Desolacer's Starter Builds for S6, Tips to Farming Cosmic & Falcon Wings

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Desolacer's Starter Builds for S6

Desolacer has put together a hub video with links to starter builds for all classes in Season 6. The videos contain multiple variations of starter builds that use the Haedrig's Gift set, with certain item and skill choices depending on what you have found.


They serve as a quick reference guide for those just trying out a class or a set for the first time. Click the class image to be taken directly to its specific video, or check the image gallery after the video for all the builds. Great stuff - check it out!





Witch Doctor Starter Builds


Wizard Starter Builds 


 Barbarian Starter Builds


 Crusader Starter Builds


Monk Starter Builds 


Demon Hunter Starter Builds 

Tips to Farming Cosmic & Falcon Wings

Everyone seems to be looking for the new Cosmic and Falcon Wings. We recently featured a Cosmetics guide from Quin which points to the videos with tips for farming those. Today we're highlighting the two videos below, along with written instructions for those who would rather read the tips!


How to Get Cosmic Wings

  • They drop from an extremely rare monster in Whimsydale, a unique area of the game.
  • Find and kill a Rainbow Goblin - an portal to Whimsydale will open. Note how this is different from Whimsyshire!
  • Look for a unique monster - the Princess Lilian unicorn.
  • It's incredibly rare, but drops the Cosmic Wings 100% of the time.



How to get Falcon Wings

  • Go to Gardens of Hope - 1st Tier. Scout the entire zone out looking for a Mysterious Chest.
  • it drops 100% of the time from that chest.
  • The best strategy is to get 4 players looking for it in their own game, then inviting the others to the game.
  • Could take a couple hours to farm on your own.
  • Easier to get and will likely be more common than the Cosmic Wings.




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