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    posted a message on Φ Imperius - The true threat to Sanctuary?
    this is a picture of an upturned sword the blade faces up. i looking up description for upturned sword and it says this is a flag on the Hudson river. And the discription says she holds a balance of justice in 1 hand and an upturned sword in the other. [url]http://www.50states.com/flag/image/nunst054.gif[/url]

    other link of description [URL]http://www.worldflags101.com/united-states/new-york.aspx[/URL].

    mabey blizzard made the armour though wrong not knowing what an upturned sword looks like lol.

    Take off the [url] of the links or they wont work. Its late ill image shack them tomarrow.
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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    posted a message on Φ Three-Headed Demon = Diablo? - Please keep all discussion regarding the demon here
    Quote from "Dauroth" »
    I believe, since the game title IS Diablo III, that Diablo will certanly make appearence. As for the demon from the trailer, it could be anyone. It could be Azmodan or Belial or one of the Prime Evils or someone totally new. I believe that it is Diablo in the trailer, but I will not say this for sure.

    Concerning the meteor, I don't think that's Tyrael or any Angel. Since the destruction of the Worldstone, the barriers between the worlds have shattered, or at least Tyrael said so. This would be a perfect chance for Diablo to make his new appearence in Sanctuary. Despite the fact the meteor had fallen from the skies, it doesn't need to be an Angel at all. Perhaps Diablo manifested himself in the universe, and fallen to the same place where he was defeated for the first time.

    Another proof of the meteor not being an Angel is the scene from the trailer, with two armored men. Look at the mountain side where the meteor crashed. It is totally ruined by its impact. Not to mention the red lightning from the smoke. That's very 'angelic', don't you think. This could also mean that there are more than one meteors. In the trailer you can see the armies of Hell marching, possibly away from the crash scene.

    What do you think of that?

    I think thats the mountain that had the world stone inside not where the meteor crashed. I think half the mountain side just blew off when the world stone exploded.
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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    posted a message on Φ Three-Headed Demon = Diablo? - Please keep all discussion regarding the demon here
    Well dont call me dumb or anything but mabey when diablos soul stone was destroyed he returned to hell, and took his true form back, and mabey those 2 mouths/heads are the heads of the two demons ( Belial, Azmodan) who betrayed him. He put them their as punishment or something. Mabey the soulstone was a prison ment to hold the 3 on earth. And if destroyed it would allow them to return back to hel in their most powerful forms. So they killed 2 birds with one stone and corrupted earth and took over the world stone so they could return back to earth once they reclaim hell (after there soulstones are destroyed ) and then they have both hell and earth in which they can fight on. Donno just a thought mabey someone can add to my idea.
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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