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    posted a message on Rathma Cold/AS Build GR70+

    Some more thoughts on Cold Rathma:

    I changed my current Rathma Build to the way more effective Singularity Mage Build (With Convention of Elements and Haunted Visions), basically the one everyone runs atm.

    But now with Patch 2.6.1 they changed the damage on the 6-piece bonus which buffs Skeleton Warriors AND Army of the Dead.

    Now my theory is that they wanted to make a Rathma Cold Build viable or at least on a par with the current Singularity build. This could be doable by using a Stone of Jordan instead of CoE along with a good Hellfire Amulet. With a total of 75% Damage Bonus on Cold Damage (SoJ 20%, Frostburn 15%, Hellfire Amulet 20%, Lacuni Prowlers 20%) this could actually be a thing. Elemental Damage Bonus is really strong (it buffs both base and Critical Hit Damage) especially when focused on only one type and with all those Cold Skills this could also make Army of the Dead finally viable.

    This is just a theory and I'd love to hear some thoughts on that :)

    Posted in: Necromancer
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    posted a message on Rathma Cold/AS Build GR70+


    just wanted to share my version of a Cold Rathma Build which works pretty damn well for me at the moment.

    The build takes advantage of two cc effects triggered by your Bone Spikes and Skeleton Warriors, Slow and Freeze. This triggers your Krysbin's Sentence for a crazy triple damage boost. Combine that with the insane attack speed bonus from the Skeleton Archers and watch your Skeletons melt the entire screen!

    I'm currently at a GRift lvl 82 solo and still miss some ancient items. I'm curious about your thoughts so please leave a comment, I'm open for any suggestions! :)

    Happy Rifting!

    Posted in: Necromancer
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