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New PTR Patch Datamined - 2.4.2 Build 38044
A new PTR Patch has been datamined. Read all the class changes and its new strings, which contains changes to items and sets, below.
The following information is datamined and may be inaccurate! It is also likely to change before the actual patch goes live.
We will continue updating this post as we get more information. Check back often!
Skill Changes
- Multishot
- Wind Chill : Enemies hit are Chilled and have 8% (down from 15%) increased chance to be Critically Hit for 3 seconds.
- Spike Trap
- Scatter : Simultaneously lay 2 traps per Spike Trap charge that detonate each for 960% weapon damage as Fire. (added description)
- Lightning Rod : When triggered, lightning chains and (reworded) hits nearby enemies within 10 yards. / Lightning will also arc between all traps within 25 yards. All enemies are hit for 2010% weapon damage as Lightning over 3 hits.
- Marked for Death Cost: 3 Discipline / Mark an enemy. The marked enemy takes 15% (down from 20%) additional damage for the next 30 seconds.
- Grim Reaper :
15% (down from 20%) of damage dealt to the marked enemy is also divided evenly among all enemies within 20 yards.
- Grim Reaper :
- Companion
- Wolf Companion : Active: Your wolf howls, granting you and your allies within 60 yards
15% (down from 30%) increased damage for 10 seconds. / Passive: Summons a wolf companion that attacks enemies in front of him for 150% of your weapon damage as Physical.
- Wolf Companion : Active: Your wolf howls, granting you and your allies within 60 yards
- Momentum Moving 25 (up from 13) yards increases your damage by 20% for 6 seconds.
- Mantra of Conviction Cost: 50 Spirit / Active: Damage bonus is increased to
16% (down from 20%) for 3 seconds. / Passive: Enemies within 30 yards of you take 8% (down from 10%) increased damage. / Only one Mantra may be active at a time.
- Overawe : Passive: Increase the strength of Mantra of Conviction so that enemies take
12% (down from 16%) increased damage.
- Overawe : Passive: Increase the strength of Mantra of Conviction so that enemies take
- Inner Sanctuary
- Forbidden Palace : Enemies inside Inner Sanctuary have their movement speed reduced by 80%. (removed the 30% increased damage taken)
- Exploding Palm
- The Flesh is Weak : Enemies hit take
15% (down from 20%) additional damage for 9 seconds.
- The Flesh is Weak : Enemies hit take
- Blinding Flash
- Crippling Light : Enemies that are Blinded deal
25% (down from 40%) reduced damage for 5 seconds after the Blind wears off.
- Crippling Light : Enemies that are Blinded deal
- Epiphany
- Soothing Mist : Imbue yourself with water, causing your abilities to heal yourself and allies within 30 yards for
16093 Life (down from 40232). / Heal amount is increased by4% (down from 10%) of your Health Globe Healing Bonus.
- Soothing Mist : Imbue yourself with water, causing your abilities to heal yourself and allies within 30 yards for
- Summon Zombie Dogs
- Chilled to the Bone : Enemies who hit or are hit by your Zombie Dogs are Chilled for 3 seconds. (removed the 15% increased damage taken)
- Haunt
- Poisoned Spirit : Haunted enemies take 20% more damage from your attacks (changed from "all sources"). / Haunt's damage turns into Poison.
- Hex Cooldown: 15 seconds / Summon a Fetish Shaman for 12 seconds that will hex groups of enemies into chickens. Hexed enemies are unable to perform offensive actions (removed the 15% additional damage taken)
- Toad of Hugeness : Summon a giant toad that pulls in enemies, briefly swallows them whole, then spits them back out with a layer of goo that deals 750% weapon damage as Poison over 5 seconds, Slows them, and increases their damage taken by
15% (down from 25%). - Jinx : Hexed enemies take 15% additional damage. (reworked from bigger hex)
- Toad of Hugeness : Summon a giant toad that pulls in enemies, briefly swallows them whole, then spits them back out with a layer of goo that deals 750% weapon damage as Poison over 5 seconds, Slows them, and increases their damage taken by
- Mass Confusion
- Paranoia : All enemies in the area of Mass Confusion deal 30% less (reworked from taking 30% more dmg) damage for 12 seconds.
