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    posted a message on Suprised with Elemental Arrow
    Quote from Mysticjbyrd

    Quote from Thrilhouse

    I've been using Elemental Arrow runed With Ball Lightning. it's so amazingly easy to clear hallways and rooms. Though I am curious on how it works.

    It doesn't appear to do 155% damage as the tooltip states, but it can hit the same target more than once. I'm not sure if there is a limit, but if there isn't, and it is entirely dependent on the size of the target. (or just how long they're in range of it) It very well could be higher single target dps than any hungering arrow variation.

    It can definitely hit the same target more than once. I tested this on a rusty door that I believe is in act 2. It takes 2 shot to break these doors open, but if you situate yourself just right you will hit the door twice using Ball of Lightning, thus breaking it in one shot. I doubt you will get more than 2 shots on the same mob though, but it does seem to be good. 310% wpn dmg on most targets, twice the dmg of multi-shot at 1/2 to 1/4 of the price.

    I just wanted to chime in that I am, in the past 5 minutes, an Elemental Arrow (Ball of Lightening) convert. It was absolutely amazing, and I have multiple times seen it hit the same target 3 times, although the situation has to be fairly conducive to that happening, and I admit I did force it. But at half the hatred cost of a runed Multishot? There's no reason to take multi over this, except for faster barrel breaking.

    I will concur with Mystic that, far from occasionally hitting the same target twice, it has a definite tendency to do so(exceptions being unslowed elite packs that move fairly fast; they often only get hit once)...this means that, honestly, it's also one of our better single target shots a good amount of the time...all for 10 hatred. Ridiculous.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on DW 1xbow doesn't look hopeful.
    So far for me it's been all 1h Xbow+Quiver or 2h Bow+Quiver. I'm only level 37 and have an abysmally low crit rate, so I've been avoiding the 2h Xbows, due to their underwhelming (at my crit rate) archery bonus.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on n-Depth look at Hungering Arrow
    Quote from Mysticjbyrd

    I used this briefly and from what I could tell, only 1 arrow would come back and hit the original target again, The other 2 arrows Shot off screen and it was hard to decipher what happened to them. Also I am uncertain if the arrow capable of tracking is also capable of multiple pierces. It happens so fast you might need to FRAPS it to get definite confirmation of the mechanics.

    Though my guess is that the one arrow acts just like hungering arrow and the other 2 arrows just go off straight trajectory w/o pierce. The would in turn probably make this rune a poor choice.

    EDIT: Of course it won't split more than once, that is clearly written in the description.

    I'm just going to echo this. I have yet to notice one of the split arrows piercing, but again it all occurs very fast...it's definitely possible I've just missed it. It certainly does not seem to be a particularly good rune choice.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on pre nightmare farm?
    No, farming for the jump from normal to nightmare is not at all necessary. I guess if you totally avoided any and all vitality gear pre-nightmare than you might have some trouble with elite packs and champs, although you'll still have some trouble if you get unfortunate combos (jailer+mortar? OH GOD NO).

    Anyway, I didn't need to farm at all, and unless you geared up completely negative vitality, I wouldn't worry about it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on What builds are you using?
    Currently using http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/demon-hunter#aZYdbQ!Yce!aaabaa

    Couple notes: currently level 37. and not having many issues. Yes, I have two hatred generators: HA is absolutely devastating when used on single or double targets, and I can stay far away and fire it into crowds almost randomly and, due to the seeking aspect of it, still do well. Entangling shot I just haven't been able to convince myself to give up...the on demand slow is just too nice, especially with how fast some of the champion packs run in Nightmare (currently in act 2).

    Caltrops+Vault seems to be plenty for getting out of trouble, although I have considered dumping Caltrops for Smokescreen. I also need to try out switching elemental arrow in for multishot; I've heard good things about it.
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Formula for the RMAH pricing?
    Quote from UpGrade01

    Quote from Sartukk

    I don't see how you need a formula for this. If you absolutely get no enjoyment out of the game and treat farming as a job, just use common sense: after Blizzard's cut you want to make, in ~40 hours of farming, what you could be making in a ~40 hour work week. If you're an absolutely unskilled, minimum wage earner, use that number. If you're totally capable of a $15 an hour job, use that.

    This does not require any sort of advanced formula, and is based entirely on how you value your own time. Most people are going to see any money they make off the RMAH as a bonus, as they made it while playing a game that they were probably going to be playing anyway. But even if you intend on trying to make a living off of this, it's totally subjective as to what you consider getting "ripped off"...and it doesn't take anything more than 4th grade math to figure this out.

    lol...I'm not talking about "making a living" but if I'm going to sell the item I at least want my moneys worth. Lets take your logic behind it into consideration. If I spend 100 hours farming a legendary item do you think it would be fair to sell it for $5.00? or maybe selling it for $600? Both of these number seem very unreasonable because either I'm not gonna get my moneys worth for the time I have invested or no one will buy it. If I'm going to be putting items up on the RMAH I want it to sell and I want to sell it for a fair price. Even if I'm going to play the game and enjoy it regardless. That is no reason for me to not take some sort of consideration into a price. If you want to make nickels and dime off of the items you put up that's your prerogative. Just keep this quote in mind.

    ***Time is money***

    But you're asking for some formula for this, and there is no possible way in hell to come up with one. Time is money, yes, but value is in the eyes of the beholder. One "formula" will not apply to everyone, and there is no way to come up with any sort of rational formula for this anyway.

    The market will determine the price. You will have to take every single item on a case by case basis as to whether you think it's worth investing the time for that given price. Plus, with how item drops work in D3, it's not likely that you'll be able to specifically farm for "Barbarian Ultra Rare ABC". Instead, you'll be going through Inferno, killing things that have a decent chance of dropping Rares, period. Eventually, you might find "Wizard Ultra Rare XYZ". And that might have a very different RMAH value from the Barbarian Rare.

    I suppose a formula, eventually, could be come up with to determine the probability of "X" rares dropping over 100 hours of farming, the average sell cost of all the potential rares that could drop (with appropriate weighting given to those that are more likely to drop, of course), and then that value divided by 100 for a "value per hour" of farming. But none of this can be known until we actually see what the market price for these items is, and until we get an idea about the specific drop chances of all of these items as well. None of this is known yet, and honestly, it would be fairly foolish to even try and speculate as of yet.

    Also, slightly off topic, but damn you Australia. I wish our minimum wage in the US was closer to that!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Formula for the RMAH pricing?
    I don't see how you need a formula for this. If you absolutely get no enjoyment out of the game and treat farming as a job, just use common sense: after Blizzard's cut you want to make, in ~40 hours of farming, what you could be making in a ~40 hour work week. If you're an absolutely unskilled, minimum wage earner, use that number. If you're totally capable of a $15 an hour job, use that.

    This does not require any sort of advanced formula, and is based entirely on how you value your own time. Most people are going to see any money they make off the RMAH as a bonus, as they made it while playing a game that they were probably going to be playing anyway. But even if you intend on trying to make a living off of this, it's totally subjective as to what you consider getting "ripped off"...and it doesn't take anything more than 4th grade math to figure this out.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta Key Give Away!
    Also posted my own little sob story over there. I feel a little cheap making an account there just to try and get in on this, but hey, you guys now have another reader for your blog. If nothing else I'm at least glad I have a new time-waster between classes at school!

    Neci: Loved your story. So much of it rings true to my experiences over time with the game too, and it was well-written to boot!

    Also, first post here...and there was much rejoicing.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Path of Exile
    Great opportunity, thanks!
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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