got myself around to posting. If someone is interested in giving me some advice on where to take my char next, that would be great. Feels like I've hit a wall when it comes to gearing, where every piece of gear costs like 300m+ to upgrade. Maybe someone here see's something I do not.

    Armory: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Imajeep-2110/hero/13657914
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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