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    posted a message on Can 1.0.7 be Delayed to February?, Hardcore Griefing, Criticizing Diablo 3, Blue Posts
    Quote - "They added artificial complexity to the game, but didn’t actually add much in the way of customization. They also often rendered a remarkable penalty, in that if you mis-allocated a stat point or skill the wrong way, or simply wanted to change it at a later point in time, you were out of luck, as you were locked to your original choice."

    Why can't they just implement a "respec" button, its not like they havn't already put in any mmo features into the game!!! /sarc off

    Quote- "We also don’t believe that the current skill system would really benefit from a free allocation of stats, either. We think that players can achieve a sizable level of customization through runes, and that this system fits in much better with the overall design of the game."

    How can they say that runes provide a sizeable level of customisation, have they even looked at the runes! The majority of runes are not worth picking and offer no real difference to play styles.

    Quot - "While we enjoyed allocating stats and having intricate skill trees in Diablo II (as well as the benefits they provided), we ultimately feel the current stat and skill system is better for Diablo III. We heavily iterated on the skill trees and stat points in Diablo III for quite some time, but we felt that they simply didn’t fit the direction we wanted to go with the game...."

    This why my hopes for Diablo 3 ever being great is dying fast, what I think (and I suspect the majority of D3 fans are with me on this, but I can only speak for myself) D3 should be is not what Jay Wilson & Co imagine the game to be. With all the feedback, all the ideas, and all constructive suggestions the fans have given them, its not that they're can't make it happen, it's just doesn't fit their "vision" for the game.

    So I've given up hope. I wish was wrong, and by the ARPG Gods, I wish I will be proven wrong but I'm left now only to imagine how different D3 would be, if the old Blizz North team have finished it instead.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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