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    posted a message on Strongest Diablo II LoD Character
    You actually believe that the necromancer or the druid or the paladin is the strongest.. Maybe the Paladin is the least to be corrupted because he's a servant of heaven.. For me, the sorceress is the strongest, I know having some minions like the necromancer aids him to make the quest a lot easier for him since he'll just let his undead minions do the work for him..PRETTY LAZY if you ask me.. And one more glitch about him is he requires corpses to summon his army and what if he runs out of corpses? He may use his other magic skills to help him out but he's not exactly mana recharging like the sorceress, does he? When it comes to pure power, sorceress rules by a mile from all characters, plus with her cold spells, she can destroy minions and prevent them from being resurrected, right?:thumbsup:
    Posted in: Diablo II
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    posted a message on 1 Item per Slot or Inventory Tetris
    Quote from "blizter" »
    I think the inventory of d2 and d1 was perfect, why change it ? Stacking items is also an illogical idea. The inventory tetris is nice because items that usually take more space are the one with more weight.

    Potions shouldn't be stacked, so do scroll, it's not a card game ! Do you think it's logic to have space for : 10 big axe of thunder OR 10 ammy. No, it's not.

    Bring back old inventory !

    Here's the thing about your idea of the inverntory.. With a tetris type of inverntory, I won't have as much room for the items I like to use as I want to. I really like the new idea of taking only one slot per item regardless of how large the item is.. Coz I hate it when i see a really good item and my character says "IMPOSSIBLE" or "I CAN'T"... I just hate that.. So bring on the new concepts for the inventory..:thumbsup:
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Death has arrived
    Hey there guys!! I've been a Diablo 2 gameplayer since i first heard of it.. But i must say i'm new to this site and I love it a lot.. It keeps me really updated... And I'm so excited for the new game to arrive..:D
    Posted in: Introduction
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    posted a message on what is your favorite class?
    I'd pick the sorceress anytime as my first choice because she maybe solitary in her battles but she kick demon ass anytime with an array of deadly spells.. Second is the necromancer because he is never alone with his undead minions he can summon to his allegiance.. I like that.. And the druid would be third because he can shapeshift into a werewolf and werebear.. So Coooooollll!!!
    Posted in: Diablo II
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    posted a message on Story line not involving Tyrael being corrupted
    I believe that when you say immortal doesnt really mean that a being cannot be killed.. Immortality might mean that a being is never aging or something.. Here's the thing, you guys said that the purpose of the soulstones in the hands of the prime evils is their way of corrupting the world and gain entrance to sanctuary, right? The soulstones of Diablo and Mephisto may have been shattered and the heroes may have thought they killed the prime evils, but what if the truth is, they just banished the evils to the burning hells, well in the case of Diablo, maybe he's spirit was not contained anymore in the soulstone. Maybe he is still in Hell but not in any physical form.. And about the true form of Diablo you keep debating about, well I believe that a devil/demon can assume any form he wants to. basically, whatever look Diablo assumes now, lets accept it.. It may be that he has many forms.Right? And the prime evils might be coming back,you know, because the shards of the soulstones that were destroyed might be in the hands of the lesser evils who are working alongside them and they just might find a way to resurrect all 3 of them.. As for tyrael, I still think he is a good guy who just messed up big time by using the soulstones to contain the prime evils.. But he has good intentions for doing so.. As for me,I can't wait to see more of the story behind what really happened in tristram... A really detailed account other than Decakrd Cain's journal..
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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    posted a message on ‘Diablo III’ Producer Justifies Controversial Art Direction: ‘Color Is Your Friend’
    I know the world of Diablo from the first to the second game show a much more morbid side of sanctuary and made it more horrifying but, when i first heard of the news, i was so excited that they're actually making a brand new installment to the game.. Now for all you colorblinds and chromophobics out there, give it a rest already... The makers of this game are trying to bring to life the world of Diablo to make it more realistic.. And besides, Diablo III is afterall venturing into new realms of the world... And another thing, I like the new changes... Makes me want to speed up time to the release date and get me myself a copy of the game... Great work Blizzard!!!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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