- Big Bad Voodoo Cooldown: 120 seconds / Conjure a Fetish that begins a ritual dance that increases the attack speed and movement speed of all nearby allies by 15% (down from 20%) for 20 seconds.
- Slam Dance : The Fetish increases the damage of all nearby allies by
15% (down from 30%)
- Slam Dance : The Fetish increases the damage of all nearby allies by
- Elemental Exposure Damaging enemies with Arcane, Cold, Fire or Lightning will cause them to take 5% more damage from your attacks (reworked from "all sources") for 5 seconds. Each different damage type applies a stack, stacking up to 4 times. / Elemental damage from your weapon contributes to Elemental Exposure.
- Arcane Orb
- Spark : Lob an electrified orb over enemies that zaps them for 349% weapon damage as Lightning and increases the damage of the next Lightning spell you cast by 2% for every enemy hit up to a maximum of 15. (added maximum)
- Judgment
- Resolved : Damage dealt to judged enemies has an 8% (down from 20%) increased chance to be a Critical Hit.
- Laws of Valor
- Critical : Active: Empowering the Law also increases your Critical Hit Damage by 50%. (down from 100%)
Set Bonuses
Below are the changes to set bonuses coming in the PTR patch.
Helltooth Harness
- 2 pieces: Enemies hit by your primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Zombie Dogs, Gargantuan, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhas, or Wall of Death are afflicted by Necrosis, becoming Slowed, taking 1500% weapon damage every second, and taking 20% increased damage from your attacks (reworked from "all sources") for 10 seconds.
Item Changes
Calamity: Automatically cast Marked for Death when you damage an enemy. (reworked from marking enemies hit by you)
Gyana Na Kashu: Lashing Tail Kick releases a piercing fireball that deals 10.5% (up from 5.25%) weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 10 yards on impact.
The Twisted Sword: Energy Twister damage is increased by 1.25% for each Energy Twister you have out up to a maximum of 5 (down from 8).
Girdle of Giants: Seismic Slam increases Earthquake damage by 0.8% for 3 seconds (down from 15).
Starfire: Lightning damage is increased by 0.1% for every 10 yards you are from the target up to a maximum of 40 yards (added range limit).
I am so lost otherwise
It's happening! BYE SUPPORT META
:'( UE hunter getting nerfed.
Inner Sanc Forbidden Palace should be reworked, not removed. it should be like Haunt Poisoned Spirit where it is damage buff to ONLY your attacks
Down syndrome patch.
lol Inner Sanctuary nerf, poor monk. Glad they are making big changes to change this 1 dps 3 supports situation.
I think it would have been better if all these damage bonuses got the treatment of increasing damage dealt by you only. Some of these, like the Inner Sanctuary nerf, will impact solo play way too much.
Totally agreed man... this is just sad.
Seasons 7 confirmed dead on arrival bois.
If they're trying this hard to make support classes not a thing on top of ,,trying and i use the word "trying" with little meaning at the moment, to balancing the sets still!....That makes me feel a second expansion is coming because there's no point in trying to make everyone happy in the mean time if theres no more THING happening to this game that isn't going to get blizzard anymore business
But yes a lot of these changes affect solo play too which is sorta crappy but we'll see....And if no more damage numbers and set numbers are re worked, season 7's only attraction will be "there probably wont be twister wizards as much"
I believe these changes ultimately kill the game in group ... "ZPDs / Support" are currently the best the game has to offer before your competitors increasingly attractive
R.I.P D3
Ouch, that hurt too much for solo players, particularly devastating for already struggling DH.
Can't you just fucking define seperate multipliers for solo and groups?
Updated patch notes as of a few minutes ago:
Removed the Barbarian class from the game. Any current Barbarian characters will be rolled to Witch Doctors with a full set of the Spirit of Arachyr armor.
or real heal monk with the helm that reduces cooldown of heal + zodiac ring + tempest rush